Заявление Груша разрешено к публикации (4/4/23)

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Заявление Груша разрешено к публикации (4/4/23)

От admin

33 комментарий для “Заявление Груша разрешено к публикации (4/4/23)”
  1. Bottom line … the DoD IG leaked Grusch’s name when he privately reported that certain SAPs were outside Congressional oversight (the ones having to do with reverse-engineering UFOs and with NHIs), and someone in the DoD retaliated against him (mostly some of Grusch’s security clearances were revoked, with no explanation).

    So Grusch filed a whistleblower complaint to the ICIG, and ultimately he gave a closed-door 11-hour testimony, under oath, to Congress about it all.

    This all happened over the last two years, and we learned about it over the last few days when he went public with it all.

  2. The language here makes me laugh. It reads like one of those “record skip, freeze frame” moments from a movie.

    “You might be wondering how I got myself into this mess. Well, we have to start at the beginning…”

    It’s just such informal language in what I would suppose is meant to be a very official document? Phrasing like “my boss” instead of “my direct supervisor, _____”

  3. If this isn’t true, I have one question for you: Why did they change the terminology from «aerial» to «anomalous?»

    You know our government and military deals in specifics. You know that the words they use mean things, specific things.

    Why did they switch their language to «NHI» instead of extraterrestrials or aliens?

  4. For a government document, the nomenclature and overall wording seems clunky. Not to mention it’s not even in the typical MFR format. How do we know this is real? Unless they took the actual document and paraphrased it, hence the lack of professionalism

  5. What is Mick getting at? That the other pages will have references to people like Lue and Hal Putoff? Ross (and the other folks «behind» Grusch) seems to be downplaying his association with the players we already know.

  6. Coulthart, Kean and Blumenthal need to explain to everyone why they haven’t released the entire statement. The fact that we only have this single page and it had to be pulled as a screenshot from the video segment is inexcusable. This is crucial information for understanding exactly what DOPSR approved for Grusch to say publicly.

  7. People keep giving the excuse that DOPSR has not been «read in» as the reason they approved these statements for release. The twitter account associated with Elizondo’s PR guy loves that line.

    DOPSR is not «read in» on things. I’m sure they have clearance to a point when researching requests but in cases where they do not, they refer it to the classifying authority of the subject matter in question who gives an approval to DOPSR without DOPSR ever having been «read in». Anyone pushing that line is clueless.

    The only way this would not come up on DOPSR’s radar would be if it was totally off the books ie not a legal program or an illegal program buried within a legal one. I imagine that would mean run entirely by a defense contractor.

    I really wish Dave was asked why he thought his request to talk about this was approved if its so highly classified. His answer on that would be very telling I think.

  8. I have to scrutinise the authenticity of this document, I don’t think it’s the real one. There’s some awful grammar and spelling mistakes in this. This reads as someone trying far too hard to sound official.

  9. This whole situation is so confusing and unclear, there’s a better chance of aliens landing on the Whitehouse lawn than unpacking this cluster fuck of legal process, «credible» whistleblowers, and poor grammar in a written statement by said whistle-blower that reads as a prologue to «Aliens: A story about Aliens» book he’s probably about to release.

    this whole situation is gonna make the UFO community appear even more crazy and now everyone is gonna argue that this was a conspiracy theory to discredit the UFO community.

    It’s a negative feedback loop of disinformation, news ratings, and enthusiasts all jerking each other off over sweet nothings.

  10. I’m new to this sub and a believer in UFO’s as I saw one defy gravity in 1994. Where do I start with this David Grusch stuff? I have a platform on YT I want to use to talk about this story but I don’t know where to start on this whistle-blower. Can someone direct me? Thanks so much!!!

  11. So basically he has the same infos like us, just with the pics and stuff, only he has them on a government PC or by someone telling him. But isn’t it weird that it seems we know a lot basically, because so much leaked over the years and was just Psy oped so heavily, no one believed the story’s.

    This makes his story and the phenomenon even more credible, many infos got out all along.

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