Новые видео «UAP», выпущенные Джереми Корбеллом; Анализ военных учений той же ночью

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Новые видео "UAP", выпущенные Джереми Корбеллом; Анализ военных учений той же ночью,

Новые видео "UAP", выпущенные Джереми Корбеллом; Анализ военных учений той же ночью,

Новые видео «UAP», выпущенные Джереми Корбеллом; Анализ военных учений той же ночью

By admin

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36 комментарий для “Новые видео «UAP», выпущенные Джереми Корбеллом; Анализ военных учений той же ночью”
  1. Didn’t the phoenix lights have a flare cover story? After the actual triangular shaped craft was seen by hundreds of people the military dispatched flares and attributed the whole incident to that.

  2. It’s all about the hours. We need the meta data. Which one happened first? The sighting or the exercises?

    In the sighting videos you don’t **hear** a thing. And the five lights, and then the 2 flare above them, **clearly distinctive from the lights**, is all that you can **see.**

    In the MT videos you see and hear a lot of things simultaneously.

    So, are they the same event or two different ones happening at different moments? Evidence and testimonies consistently points out that they seem to monitor military activity (nukes, Ukraine, Mosul orb, etc), so, what if the triangle appeared **because** of those exercises?

    One more thing: the fact there was some MT that night, doesn’t explain what’s that triangle, or why is so silent or how it was hoovering there and then just disappeared.

  3. Although I am not big on linking to my (or any) Twitter thread, but it works the best in this case.

    This is a thread analyzing the fact there were military exercises going on THAT NIGHT. In fact, the DoD released NUMEROUS videos and photographs taken on the night of April 20, 2021.

    Although it was said there was a response to the UAP, I did not see any mention of this training exercise, and how that «response» may have been the incredibly heavy military presence on the ground and in the air for it all.

    Hope the thread is useful, or at least, a starting point.

  4. This is another example of Jeremy being set up AGAIN.

    Receives a call from someone «high up,» — «You gotta look into this,» — hangs up.

    Within 36 hours countless witnesses with video and photos land on his desk and jeremy has a big hard on for the whole thing, meanwhile everyone involved knows it’s bullshit intended to discredit THE ENTIRE FIELD OF INTEREST.

    Jeremy is not a fucking journalist, never has been even though he likes to call himself one sitting next to George Knapp. There is absolutely ZERO reason for any serious whistleblowers to approach this guy with leaks, but he is an easily influenced useful idiot for exactly this kind of thing.

    He’s just teeing up homerun debunks

  5. This seems particularly apt:

    >I will listen in later today to the entire podcast to see if I missed something about that, but as we discovered YEARS ago while on UFO Hunters, a lot of things that come across our desks, which occurred over military training ranges are more likely military training than UAP.

  6. Even the photo he’s using to promote the event looks like military aircraft doing a poor job at flying in formation. Most legit triangles I’ve ever seen, including the Phoenix Lights, were perfect triangles that never deviated from formation, and when they don’t look like triangles its usually visual perspective. That triangle looks like a toddler drew it.

  7. Sounds like the exact definition of what the Navy calls a range fouler. It is a bit disingenuous to suggest that since there was a military exercise occurring it was most likely just a part of that. These training programs are laid out beforehand and the Navy has already admitted there seems to be a pattern of these objects interfering with preplanned training. This seems par for the course from what the Navy has said.

  8. Hmm… It doesn’t really change the testimonials or the video and photo evidence that can’t easily be explained as part of the exercise…

    Some people has made it their mission to try to uncover the UFO mystery, while others focus on discrediting those same people.. I’m tired of this drama.

    As far as in concerned Corbell and Knapp is part of the people to thank for breaking the stigma by broadening out the knowledge of UFOs to the ignorant part of the population… I know they do a lot of good in keeping a public eye and interest in UFOs… They keep the pressure on which is exactly what we need. On the other hand you’ll find the debunkers that debunk at any cost since that’s what they do (disinfo agents or just trolls)… They’re actively working against disclosure by going against the few dedicated people with balls…

  9. Thing is Eastern California deserts are a hot spot for military and military contractors. Anyone who spends time there has seen black SUVs, armed people on ATVs, and lights in the sky. I take any footage coming from there with a grain of salt.

