Сколько раз я спорил с людьми в этом подразделе о том, есть ли у людей камеры в аэропорту. Это был 1979 год, и кому-то удалось запечатлеть мимолетный момент.

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Сколько раз я спорил с людьми в этом подразделе о том, есть ли у людей камеры в аэропорту. Это был 1979 год, и кому-то удалось запечатлеть мимолетный момент.

От admin

35 комментарий для “Сколько раз я спорил с людьми в этом подразделе о том, есть ли у людей камеры в аэропорту. Это был 1979 год, и кому-то удалось запечатлеть мимолетный момент.”
  1. from a career in the camera game and photographic…. the likelihood of people having a DECENT camera at the ready back in these days is ridiculously small.

    I am in no way surprised at the lack of pics. I also get totalyl triggered by the old ‘always blurry dots’. THee people clearly have no clue how difficult it is… especially at night. Hell, getting a decent shot an airshow is challenging

    remembering the level of automation these days was sweet Foxtrot Alpha. The first Autofcus compact by Canon was only in 1977.. and being wideangle useless for anything small and distant

    annyoed i never saw a decent ufo pic in the lab.. all those years and I hoped for at least one. Scratch that.. I scanned the slides for the local marketing of Independance Day. THAT was a clear pic lol

    edit: a quick reread and I thought I should add… once autofocus arrive din SLR it was VERY slow for a long time and requires(ed) contrast in vertical lines to focus. Without deep knowledge and rapid reflexes, ia camera will just hunt for a dot in broad daylight against a plain sky

  2. You can’t possible be that old making this post. This was taken with a professional camera. Disposable cameras, and digital cameras weren’t around in 1979. This was taken by a professional or a camera enthusiast. Not many people walked around with film cameras, the operation learning curve was steep. Today they make cameras do the work for you, but in 79 you’d actual have to know a bit about photography to take a picture.

    I’ve been a professional photographer and designer for more than 26 years. The history of the camera is very well known to anyone on the sub born before 1985.

  3. Airports notoriously boosted surveillance post 9/11, even before the patriot act or the creation of the TSA. Another reason why I think there is more footage of the 2006 O’Hare UFO.

  4. I believe the phenomenon is incredibly complex and stretches well beyond what most of can even understand. I wouldn’t be surprised that the reason they are so hard to pick up, is because that’s their intention. For whatever reason, they are able to make sure that when they appear, they don’t leave much evidence. They know who’s watching them and able to prevent too much evidence.

  5. i remember when this happened. i was a couple miles down the street and we saw all the smoke when we got out of school.

    a few people on the ground were killed as well as everyone on board. horrible air tragedy.

    Flight 191.

  6. This is what gets me the Phoenix Lights. There’s one video that repeatedly gets played — the video of flares over the mountain behind the phoenix cityscape. The massive mile long v shape flew over an entire city population, during the mid nineties when vhs camcorders are all the rage, yet no videos verified to be that of the incident. I’m not saying it didn’t happen, but if it did, where the mountain of v shaped light videos?

  7. I know everyone who was alive before the digital, point and shoot, era killed the whole photography profession, is very triggered by this post.

    Kids don’t research anything anymore. They just talk as if they.

  8. The people who originally owned the house I grew up in died in that plane crash. There was always weird stuff going on in my house, but as I got older it got weirder. Screams at night, boots stomping around downstairs when I was home alone…not a paranormal sub sorry to trauma dump lol

  9. Submission statement:

    This is one example of the ability for tourists to capture events at an airport, even before camera phones.

    It’s very suspicious when there are no photos of a UFO at an airport like the O’ Hare sighting on Nov 7, 2006. I happen to marginally believe that was real, but the lack of photos is a huge concern that puts it on the bubble. I think there’s a tendency for people to photograph things they recognize and to hesitate when they don’t. However this is a great reminder that photography happened before iPhones.

    Another example is the lack of photographic evidence if the Montreal sighting in 1990. It was supposedly there for hours, there was a newspaper photographer, yet the only photo is garbage. Back in that time any photographer knew to leave the shutter open to get a sharp picture in low light. It doesn’t make sense.

  10. This is the child’s fallacy of, if one thing is x, all things are x. Come on OP, one Swallow doesn’t make a spring, and one photo doesn’t prove your argument.

  11. You’re not trying to catch a rare bird or a plane crash. There crafts obviously have an extremely high level of «awareness». They can basically warp gravity and time, but they wouldn’t detect if you’re pointing a camera at them?

    The best bet we have is using top of the line sensors of the current era. Or when their crafts malfunction…

    and don’t give me the «HoW WoUlD SoMeThINg So AdVaNcEd CraSh??!?»

    All technology fails, especially when it’s complex.

  12. It is a complete myth that people did not frequently have cameras with them before the advent of cell phones; I suppose it’s mostly young people that have been led to believe this. My family owned multiple cameras and we almost always took one or more with us when travelling in the 1970s and 1980s. But yes, not nearly as many as today (probably 80% or more adults with a camera on them most of the time).

  13. There has been too many years, months, weeks, days, hours, seconds since the camera was invented to not have a single still photo or video of an alien vehicle or UFO. Military bases, airports, almost all structures that have any monetary value have surveillance cameras. All humans now have HD cameras in their phones. Think about how many videos there are of the 911 planes crashing into the World Trade Center. This includes the first one before anyone knew it would happen. Regular people filming the sky. Alien UFOs would be even more interesting for people and the news to record.

  14. Yeah, probably somebody on a plane who had a camera because they were going on vacation.

    People took cameras on vacation. Unless they were a hobbyist, people rarely took cameras to the grocery store, out on a dog walk, pulling weeds in the yard, or any number of the things people do with cameras every day now.

  15. When I saw a UFO I was busy trying to figure out what the fuck it was and how surreal the moment was. By the time I thought to photograph it, it was a tiny little dot that would have been lambasted on here.

    You can’t apply logic to situations in which people are having a life-altering experience.

    Also this photo looks like it was taken from the runway with a very good camera from that age. How many people are actively out doing professional photography when a UFO shows up?

  16. Heard an interesting one about why ufo photos are always unclear. Since these vehicles are not bound in time/space like our material objects, they phase a bit. While they are in motion or defying gravity, they don’t have all the material properties that we think of as real in our understanding of physics.

  17. If any of those mass sightings actually occurred, yet photographic evidence is rare, crappy, and sometimes both, then doesn’t that suggest that we are not in control, or rather we can be controlled en masse if need be. That something can short circuit our free will. For example, eliminate the impulse to pick up your camera. That same thing can evade conventional/video/digital photography and detection. Because it makes no sense otherwise. The government could not do this, eliminating evidence at that scale in a Phoenix lights type sighting. It just couldn’t work. Just because we can’t wrap our minds around the concept doesn’t mean it’s not impossible. We don’t know what this is. In fact, we may lack the ability to understand, which of course leads to confusion and denial.

  18. wow i remember that, I was there with my father who was a reporter at the time. we saw that plane go up in smoke, sorta swear i felt the ground shake a lil when it hit the pavement. we were on the way to Disney and we didnt make it for obvious reasons

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