Сенатор Чак Шумер: «Я вношу новый закон о рассекречивании правительственных записей, связанных с неопознанными аномальными явлениями и НЛО, в качестве поправки к NDAA»

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Сенатор Чак Шумер: «Я вношу новый закон о рассекречивании правительственных записей, связанных с неопознанными аномальными явлениями и НЛО, в качестве поправки к NDAA»

От admin

37 комментарий для “Сенатор Чак Шумер: «Я вношу новый закон о рассекречивании правительственных записей, связанных с неопознанными аномальными явлениями и НЛО, в качестве поправки к NDAA»”
  1. Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) announces his introduction of new legislation to declassify government record pertaining to UAP. Schumer states it will be modeled after the JFK Assassination Records Collection Act.

    It’s great to see the Gang of Eight directly engaging with the topic. I’m interested to hear the wording and tone of Schumer’s new proposed legislation, that is co-sponsored by Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL).

    [Link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/SenSchumer/status/1679658426165600256)

  2. Oh man I hope this means we get to see super high quality video and photos finally.

    Imagine the photos and videos they have kept dark from the public….I think we are going to see some shit that blows away anything and everything we’ve ever seen come from the general public.

    We are all going to have a collective «holy fuckin shit, what in the fuck is that!?» moment, if they do release high quality videos and photos. I think it’s coming….

  3. >modeled after the JFK Assassination Records Act of 1992

    Fun fact. Had Reddit been around in 1992, I could have commented “remind me in 30 years” on a post about the JFK document declassification being passed. In 2022, that stupid goddam bot would have sent me a reminder message, and I would have gone online then to check whether all of the JFK documents had been declassified, and I would have been so goddam disappointed to discover that they still hadn’t declassified all the goddam JFK documents.

    So I guess, remind me about UAP disclosure in 2053, you goddam sunnuvabitch of a bot, so I can be disappointed to find out that disclosure still hasn’t happened.

  4. So I don’t want to sound like a buzzkill but couldn’t this be their way of faking an investigation.

    Like, publicly they make this bill and have this televised testimony, but behind the scenes everyone is still in agreement to not disclose anything. I kinda feel like we’re being played.

  5. *(tin foil hat on)*

    Looks like Congress is finally fed up with the CIA’s bullshit. And the fact that many of these damn crafts are in the hands of private companies *(cough) Lockeed (cough)* probably doesn’t sit well with various representatives either.

  6. I am sure this is a positive development but I am not crazy about the reference to the JFK records act wasn’t it just a couple weeks ago that Biden decided to not release some of JFK in direct opposition to said records act?

  7. Did anyone else read the article? I might have read it too fast, but I didn’t see any reference to Grusch. It just says that Congress has been frustrated that the military hasn’t been forthcoming, but no mention that the Grusch article is what’s kicked the discussion of UFOs into overdrive lately.

    It seems to me that this discussion will rely on the government trusting the military to bring information forward. They are trusting the DOD to give them the info, it seems.

  8. The JFK Records act? The one that just kept more documents secret for another 75 years? That one?

    Y’all are being played. Nothing is going to be revealed because nothing can be revealed that doesn’t compromise national security sources and methods. This is true if these UAPs are known to be drones from China, or if they know they are from Rigel IV.

    They won’t release solid evidence because whatever they might release could be used to the detriment of the USA’s national security.

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