Помните, когда мы слышали об НЛО, отключающих ядерное оружие?

От admin #Внеземные существа, #Внекосмические существа, #Внешний вид пришельцев, #Загадки инопланетного воздействия, #Загадки инопланетных цивилизаций, #ЗагадкиИнопланетныхЦивилизаций, #ЗагадочныеЯвления., #Заговоры, #ЗаговорыВИстории, #ЗаговорыВМедиа, #ЗаговорыГосударств, #ЗаговорыМировыхЛидеров, #Иллюминаты, #Инопланетная жизнь, #Инопланетные существа в кино, #Инопланетные технологии, #ИнопланетныеВоздействия, #ИнопланетныеИсследования, #ИнопланетныеТехнологии, #Инопланетяне, #ИнтеракцияСИнопланетянами, #Интракосмические существа, #Исследование инопланетной жизни, #ИсследованиеИнопланетнойЖизни, #Конспирология, #Контакт с инопланетянами, #Контактные СИнопланетянами, #Космические пришельцы, #МанипуляцияМассами, #Межзвездные путешествия, #Научная фантастика, #НаучнаяОбщаяФантастика, #Популярные о пришельцах, #Пришельцы в алфавите, #ПришельцыВМедиа. ТеорияЗаговора, #ПришельцыВНауке, #ПришельцыИлюди, #связанные с пришельцами, #СекретныеОрганизации, #СекретыГосударственнойВласти, #СекретыТехнологий, #СкрытыеСилы, #СовременныеТайны, #Способы достиженияСПришельцами, #Способы общения с пришельцами, #СпрятанныеПравды, #ТайныеЗаговоры, #Телешоу на инопланетянах, #Теории заговоров о пришельцах, #ТеорииГосударстваОпришельцах, #ТеорииЗаговораОБиологии, #ТеорииЗаговораОмедицин е, #ТеорииЗаговораОпришельцами, #Уроки инопланетной истории. 窗体顶端 窗体底端 ЭкспериментыПришельцев, #Фантастические инопланетяне, #Фильмы о пришельцах, #Фэндом пришельцев, #Экзобиология, #ЭкспериментальнаяНаука, #ЭкспериментыНадЛюдьми, #Явления

Помните, когда мы слышали об НЛО, отключающих ядерное оружие?

Remember When We Were Hearing About UFOs Shutting Down Nukes?
byu/littlespacemochi inaliens

От admin

37 комментарий для “Помните, когда мы слышали об НЛО, отключающих ядерное оружие?”
  1. Like a zookeeper taking care of a mad house of apes, seemingly caring enough watching us from a distance, leaving us alone. But if those apes are crazy enough to build nukes and use them, the zookeepers will intervene

  2. Executing the Coverup of Echo and Oscar — In this video Captain Robert Salas explains how the government acted to cover up that UFOs were shutting down nuclear missiles. He presents official documents


    In September 1966 at November Flight, Minot AFB, ND a flight of ten Minuteman I ICBMs were disabled during UFO encounters. Retired Air Force Captain David D. Schindele is a public witness to those events and presents them to a group of his peers at a reunion of missileers in 2022.


    March 24, 2023 is the 56th anniversary of the Shutdown of the Minuteman missile on the Oscar flight. This video includes the audio recording of Colonel Fred Meiwald’s testimony to Captain Robert Salas in 1996. It confirms that soldiers were injured during this event. UFOs & Nukes


    Major Brad Runyon — 1968 Minot AFB — He reports that he was informed that the 20-ton launch tube cover was removed after a UFO flew over the Minuteman missile launch facility.


    ETs Shut Down Nuclear Missile Sites — (Captain Robert Salas Reveals)

    Capt. Salas graduated from the Air Force Academy and spent seven years in active duty from 1964 to 1971. He testifies about a UFO incident on the morning of March 16, 1967 where 16 nuclear missiles simultaneously became non-operational at two different launch facilities immediately after guards saw UFOs hovering above. The guards could not identify these objects even though they were only 30 feet away.


    Captain Robert Salas: «UFOs shut down nuclear missiles at US military bases and I have official documents to prove it.»


    The Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) and Nuclear Weapons. — 2021


    Within the span of six months, between September 1966 and March 1967, THIRTY Minuteman I missiles were disabled during UFO encounters.


    There are also many cases of UFOs in Russian military bases, there are cases that UFOs activated the launch sequence of some nuclear missiles!


  3. Because they live here too ,under the oceans and underground and they don’t want the monkeys screwing up the planet that’s why they keep tabs on our nuclear weapons and probably a few other thing like biological weapons

  4. That one guy was making me upset, «I don’t want to know if we’re insects to ‘them'»

    Well, dude, respect all life whether it’s a dolphin or otherwise. Respect all life. No one living things truly deserves to be above another for it’s own sake.

    Gawd. That guy was a total loser. Needs to get his head out of his butt.

  5. there are three types of these aliens, one type lives among us they look like us and they hiding… the other is friendly and observing us and trying to protect us from the hiding aliens that they cant seem to find among us. the third is a very evil and destructive life form hell bent on chaos and conquering all… i know this because ive had contact with the firendly ones in many dreams… or abductions.. i cant remember. just look to the skies and you will see the space battles that are happening they look like stars to us, but just watch for afew hours and your eyes will get trained to see the movements. nobody will listen to me and i am afraid to really talk about it…but they are among us…

  6. The disclosure project suggest that they disarm the nukes because nuclear weapons disrupt the space time fabric on a quantum level which interferes with their (ufo) technology.

  7. My father was in the Air Guard when this happened. He was stationed in North Dakota guarding B-52’s at the time. He didn’t see the UFO, but he said it put the base into a frenzy. Pretty amazing!

  8. “ I can’t handle that truth, that we’re insects to these people”. So self-aware yet so egotistical in one sentence.

    Yes, a space traveling specie may very well think we’re self destructive ants, and I’m totally okay and agreeable to that.

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