Отчет об экспедиции по нападению инопланетян в Перу
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Вертикальная UAP наблюдает за оленями на камере, Арканзас, 31 октября 2023 г., Новости о наблюдениях НЛО. Видео.
Я собрал все кадры НЛО/УАП в форме пирамид/тетраэдров, которые смог найти. Пожалуйста, дайте мне знать ваше мнение по этому поводу и есть ли еще такие видео.
Тайна Ковчега Завета
Дэвид Груш не будет на собраниях SCIF. Позволь мне объяснить.
Разговоры о UAP и возможной инопланетной жизни больше не являются второстепенной темой в США, поскольку CNBC стал последней сетью, поднявшей эту тему.
Кажется точным…
What Is Now Known
• Not made up. Whatever it is, it is happening and it is ongoing
• No jetpacks
• Not miners/narcos
• Not about the land/scaring villagers away
• They do peel faces and attempted it on the 15-year-old girl
• Male and female victims
• Beings wearing head-to-toe silvery black «clothing» and a full, though elongated, helmet of some sort with yellow lenses where the eyes would be
• Advanced technology used
• All portable technology absolutely silent except for a quick moment when they initially move up from the ground, when a quick sound of air compressing is heard
• All acorn-shaped UFO-type vehicles are absolutely silent except when rising from the ground during which a low frequency hum is heard
• Rendezvous happen with UFO-type craft
• Not mass psychosis
• Not paranormal or ethereal — violently physical
• The Navy never actually arrived or investigated contrary to news reports
• The only thing authorities were forced to investigate was the attempted abduction/assault of the 15-year-old girl
What Is Not Known
• Human or non-human?
• Objectives?
• Organ harvesting/trafficking?
• Human and non-human cooperative operation?
interesting but once again there seems to be missing proof … in these days of cellphones why didn’t someone snap some photos??? ….
It’s like Invader Zim with the short aliens and the Tall Ones