Для меня это видео является самым неопровержимым доказательством того, что инопланетяне существуют.

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Снято в 1989 году в Великобритании. Я не знаю, как кто-то смог подделать это тогда. Я могу ошибаться, но ИМО это реальная сделка. В комментариях на YouTube есть несколько (самопровозглашенных) профессиональных видеоредакторов, которые согласны с тем, что это видео не подделано.

To me, this video is the most ironclad evidence that aliens are real.
byu/sammybunsy inaliens

От admin

30 комментарий для “Для меня это видео является самым неопровержимым доказательством того, что инопланетяне существуют.”
  1. This is the closest thing to what I personally saw.

    I was a teenager just laying and floating in the pool while staring into the sky, eventually I was able to focus on two lights. They basically looked like they were dogfighting/chasing each other. Just like these two, they followed and stayed close to each other but kept gaining altitude until my eyes could no longer see them. They didn’t perform like planes, and I’ve never been able to explain what it was I saw, but this video is pretty spot on, of WHATEVER it was that I saw.

  2. I read long ago that this was created by a VFX guy. Not long before or after that, it was found out that two old men came out and claimed responsibility for making crop circles with planks and rope. It was LATER found out that those two old men were paid Psyops by the gov to throw people off the scent of crop circles. I’ve concluded that until I can see the VFX guys’ session file I’ll remain in inquiry about crop circles

  3. People say this is a morph effect… That is 100% BS. There is no way the tech at the time was capable of perfect tracking and seamless compositing like this. Whoever said this is a VFX shot is a liar or has no clue how this type of shit is made today or was made back then.

  4. The state of this sub right now is funny.

    Video evidence is posted and believed to be real (even if widely considered or proven fake).

    All comments say «It’s a **known** hoax, idiot!» but don’t post any proof.

    OP continues to not get any proof of debunking so their hope fuels on.

    And then we go round and round post after post round and round whoo!

  5. People will debunk anything. Just look at the tech available to consumers when this video came about. Our movies that made a lot of money had worse graphics then this. I believed it was debunked by professional debunkers. The time this was taken and tech don’t add up to being computer generated. Don’t let the critics and skeptics fool you. The key is actually getting into the crop circle taken samples of the vegetation then seeing how all of the individual stalks are all broke at the same height. Many crop circles are tested and those genuine will come with high levels of radiation. This is the way you prove the skeptics wrong. By the scientific proof. Unfortunately visually is the last way now to prove anything especially with the great advancement of current technology. The old mean who were actually paid people to say they were doing this could never re-create the exact image with the precise breaks.

    Also I alway ask, why would someone want to play the type of hoax. What money/gain could be made from this? Plus crop circles in general have been around for at least 300 years in painting and written in books. What would be the purpose? What would be the agenda? Just takes a little work and research to prove this phenomenon has been happening longer then 20th and 21st century.

  6. Don’t worry, there’s a guy on his way right now to tell you they had CGI back then, and his buddy will follow suit and tell you they’re ***clearly*** lens flares. Get your credible posts outta here.

  7. Coke on people, DO we REALLLLLY KNOW a SFX guy made this?? People have reported seeing colorful orbs hovering over fields right before noticing a crop circle back over 100yrs! Couldn’t this be a CIA plant to make us all think it was fake. We know for a fact that they use very skilled disinformation techniques.

  8. Even with the Natgeo video of the guy sayung they faked the balls, it still does not disprove the fact that tens of thousands of crop circles around the world are formed overnight in incredible detail and precision and having the stems break at the necessary points with what appears to be microwave induced heat and changes in the genome that makes them continue to grow at 90 degrees instead of braking.

    We have so much evidence and witness and yet the fact that some random dude said that they made some shitty circles way back (the evidence of real and man made are quite obvious) suddenly all crop circles are fake.

    Open your mind and realize the new wave of what’s real or possible.

  9. So, wait… The crop circle was real but the guy decided to make a fake video of orbs crafting it? Ok, fine but this isn’t a slam dunk guys. WHAT ABOUT THE FRIGGIN CROP CIRCLE?!?!

  10. To me the videos released on nytimes with multiple navy pilots as witnesses, who have testified in court, plus there’s supporting radar data, is waaay more iron clad but that’s just me.

  11. I remember this one initially giving me pause but then thinking there was some VFX work at play. Was always an assumption. This was the first time I saw the BTS. Unfortunately, it’s nearly impossible to take any video footage, and almost especially high quality footage, at face value. The availability of cheap but effective editing software, drones, etc. has changed the hoax game. For me, it’s going to take actual, verified contact confirmed by multiple news outlets around the world before I’m convinced something is happening. The whistleblowing, hearings, and other periodic investigations and de-classified info means nothing. It may one day all culminate in something truly revelatory but until then it’s just noise to me 🤷🏻‍♂️

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