Эпизод Джеймса Фокса теперь на Джо Рогане
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Помогите с разоблачением UAP?
Вот список всех рекордно высоких температур в штатах США, включая год, когда они произошли (согласно Википедии). Что ты заметил?НЛО.
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Почему такая секретность НЛО? Просто идите по следу денег!
Влиятельный человек TikTok запечатлел, как НЛО исчезает во вспышке света
НЛО над Динглом, Ирландия, 30 ноября 2023 г., видео, Новости о наблюдениях НЛО. 👽👽👽
Дом НЛО Джеки Глисона
Haven’t watched this yet. But all these people shitting on James Fox… It’s not organic. James Fox is a great film maker with integrity. There’s absolutely nothing you can point at that would suggest that he’s someone that would intentionally pull wool over your eyes for a personal gain. This is either ignorance or the result of successful propaganda. Most likely a combination.
Does anyone know anything more about that video Logan Paul recorded? Is it going to be released?
I just watch the documentary this morning. Incredible story I have never heard of. He really got to the bottom of the story and from what I saw it cant be debunked with all these witnesses together. He really did a good job with all the facts and eye witness accounts.
The number of people ‘debunking’ this story based on the interview alone, is frightening. I’ve been studying this subject for nearly forty years and I’d call this case one of the most compelling I’ve seen, based on the number of credible witnesses and the uniformity of their accounts.
Watch the film and do a little homework before shooting your mouths off, guys. Not to impugn the value of your ‘gut feelings’ and readings from your ‘bullshit meters’. The universe would appreciate a little more insight and constructive contribution to the discourse.
Didn’t like how he kept interrupting Fox when he was making a point. Over and over.
He’s just nervous cos the show is so big.
This dude unfortunately sounds like he’s lying the whole time. I want to believe mate but…
My bullshit meter is high oin this one. Nothing convincing sadly. Just a dud that want to sell his doc. Fox is rambling and not convincing.
Is anyone else getting Déjà vu with this episode? I could swear that I had listened to this episode a few weeks back.
Was it posted then taken down? If so, I’d be curious to hear what bits were removed or added.