Разница между почти правильным словом и правильным словом действительно имеет большое значение (Биопрепараты)

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Заголовок этого поста представляет собой цитату Марка Твена, найденную в этой статье о биологических препаратах: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3564302/ Груш использовал термин «нечеловеческие биологические препараты», и я вижу много людей, предполагающих, что он имел в виду инопланетные тела. Определение биологических препаратов: https://www.pfizer.com/products/how-drugs-are-made/biologics-and-biosimilars Биологические препараты, не относящиеся к человеку, используются нами, людьми, постоянно, если мы имеем в виду биологические препараты, полученные человеком, нечеловеческие организмы. Например, если мы лечим укусы змей, делаем прививки или получаем генную терапию. В этом контексте кажется разумным ожидать, что Груш будет говорить о чем-то другом, а не о биологических препаратах, произведенных человеком. Но, используя слово «биологические препараты» вместо «тела», «ткани» или что-то подобное, он, похоже, предполагает, что они нашли генную терапию или другие методы лечения, разработанные нечеловеческими существами. Это может быть очень важным различием. Возможно также, что Груш не знает значения этого слова.

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8 комментарий для “Разница между почти правильным словом и правильным словом действительно имеет большое значение (Биопрепараты)”
  1. I think it’s far simpler.

    If he walked up and started talking about UFOs and Aliens it’d be cries of “more of the same old stuff”

    Instead he’s all Non-human Intelligence, technical craft and biologics. Makes it sound new and special. And avoids the knee jerk reaction to the old terms.

    It would be bizarre if, all this time, he was talking about things that are all earth based and not extra terrestrial at all. He’s using new terms to make it all sound fresh and new.

  2. My first thought with him carefully selecting that odd word was not bodies, but craft with an organic component.

    My thinking was thus: If the speed of light is indeed an absolute barrier (which with current physics it is, quantum fuckery not withstanding) then sending autonomous craft to observe distant life on very long term research missions would be practical.

    If the computer running such a craft was extremely advanced it could have a organic/semi-organic neural network embedded in it. Or parts of the craft might be grown, rather than manufactured. Maybe the craft can repair damage this way.

    There are loads of interpretations which are not Roswell style autopsies. I think a partially organic brain in an autonomous research vessel would make sense.

  3. Is something like a virus considered a biologic?

    I was thinking this morning about various statements that’s been passed around here from folks like Elizondo, DeLonge, etc. about how the phenomenon has shaped humanity’s history and maybe even modified DNA. I’ve been trying to wrap my head around how that could be possible, and it clicked that creating and infecting people with a virus could make changes to their DNA/RNA. I don’t know really anything about biology, but I came across this which is what got me thinking about this:

    >Nearly **one-tenth of the human genome contains snippets of viral DNA left over from ancient infections. These DNA fragments**, called endogenous retroviruses (ERVs), have been passed along and modified over millions of years of evolution. Much of this viral DNA has eroded over time and is unlikely to have any function. But many embedded viral genes remain partly intact within the human genome. **Some have evolved to become useful human genes**.


  4. Considering the fact that David Grusch is autistic, he does fairly well regardless of the occasional stumble in his wording. When he utilized a non-word «constrived» I had a feeling that it was either a bad case of nerves during the interview, or maybe there was something else in play.

    Ross Coulthart has verified that David Grusch is autistic.

    As with so many of his answers, when David Grusch did not say “no” … he framed everything as candidly as he could, and in such a way as not to give away any classified secrets.

    He made many analogies along the way, and many of them can easily be construed as an answer that rings in the affirmative.

  5. Is it a Grusch term or is it accepted nomenclature as in is it elsewhere too?
    I can only infer bio refers to life, something alive biologically and I can’t think on from there, they’ve said NHI and Biologics l, so it’s not human but it’s alive.

  6. he probably just meant biological material but he might have some neurodivergence that compels him to use neologisms. he would probably be a good scientist if he had tried, i would use «exobiological material» to be precise, however. ps: i really like the dude and would help their team analyze/publish the data.

  7. As far as I’m concerned that could mean an animal occupant like someone is testing the craft using monkeys dogs or whatever. Who is to say it’s an entity we don’t already know of given the wording.

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