Гади Шварц из NBC работает над серьезным освещением темы UAP в конгрессе.

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BczUoKNkO3K T8I6cE2ACjExJ PkZZmV5c57RIGjPs0

Гади Шварц из NBC работает над серьезным освещением темы UAP в конгрессе.

NBC’s Gadi Schwartz working on serious coverage of the UAP topic in congress.
byu/joeyisnotmyname inUFOs

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14 комментарий для “Гади Шварц из NBC работает над серьезным освещением темы UAP в конгрессе.”
  1. I saw this yesterday and nearly posted myself because the change in tone of mainstream reporting really struck me as extremely different from what we have seen before. I even showed it to my husband as I was so surprised. The whole attitude and ethos seemed completely turned around from what you would normally see of ‘if’ any these things are real and slight snarky eye rolling tone, to instead speculating on what they are in a more accepting manner. It was bizarre, like something has changed or something has been said to change the editorial position. It was a real ‘ok, we’ll take this seriously now’ moment. Not just the presenter but also Michio Kaku. It just goes to show in a really clear example of how much the media is controlled by editorial bias and standpoint of what and how they are allowed to talk about this stuff.

    If this is what’s happening though, I think some real deal stuff is going to come out somehow. News stations are selfish at the end of the day and NBC clearly wants to try and play catch-up on this issue so they aren’t left behind. Made me wonder if the big players who have been silent so far is because they are putting together reporting teams and structures for handling what’s going to come out.

  2. I would assume that there are various reporters playing catch-up and working the same or similar trail that Ross Coulthart followed for a long time after meeting Nat Kobitz. If these bigger outlets end up essentially checking his work and finding it publishable, it’ll be a nice feather in Ross’ cap. Not that he needs it. But it’s gotta be frustrating.

  3. NBC posted an interview with Michio Kaku yesterday and I wanted to make sure people saw that Gadi Schwartz said that he’s conducting «deep fact checking», recognizes that congress is «finally taking this seriously», and he’s «working on it».

    It’s great to see main-stream media taking this issue seriously and doing their due diligence to present the story in a respectable way, instead of just mocking it or brushing it off.

    Sounds like main stream media coverage is coming. I’m wondering if we’re going to see another whistleblower come forward publicly before that point in order to keep the ball rolling?

    Source for full interview: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZKQGzIddM4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZKQGzIddM4)

    (Thanks to u/bladex1234 for [posting this](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/14l0jx3/nbc_interviews_dr_michio_kaku_about_uaps/) yesterday.)

  4. Yeah… This was OK.

    But the coverage is still «Gee whiz aliens?!?»

    When it needs to be «WTF 80-year criminal conspiracy?!?»

    In many ways, the latter is the story right now. We have the rest of the time in the universe to grapple with the alien question.

    But *right now* we need to understand who is keeping this secret and how to stop them.

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