Почему Мичиган является горячей точкой для наблюдений НЛО? Взглянем.

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Источник: https://www.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=ddda71d5211f47e782b12f3f8d06246e

Просматривал базу данных, в которой хранится более 80 000 отчетов очевидцев НЛО. Огромная часть этих случаев регистрируется вблизи Великих озер или любых водоемов в целом. Другие штаты обычно включают Калифорнию, Нью-Йорк, Северную Каролину и Флориду. Эти штаты также занимают самые высокие места в отчетах об НЛО в год. Эти НЛО притягиваются к нашим водам, или это просто люди видят что-то над водой? Реально очень любопытно.

От admin

25 комментарий для “Почему Мичиган является горячей точкой для наблюдений НЛО? Взглянем.”
  1. We know they are interested in e.g. nuclear facilities. There are quite a few Nuclear Powerplants situated around the Great Lakes: [https://www.nukepills.com/nuclear-reactor-maps/](https://www.nukepills.com/nuclear-reactor-maps/)

    Perhaps also Nuclear Weapons storages across the US and the routes used to transport these weapons and related materials: [https://remainathomeseniorcare.com/eeoicpa/nuclear-weapons-site-profiles/](https://remainathomeseniorcare.com/eeoicpa/nuclear-weapons-site-profiles/)

    It could also be the states you are mentioning, have the highest population density in the US. Therefore there’s more chance of sightings and sightings being reported: [https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/8njjhx/the_population_density_of_the_us_by_county/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/8njjhx/the_population_density_of_the_us_by_county/)

    Edit: Also humans tend to live close to water.

  2. I made [this discussion post](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/qvrrgy/sightings_around_the_great_lake_states_in_the_usa/) around two years ago regarding sightings in the Great Lake States.

    It seems that sightings in these areas are not uncommon. The post there may be worth a read to someone as others from these areas spoke about their experiences.

    Michigan appears to be a particular hotspot for reports. And it seems that seeing triangle formation orbs in this area is a theme.

    Outside of Reddit comments, news articles have been collaborating similar experiences for years.

    For example:

    [Lake Michigan UFO sightings still unsolved 25 years later](https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2019/03/07/lake-michigan-ufo-sightings/3078683002/)

    [Patty’s Triangle Remains Among Michigan’s Most Baffling UFO Sightings

    Personally, I agree with [this post from one Michigander](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/qvrrgy/comment/hkyev6z/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) that proposed water and trans medium vehicles to be a key factor to the sightings.

    Because there have been anecdotal reports that UFOs have interfered with military nuclear capabilities, I wonder if UFOs are particularly interested in the Fermi plant [due to it being in a tornado prone area with a history of weather related shutdowns](https://www.mlive.com/news/2010/06/storm_shuts_down_fermi_2_injur.html). If UFOs have opted to prevent nuclear disaster in the past, I wonder if they have their eyes on Fermi for similar reasons.

    Hard to know the cause of the sightings in these areas, but it’s pretty interesting to think about and speculate!

  3. Probably a correlation to why Florida is a hot spot, high population density and surrounded by large bodies of water.

    Pretty sure there’s a lot of nuclear silos in the Midwest too.

    Who knows though.

  4. We have several nuclear reactors on the west side of the state along the lakeshore. We have almost all the world’s fresh water that isn’t trapped in a frozen state. Muskegon is home to one of the largest mass sightings in history. The south central part of the lake is very deep and doesn’t fully ice over in winter, allowing trans-medium craft to enter and exit the water.

    Many people around here swear that they puddle jump from Great Lake to Great Lake. I think this is a plausible theory.

  5. Now, Et’s breath, he has a terrible odor

    Oh yeah!

    Especially now that he is getting older

    But underwater, he can come right up to your face.

    Go Ahead

    I’m telling you, that’s the beauty of this place

  6. Ojibwe tails of Mishipeshu (underwater panther(s)) in opposition to Thunderbirds (often represented by triangles) from the Great Lakes region do sound more than a little like opposing alien groups with trans-medium craft. IRRC, the Thunderbirds were based on some of the buttes on the north side of Superior while underwater panthers were associated with some islands in Superior specifically, and with the Great Lakes more generally.

  7. Sources of fresh water and the lakes being big enough to (maybe, feasibly) avoid detection while resupplying? I got nothing else. They’d need to be seriously thirsty to be so many though

  8. I would go for it’s more correlation not necessarily causation at least most Michiganders I know are pretty experienced with the outdoors and generally stick to their favorite spots so if anything out of the ordinary shows up they’re gonna tend to spot it fairly quickly.

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