MH17 на самом деле был MH370

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MH17 на самом деле был MH370

От admin

11 комментарий для “MH17 на самом деле был MH370”
  1. Okay, personally I want whoever wrote this article to go fuck themselves.

    “Ukrainians did this”
    “Russian media so trustworthy, US lying”

    It was leaked in 2020 that the Dutch and British government had arrayed over a thousand commandos to invade eastern ukraine and capture the wreckage. Why? Russia wasn’t allowing them access to the site and the russian separatists were looting the dead bodies of Dutch and British passengers. Russia not only blamed ukraine for these people’s deaths but didn’t allow the retrieval of the bodies of people’s loved ones because evidence could be found that they were responsible.

    The mission to retrieve the bodies was called off at fear of putin.

    It’s disgusting.
    So this article talking about “alternative media” is parroting an active Russian disinformation campaign to cover their asses because they would rather let these people pick through the bodies of dead Dutch passengers than fess up that they’re responsible.

    As for the window incident? These aren’t the same photos. Why would they be different? Somebody tampering with the site.

    I really should stop reading posts like this.

  2. So sone debris is dropped when the plane is taken in ocean, the plane teleports back over the ocean and Flys over Ukraine or is teleported over Ukraine?

    All could be possible if teleporter technology existed, my main question is if it would appear on any radar.

  3. Submissions satement: One of the earlier conspiracy theories surrounding MH370 is that the plane was actually the plane crashed a few months later in the Ukraine in 2014. I remember reading this specific article with actual, working links. The problem is now, a lot of the links are dead and I’m having trouble finding the archived URL’s. There is some other coverage that I’ve linked below.

    There is some footage of the passports

    Another really weird detail is that the soldiers first to the crash site claimed that the bodies were decomposed and drained of blood. Literally can’t make this up.

    I’d like to highlight this because it doesn’t seem to be an angle of the story that’s being considered. I really haven’t seen anything on MH370 = MH17. Oddest of all, MH17 was cancelled that day, but still managed to crash in the Ukraine.

    *x-files music*

  4. As a person who knew two people who died on that plane: just stop it. We know what happened. Read the facts of a case before you post something like this. It’s not only Russian propaganda, its your willingness to not look at facts that not only make this post an indecent one, it is actively hurting people.

  5. Jesus there’s so much wrong with this. So the u.s. hijacked the plane, killed all the passengers, then had it shot down to blame the Russians?

    First, the windows are correct, both mh370 and mh17 did not have a second window under the flag so they were the same model. This can be seen if you type the tail number of either aircraft and see the hundreds of pictures they have of both.

    2nd where did the passengers that were supposed to be on mh17 go? So not only did the hijackers have to get rid of all the mh370 passengers, but they also had to get rid of all the people who were supposed to be on mh17, who would be standing in a terminal in the 4th busiest European Airport, the 14th busiest in world, and 300 people are just spirited away like it’s nothing.

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