  10. In order to draw any form of conclusion about the correlation between the sighting and the exercise, we need to know what kind of exercise it was. There’s a wide variety. Was it a logistics drill with movements of trucks and heli’s? Was it a night artillery shooting exercise? Infantry drills? Aircraft? Command and control? This obviously matters, so until it’s established, there’s not enough data to build any form of theory around the relation.

  11. I fully believe there is something going on with uap and I even lean towards it being not from earth and being some kinda drones. But man it would be really nice to have some solid evidence that actually holds up

  12. There is no «analysis» in this. Occam’s Razor does not apply here, in this case, and should not substitute critical analysis or be an excuse for lazy journalism. Corbell and the witnesses do make a determination that these are not flares nor a formation of aircraft. There is a direct example comparing the illumination rounds versus the lights seen at the end of the video, and they are not the same. The witnesses also declare that no close formation flying of aircraft would explain what they saw. This is because military aircraft would not hover in place or in formation for so long or maneuver so closely, especially in a night environment. This is not a case of an aerobatics demonstration team practicing at night. The quality of the evidence presented by Corbell is questionable due to the recording device and conditions, but the eyewitness expertise of these military members discounts any attempt to say that it was just another WTI exercise since they would know better and anyone who has been stationed at 29 Palms and participated at WTI, would indeed know better. WTI stands for Weapons and Tactics Instructor course and this type of sighting is not representative of a tactic, target, or tool used at WTI. The examples Greenwald shows of Osprey rotors at night look nothing like what the witnesses saw and recorded that night. It’s also laughable for Greenwald to mention Air Force One here as if a 747 could be the cause of this sighting. What Greenwald is presenting here is confirmation bias that aligns with his own previous experience and is in bad form for someone who is supposed to be an investigative journalist.

  13. **So, just to be pristinely clear**: Corbell and Knapps latest «drop» claims to be evidence of the US Military «responding» to the presence of an alleged triangular UAP when, in point of fact, the Military presence depicted are part of a planned series of exercises and the «UAP» is actually military flares (separate luminous objects) and you’re calling Corbell and Knapp and you’re calling them on their bullshit….

    Is that essentially correct and, if so — good for you — about bladdy time more people did.

  14. Regardless, it’s so fk up thinking milletery personell don’t recognise crafts.

    It cud be a chopper. It could be this that.

    If it was anny thing remotely like that the personell on the ground wod not look up twice

    It’s like telling a group of BMW mechanic that are looking at a car em never seen before and go. Awww that is a BMW cud be it has light and and doors. It cud very mutch be a BMW.

    It’s some thing else it’s mind blowing how hard it is for people to grasp what is happening now.

    And for all the debunked haters here on this sub.
    It’s Time to stop whit the balloon shit we are past what your mom thinks is in the sky.

    Grow a pair and Come up whit a real explanation on this craft seen so manny times in so manny places.

    What is the Craft. Where is it made. Who made it.
    Ask real questions. Not the debunked Bs that drowns this sub

  15. That was one of the most interesting interviews I’ve ever heard on this stuff. Those dudes were like articulate and you can just hear it in their voice that they are still confused and maybe a bit nervous. This is some compelling stuff. It’s been years since I heard one that got me excited. Go Jeremy 👏

  16. Corbell is being trolled. The first thing I thought upon seeing this video was «flares.» Of course the super green sounding Marines in the video said «it’s not flares» so that’s impossible right? It could be any number of other things but flares are just one obvious possibility. The fact that you can see the lights break «formation» if nothing else, confirms these are separate objects.

  17. Based off the replies in this thread, all the military has to do now is execute a snap drill anytime there’s a UFO sighting and we can just all pretend there’s no such things as UFOs anymore.

  18. Why are people still shocked this is our stuff, yes we have shit that looks like UFOs. There is literally patents on this subject, and we have seen these all over the planet. The bigger question is why is this tech WE paid for still unavailable to us because it would shatter that energy model and the petrol dollar?

  19. The fact that Corbell and Knapp «investigated» this means they purposely withheld this information or a complete and utter buffoons. Either way if you still take them seriously at this point then you really need your head checked.

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