Futurism Posts Статья Re: Заявления Дэвида Груша
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I’m so tired of seeing the «wHy ArE tHeY cRaShInG hErE iF tHeY aRe So AdVaNcEd» line of questioning. Let me rephrase the question: What kind of technical problems would a technology that you can’t faintly comprehend encounter in earth’s atmosphere/environment? Is that what you mean? The only rational answer to that is you have no f******* clue, because we have no baseline comprehension. That’s like asking «What kind of problems might this unnamed, featureless device encounter if I point microwaves at it?» …………..aRe ThEy DrUnK dRiVeRs hahahaha? No probably not. You’re probably introducing logical fallacies through stupid f******* questions.
Submission Statement: Futurism has posted a deeply skeptical, but fairly balanced report regarding the David Grusch claims that appeared yesterday in The Debrief.
The person who wrote that article isnt too bright.
Quote from article :
> Let’s pause for a moment to point out that this is all unbelievably far-fetched. Even supposing that the government could successfully keep such an explosive secret for such a long time, the broader premise just doesn’t make much sense. If aliens had the incredibly advanced technology to visit Earth, presumably from another star system, wouldn’t they have the tech for the ships to be piloted autonomously, rather than wasting untold decades in transit? And why would they fly these incredibly advanced vessels to Earth, only to crash them? Are they interstellar drunk drivers?
How does he know they are aliens from another star system? How does he know the crafts have no autopilot? How does he know the travel time is decades? Why does he think ufos cant crash?
I didnt read the rest because of how irrational the guy is.