Прямая ссылка на его твит: https://twitter.com/mattlaslo/status/1682559005435080704 Похоже, Ласло думает, что НАСА лжет, и подает заявку в Закон о свободе информации для расследования! Если НАСА действительно лжет о чем-то столь же простом, как о том, почему они отказались от слушаний (примечание: еще НЕ доказано), о чем еще они могут лгать относительно UAP? Полный текст твита ниже: Либо @timburchett солгал мне, либо @NASA лжет. Что касается слушаний, то, что сказал нам Берчетт, подтвердилось. НАСА, мы идем. #FOIA https://www.askapol.com/p/exclusive-confirmedufo-whistleblower
Matt is a treasure. His clips he keeps posting on akapol have been fantastic. He’s the one who broke the official «off the record» word that Grusch would testify the night before the announcement! I can’t wait to see what this guy pulls out of his hat.
For reference, he’s been running around collecting sound bytes for years now and seems like he really knows how to get people to talk.
I am not a betting person, but if I had a dollar for every time a politician lied I would be able to afford a few SAP projects. I think Laslo needs to read NASA’s statement again and compare it with what Burchett said. Both can be true, and if the invitation went through it will show that in a FOIA next year. Instead of ask a pol he needs to ask a staffer because they probably know more about what is really going on behind the scenes.
Here’s an image of his tweet if it’s helpful to anyone. Really sounds like he thinks NASA is lying.
@askapol is highly credible and has direct recordings to audio from Burchett. He does not have direct audio from NASA, hence the FOIA.
If NASA isn’t being honest about something as simple regarding why they withdrew from the hearing, we definitely can’t trust them about anything more material regarding UAPs.
It’s obviously not proven NASA is lying yet. Hence the FOIA. But this would be disappointing. I’m a major NASA fan historically.
I’d be willing to bet that the hearing was misrepresented to NASA in the first place.
Each year we uncover lies and skewed reality built by a deceiving government in the wake of WW2. NASA is one of those that seems to really only be a public example of the science we are allowed to see, at a limited table. They don’t seem to be the scientific geniuses we need for looking at all of space and how it exists, when they ignore portions of that science.
NASA is a total scam, we should completely defund them all.
I like Laslo. Just had to throw that out therw
NASA is one giant lie