Я только что вышел на пенсию после 40 лет работы медсестрой. 17 из этих лет я работала медсестрой в хосписе. Я работал в стационаре на 10 коек, оказывая в основном уход в конце жизни. Большинство наших пациентов умирали, средняя продолжительность жизни составила 72 часа. Многим моим пациентам были видения, которые они видели, и многие сотрудники тоже. Описания в основном знакомых им семей, существ света и тени. 5 из этих 17 лет работы медсестрой в хосписе я проработал в педиатрическом хосписном отделении на 10 коек. Пациенты от новорожденных до 17 лет. Если бы у нас не было детей, мы бы принимали в этом учреждении и взрослых пациентов. Медицина склонна до последней минуты следить за детьми, прежде чем отправить их в наше хосписное отделение. Мы перевезли бы пациента и его семью, чтобы оба получили поддержку от нашего персонала. Из говоривших детей-пациентов исключительно дети из-за возраста или заболевания видели то, что мы бы назвали Серым, стоящим или прогуливающимся у изножья их кроватей. В одной из палат у нас было 3 кровати с перегородками между кроватями, но большая семейная зона, где мы могли видеть всех троих пациентов одновременно. В основном это были пациенты с высокой степенью остроты зрения, нуждавшиеся в частом сестринском вмешательстве. Во многих случаях, когда у нас были сознательные пациенты, они видели одного и того же «Серого» одновременно. Многие дети говорили мне, что они стоят рядом со мной, но я их никогда не видел. Я видел некоторых духов у своих взрослых пациентов, но не «Серых», которых видели дети. Большую часть детей они забавляли, некоторые смеялись, некоторые пугались. Некоторые дети рисовали их: ростом 4 фута, большими глазами, длинными головами, длинными руками и пальцами. Это было настолько обычным явлением, серые, а иногда и кошки, что в основном именно это они и видели. Дети видели и другие вещи: людей, белые и темные туманы и формы, но чаще всего встречался Серый. Во многих случаях, когда мы работали в педиатрии, мы, персонал, видели, как светлые и темные формы движутся, как будто идут и оставляют за собой небольшой след, но никогда не видели Серых. Будет ли кто-нибудь иметь за это отчет? Где они «Серые» или какой-то дух, которого дети видели приближающейся смертью, но не взрослые? Я начинаю записывать свои отчеты о некоторых своих наблюдениях. Вот ссылка на одну особенную пациентку. Я видел ее дух до и после смерти, она была взрослой. — Дэвид Паркер Феникс, Аризона
Why do you think the greys were appearing to children? Did the greys seem to be trying to help them or doing something specific?
There seems to be a connection between grays and mystical experiences in general
You should try posting in r/experiencers. You will find a warmer reception there.
Fascinating, I hope to hear more commentary around this phenomenon ✌️
Makes start to think spirits, grays, ….maybe they are the same, older folks know ghost stories, younger folks tend to know more about aliens (generalizing an incredible amount here). Whatever they, maybe they show themselves in a way most relevant to the viewer
How terrifying it had to be for the dying kids that were frightened by it. I was petrified of them from age 9 onward and if I knew I were dying and saw that, it would have taken me out right then.
I’ll say 2 things here :
One, in Indian culture and Hinduism it’s very commonly accepted that “Saaye” shadow beings appear before death. I have heard a few accounts from my friends and family.
Second, DMT realms have similar feels, to the user. The kind of aura you described is some times what the trip sitters experience, like opening of a inter dimensional portal.
Just think about us not being alone in this universe
And those beings actually having compassion
So we actually would hit the jackpot
I was never sick but around maybe 4 or 5 years old I woke up and there was a white mist/fog with a pink aura around it just above me and when I reached my hand out it disappeared
Children have more open minds than adults. That is probably why they were able to perceive them or the Grey’s don’t care about adults.
Part of their soul family to help them cross over
Thank you for sharing this! What were the cats and the greys typically doing? It’s interesting that they would mention cats as they’ve been described as mystical creatures.
I’ve been wondering about “aliens” who pass on and decide to stick around in a spirit form, perhaps with their intense intelligence they are able to have a more intentional and powerful spirit form
You said you still have some of the drawings the children made. Could you post them?
Your story was the wholesome thing I needed for today, especially hearing that people sometimes see cats before passing as I just lost a cat friend of over 17 years and it’s hit harder than I imagined.
The seeing greys before death really makes me wish we could obtain a full disclosure before our time comes as it has me wondering why they are so interested in souls. It reminds me of the prison planet story and how some aliens seem to be interested in almost harvesting our souls which I really hope isn’t the case. Personally, I’m hoping for the visit of loved ones and cats like you mentioned over beings whose agendas we don’t know. Loved the story, and if you ever find any pictures the kids drew of the greys those would be neat to see too. Hope you’ll continue sharing your experiences.
Unfortunately I doubt these things were doing anything good. There has long been speculation these entities are doing something nefarious with human souls. Sounds like they’re waiting. And who easier to manipulate after death than a child’s innocent soul.
Yeah… cats are probably the beings one rung above us on the ladder of enlightenment. They generally know how to chill and love life.
When I was about 9 I had an accident and cracked the side of my head really bad. I was hospitalized in the children’s hospital in Los Ángeles. I Guess the blow developed into an aneurysm, and I was in the terminally I’ll room with a few other kids. I was prepped for a surgery, had scans and test the night before. That night I saw bright lights and saw “angels” that looked like big skinny owls. We were super religious so I was convinced they were angels. The next day I had another scan, but they couldn’t find anything wrong besides the injury. No surgery was needed.
