Шесть коров найдены мертвыми в Техасе с отсутствующими языками — New York Times
Шесть коров найдены мертвыми в Техасе с отсутствующими языками — New York Times
В Техасе, США, полиция начала расследование после обнаружения шести туш погибших коров с необычными повреждениями: их языки были удалены, а кожа около рта снята. Эту странную находку сообщает NBC News.
Тела коров были обнаружены вдоль шоссе в трех округах Техаса: Мэдисон, Бразос и Робертсон. Эти животные принадлежали разным стадам и находились на различных пастбищах. Их таинственная гибель вызвала тревогу среди местных жителей и полиции.
Пятеро из шести мертвых животных были взрослыми коровами, а одно — теленком. Время смерти и их пол не были уточнены. В двух случаях были обнаружены аккуратные круговые разрезы, вырезавшие половые органы и задние проходы у коров.
Окружающая трава вокруг их тел выглядела нетронутой, без следов борьбы или отпечатков ног и колес. Владельцы ранчо заявили, что хищники и птицы не прикасались к останкам, оставив их безразличными на протяжении нескольких недель.
Подобные инциденты регистрировались по всей стране, и следователи сотрудничают с другими правоохранительными службами, чтобы выяснить обстоятельства этого загадочного случая.
В 2019 году в штате Орегон были обнаружены пять туш быков без половых органов и языков. Попытки объяснить причину их смерти включали версии о действиях жуков-падальщиков, появлении космических кораблей и культовых убийствах, однако до сих пор неизвестно, что стало настоящей причиной их гибели.
Также ранее сообщалось о таинственной массовой гибели более 350 слонов в северной части Ботсваны, которую ученые назвали «природоохранной катастрофой». Местные свидетели сообщали о том, что некоторые слоны ходили в странных кругах, что могло свидетельствовать о неврологическом расстройстве.
What is so amazing is that there is no blood in sight and grass around them is untouched. The cuts are clean and precise. How could it be something done by another animal or person? It can’t be. It had to be otherworldly. Scary.
Sounds like they should have kept their mouthes shut about something. This wasnt a mutilation, it was a warning.
Maybe aliens are protecting us from a catastrophic disease they know about. Whenever they detect some cows that have it they excise the affected parts to prevent contamination to us, and maybe also run some analysis, then somehow mark the carcass with repellent so other animals don’t come near it.
This has been going on for decades. WHY IS THE NEW YORK TIMES reporting on this NOW!?
This has been happening for decades..why are they reporting on it all of the sudden?
No. No. No. No. No…you guys are all wrong. It’s the Dali Lama
Tacos de lengua
It’s either the military or aliens.
Freaking paywalls.
Where in Texas did this happen?
Will they release some of the photos?
That has to be aliens , what else could it be?
Another alien kid wanted beef franks for its birthday party.
I just saw a short documentary about killer whales from a specific place in the ocean, ONLY eats the liver of its prey. And the dead prey was washing up on shore whole body intact with just the liver missing. And it turns out it was the killer whales. The documentary goes on to explain that other species, even some land animals, have exhibited similar behavior and that some species may be targeting specific organs either for flavor or nutritional value and no one knows what they leave everything else
Doesn’t really say how they were killed, or that there was no evidence as to how they were killed. If a human did it, you’d have to hit the thing with a tranq dart maybe to knock it out? Even then, cow would be stumbling around for a bit and leave evidence of that. Cow ain’t holding still to let its a$$hole get cut out…
Haven’t you ever had a hankering fo beef tongue sandwiches?
It’s a warning to the other cows against speaking out.
Was it this Richard Doty guy who said that he knew of some of these mutilations being perpetrated by the military. Apparently our military (several branches) have “weirdos” that pose as ETs to scare people and they also do the cattle mutilations. Who knows, but with Doty, you never know when he lies, or if he ever tells the truth
Linda Moulton Howe did the best research on this. It’s definitely aliens.
This has been going on for a very long time.
I think there are several different reasons for cattle mutilation. First one is natural predators. When the US government investigated they found that natural predators + scavengers picking over their corpses could account for most incidents. Others were weird, but there are a bunch of possible human explanations, I wouldn’t jump to aliens tbh. If aliens have the tech we imagine them to have, then I can’t see any reason with the obsession with mutilating cows. Why cows and nothing else? If it were for research I feel like they’d have more elegant methods. I really don’t see aliens making any sense in this scenario.
I just feel like if we’re going to take aliens seriously, we have to go under the assumption that they would be rational. I don’t see any rational reason for this.
Dalai Lama strikes again
New York Times and everything
I can’t think of any reason someone out take a tongue and not the whole cow
Cow Funkytown?
And this is aliens, because….?