Спорный документ 1995 года, который был немедленно запрещен

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Спорный документ 1995 года, который был немедленно запрещен

Controversial 1995 Doc That Was Instantly Banned
byu/littlespacemochi inaliens

От admin

28 комментарий для “Спорный документ 1995 года, который был немедленно запрещен”
  1. And by banned you mean relegated to the bottom shelves at video stores and otherwise ignored?

    No government entity or organization formally banned this video. That’s not really a thing

    people just didn’t care.

  2. Notice how government from 50s said it’s not our tech but don’t know what they are…Now 2023 the government is saying the exact same thing and with a straight face pretends to want to know as if the last 70 years they didn’t know anything

  3. There are so many species visiting us its hilarious how well the GOVT disinformation program worked. Most of the country think its not even possible, They laugh at the thought like
    «yea right how stupid and crazy are these people for believing this stuff». Worked perfectly. Incredible

  4. The root of this governmental reticence to disclose these things isn’t in a concern for our safety. It’s not that they fear we’ll all collectively lose our minds and there will be pandemonium in the streets.

    The root of their (government’s) fear is their lies.

    They’ve lied to us for ages now, over something so silly. How, then, will we ever believe them again going forward?

    Our government lies to us and fears losing power.

    The world won’t end.

    But those in power might.

    I, for one, don’t fear that outcome.

    They have a lust for power that is sickening.

  5. Government elites are afraid of losing power over us. They will no longer be the one’s necessarily in control. Furthermore, the use of the alien technology could upset the balance of power and crash the world’s economies , which are all based on fossil fuels.

  6. I saw an interview once that gave me the chills, it was about an alien base that was discovered in mountain. The Military tried to access the base and were attacked. Several men were killed or disfigured in the assault. I don’t know if anyone has heard this story or has a link to that interview. I saw it a long time ago, it was freaky.

  7. So I googled the video of STS 48 mission which is the mission they show in this clip. What’s interesting is after the flash of light and the object changes direction, NASA contacts the shuttle and asks them to go into some task regarding repositioning for water or something to do with their shuttle. The camera moves away and we no longer see what they were watching previously.

    Further google action found the below article about the trajectory of objects in the video. Very interesting read. Below is the link.


  8. RIP Srgt. Clifford Stone, a real one right there. Participated in a dozen crash retrieval opps during his military career. Was also an experiencer outside of the military. I highly suggest people do a deep dive on this guy, and watch some of his testimony footage.

  9. Instantly banned? Where? When? Banned by who? The instant people le claim this or claim that something is being supor ssed because they don’t want you to see it, I become very very skeptical. Moreso than normal. This shit wasn’t banned. Fuck off with the shitty clickbait op. I absolutely hate clickbait and the jackasses who use it.

  10. This show was made as part of «The Magical World of Disney» anthology series.

    The episode was not banned. Disney was promoting the new Alien Encounter attraction in Tomorrowland at Walt Disney World.

  11. God I remember those years. The «alien autopsy VHS». The obsession with Area 51. That badly lit video of an alien.

    Not to mention Oliver Stone’s JFK in theaters and of course, the X-Files on TV.

    We were such losers back then 🤣

  12. Banned where? by who? for what reason? what’s the title?


    you are the same people who usually believe all those articles like «famous scientists have said…» or «former military members have seen…» without a shred of contextualization.

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