Well this is terrifying.
Thank you for sharing this. I almost didn’t read, because thinking about sick kids is profoundly upsetting. 😭 You are SUCH a special person, thank you for your work.
This was beautiful. On the theory we are all love and light and one, and the greys are either an evolved form of us or a service provider variation, perhaps the children were the only ones to see them because they were closer to birth, and «the great remembering / forgetting» of the other side before they were born. Adults have more time and social reasons to forget, or need a more human-looking spirit to make them comfortable. Perhaps the greys were there to help guide them and welcome them back.
Great, absolutely 😭😭😭 now. I’m such a bleeding heart! But really, thank you for such a life’s work, and I really hope you will continue to document and share all your stories. They will bring comfort and awareness to many.
When i was a kid i had years of alien encounters and dreams. Even when i was very little like 2 years old before i even knew what a grey was
Greys. Greys and cats. The sphinx checks out.
Whitley Strieber (don’t know if he’s a reliable source) had a paranormal/NDE experience. He wakes up floating on the ceiling looking down at his unrecognizable body laying next to his wife. On the bed is his cat looking up at him. He then turns his head and see’s a grey looking at him from outside a window. As he floats down and tries to enter his body, he passes through his body and is transported to his childhood bedroom. He hears mowing, looks out the window and his father is the one mowing. His father looks up and asks him if he’s going to come down to help him. At that moment he believes he sensed death and shoots back into his body.
Thank you so much for this. Almost more than any other ufo/alien story I’ve read in my life, this one really feels right.
I admire you and the job you do. Thank you so much for your wonderful service to those people. I am currently trying to play video games with my 5-year-old on a Saturday morning and this popped up and now I’m bawling my eyes out.
Your story is beautiful and sad. I have heard these stories before about the benevolence of the Grays and that they are a part of our history and why we are here and still here.
I am a former RPN who worked in addictions mostly, now I am a social worker with a Bachelor of Science Degree 🙂 My brilliant wife is a physician and former RN. We have very academic upbringings and experiences.
I believe, I 100% believe in it all, I have always believed, my wife is coming over to the belief side as well. She was steadfast non-believer of anything but had a near death experience after 1 of her 3 surgery’s and it completely altered the trajectory of her spiritual life.
My belief stems from the crazy stuff that I’ve seen and experienced during periods of enhanced spiritual connection (not drugs) just meditation and honestly this story of yours will lay high in that evidence box.
God, spirits, heaven (high frequency), hell (low frequency), Aliens (inter-dimensional and physical) parallel universes, inter-dimensional travel, time travel, quantum superposition, it’s all real and it’s absolutely beautiful. The paradigm shift has arrived.
Children see and so do cats, I have had cats my whole life and I have 4 children and I can guarantee they see stuff that we do not. Like a lot of it. I can catch a glimpse if I meditate long enough but it’s always on the edge of my vision.
Take Care and light be with you. Thank you for your inspiring share.
This is what I tell skeptics — Work in hospice for a few years. Our scientific academi is so behind in so many areas. Too many egos.
Maybe they have less narrowed perceptions than adults? I can see adults having a more set worldview and being more predisposed to perceiving things in certain ways rather than being open. As to why grays, there’s definitely a lot of stories of them being afterlife soul technicians of sorts, among other things. Lots of reports from abductees and astral travelers about being shown the workings, sending souls off, managing them inside containers etc
Thank you for the post! I subscribed on YouTube and look forward to more experiences from you.
I mean, I’ve seen the hat man. I definitely believe these things, there is definitely something bigger than us
Were any of the children who saw this religious or baptized/confirmed by the church? Was it all children Up to a certain age no matter what religion?
How have your experiences as a hospice changed your out look on religion and life, In general and with regards to these events?
Backshift on the hospice floor was never boring… nope not boring at all. All kinds of things around there. had one place where we had a hospice room and a couple patients reported signatures on the wall. When asked what the signatures were, they gave us names of people who died in that room.
Had ET sightings with adults too. They are just more reluctant to talk about it than children. You can’t really ask about stuff like that and they know better than to talk. Staff saw stuff when the patients reported a sighting of something.
Nothing showed up on security cams in the places that had them though. Kinda wish we had something to show for it. I took a photo turned up some craft one time but it was related to some lights on the water in the harbour and not the hospital unit itself.
My mom said when I was a toddler I had an imaginary friend that I would constantly talk to. Several actually, but one main one. The possibility it could be aliens never crossed my mind until now. I don’t have any conscious memory of it but I wish I did!
Isn’t there a release of DMT in the brain before you die? If you’ve ever done DMT, you see similar things. Not saying it’s “all in their head” but I think DMT allows you to see more of what’s actually around you. It’s wild.
Id like to think this is because “aliens” like the greys are really just us from the future after evolution and tech merge and we have entered into the realm of inter dimensional travel.
Makes perfect sense that beings which could traverse inter dimensionally would be able to communicate with beings passing over… maybe they are helping them cross so they aren’t stuck in limbo cuz they are children and scared? 🤷🏼♂️🤯
Thank you for telling your story ❤️
I have just listened to the yt. Your life is an inspiration 🙏🦋
Souls maybe…
Containers, Tupperware etc
Maybe the innocent souls of children are more valuable or useful, maleable, transferable, fuller, larger, transportable, conductive, etc..
And this post gave me 🪿 bumps
Ted rice talks about these creatures masquerading as Angels(which is the title of the book he wrote about the phenomena)