Колм Келлехер объясняет, что AAWSAP имел доступ к одному из крупнейших случаев НЛО в Бразилии, который имел физиологические последствия для нескольких свидетелей. Он говорит, что у AAWSAP было 8 папок с кольцами, полных заметок исследователя НЛО Боба Пратта.
Medical Effects from UFOs (Colares)
Colm Kelleher explains again that AAWSAP had access to one of the biggest UFO cases in Brazil, which had physiological effects on multiple witnesses. He says AAWSAP had 8 three ring binders full of notes from UFO investigator Bob Pratt.
He… pic.twitter.com/Q25sNlvcZA
— Mike Colangelo (@MikeColangelo) May 24, 2023
Pretty cowardly to shoot lasers at a primitive civilization from the sky in your untouchable crafts.
Land that shit and face us mano to alieno
RedPandaKoala had a good breakdown of Collares and Operation Plate if anyone wants to watch a YouTube on it.
Did Jacques Vallee have something to do with the creation of CAPELLA to?
Where are the pages that were released in 2004?
Submission Statement:
[From Mike Colangelo on Twitter:](https://twitter.com/MikeColangelo?t=5CAmEbfsvV9vkaSrQxPrRQ&s=09)
Medical Effects from UFOs (Colares)
Colm Kelleher explains again that AAWSAP had access to one of the biggest UFO cases in Brazil, which had physiological effects on multiple witnesses. He says AAWSAP had 8 three ring binders full of notes from UFO investigator Bob Pratt.
He also says that the giant AAWSAP database project «CAPELLA» included data from Canadian, Brazil, UK government and also from Project Blue Book.
Full Interview: https://youtu.be/mEKnkpopOoo
For those that don’t know much about the Colares case check out my next tweet in this thread. (Below) 👇
[Link to the start of the thread:](https://twitter.com/MikeColangelo/status/1581354711260622848?t=NoKzLwM90MRuQ38zZSW7Aw&s=19)
1/9 The Colares UFO Flap
Multiple UFO sightings in 1977 over the skies of Colares, Brazil. These UFOs allegedly attacked the people of Colares with beams of radiation. The beams were described as a white beam of light, 7-8 cm in diameter.
The beams caused small puncture marks on the victims and some claimed that it felt like a “heavy weight pushed against their chest”. “It never hunted for them but hit them suddenly. When they tried to scream no sound would come out, but their eyes remained open.»
“The beam felt hot, almost as hot as a cigarette burn.”
Dr. Wellaide Cecim Carvalho, who treated some of the victims said “All of them had suffered lesions to the face or the thoracic area. The lesions, looking like radiation injuries, began with intense reddening of the…
skin in the affected area.» “Later the hair would fall out and the skin would turn black. There was no pain, only a slight warmth.» The victims were men and woman of different ages, no pattern emerged. The saucers were quickly dubbed ‘chupa-chupa’ — meaning ‘sucker-sucker’.
Several witnesses claimed seeing beings inside these strange crafts, describing them 3 to 4 feet tall. The sightings lasted for months, multiple injuries caused panic and most of the women and children left the area.
With a city full of terrified people and no answers the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) was ordered to begin a full investigation. The investigation was officially named Operation Saucer. A 2,000-page military report was soon compiled,
featuring 500 photographs and 16 hours of film that the FAB reportedly witnessed with their own eyes. The documents were kept classified until several pages were released in 2004, showing drawings and photographs of what the military saw.
The operation never stated that UFOs or aliens were the official cause of the sightings and injuries. However, high-ranking officials from FAB reportedly told a group of ufologists in 2004 that they had discreetly been studying the existence of UFOs since the mid 1950s.
Source: https://www.yahoo.com/news/operation-saucer-the-official-search-for-ufos-155317526.html?guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9lbi53aWtpcGVkaWEub3JnLw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAANn9EDm8bvpYZpLktHAL3J8Gy4U5KLHvSLsbFluADaHHgBYnjf82Oq3j0h-mC6YiEwpcUeUDYpDwJuKfK2yAM9jOKx9GXO9_fAXisvyyxpujLvDK5ljaw6Ktz0nUXWQZZ74gMpSj0_7I5IjcFobishYr-3ofabqwly3VUJPC8Byw&guccounter=2
Didn’t a Brazilian judge recently rule to keep the military data classified “forever”
My personal favorite case of all time. Photos, sketches, many many witness accounts and physical markings. Still a ton classifies including video. If Brazil were every to economically crash and I were a billionaire I’d offer to buy all that content.
Trust me bros
imagine interviewing someone and not turning on your own camera lmao
Watch out for the M.I.B