Фактические данные радара об НЛО
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Кулхарт: «Мне говорят это [UFO phenomenon] это будущие люди. Есть опасение, что обнародование этого изменит временную шкалу».
For more insight on that radar data, including the reconstructed 3D path: [https://youtu.be/AVQh41L2qDY?t=2922](https://youtu.be/AVQh41L2qDY?t=2922)
This is a 4part serie on the belgian wave by eu4uap:
Am sure the AARO will say the Belgians are wrong and this is just conventional stuff
Ive found this on in the video description: Wilfried de Brouwer, Chief of Operations, Belgian Air Staff:»The speeds would be impossible to tolerate for a human being, the vision observations always describe a system, a machine which hangs and hovers at quite a low altitude without making any noise, with the current technology that would be impossible’
This stuff is so similar to the descriptions being given by the US military now. Hard to imagine it not being the same phenomena.
There is so much information out there like this, from governments including our own talking about the phenomenon that they can’t explain.
I just find it funny when people keep saying, where’s the proof? Its all out there we have just been trained to discount it.
Everyone thinks this is fake because of the fake photo.. they ignore radar data because the fake foto has more weight. Media eat it and bang. Belgian triangle = fake
It’s a fact that Radar systems suffer from «illusions» just as our eyes do. And the more complex the radar, the more oddball are their spurious responses.
These have been well documented and understood since the earliest radars were introduced.
However because most people don’t understand how radar works, they immediately think «it was seen on radar, so it must be real».
If you see a trace on a radar screen doing impossible things, then the likely explanation is that it’s a spurious response.