Я следил за этой темой время от времени в течение нескольких десятилетий. По общему признанию, на какое-то время он был совершенно бесправным, пока в 2017 году не появились Лу Элизондо и статья в NYT, а также те три проклятых видео, которые мы смотрели миллион раз («ЭТО ВРАЩАЕТСЯ!»). Независимо от вашего мнения о нем, это поставило тему на карту и изменило клеймо. Депутаты заняты. Сенатор Гиллибранд ставит свое имя на этом, и она потенциальный кандидат в президенты для крика вслух. Дэвид Груш является самым высокопоставленным должностным лицом, которое до сих пор выступало и говорило на эту тему, говоря о вещах, которые мы все слышали в течение многих лет — аварийные поиски, Розуэлл, даже соглашения?! Это серьезные обвинения, и у Конгресса теперь есть надлежащие законы, чтобы рассмотреть эту тему под микроскопом и обеспечить надзор, а также, надеюсь, определенный уровень прозрачности с населением в целом. Но что произойдет, если Конгресс выйдет и скажет, знаете что… мы изучали это и ничего не нашли? Информаторы, такие как Элизондо или Груш, лгали или дезинформировали. Честно говоря, ничего в этом нет. У нас есть программа аварийного восстановления в том смысле, что да, если иностранный враждебный объект упадет в нашем районе, мы его достанем (см. [recovery efforts](https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/17/politics/china-spy-balloon-recovery/index.html), которые ушли на дноуглубительные работы из океана). Но это все. Нет Розуэлла. Никаких инопланетян. В Локхид Мартин нет инопланетных кораблей. Извините ребята. Мы, вероятно, не одиноки во Вселенной, но они определенно еще не здесь, и любые НЛО, которые вы видите, имеют прозаическое реальное объяснение (секретная технология, дроны для контрабанды наркотиков, иностранный противник, что угодно). **И что? Потому что Конгресс, Сенат и эти новые законы UAP — это, по сути, все, что нам нужно делать прямо сейчас. Они знают то, о чем заявляют Элизондо, Груш и другие, чьи имена пока не называются, и изучают это**. 1) Поверите ли вы Конгрессу и пойдете дальше? 2) Скажете ли вы, что Конгресс лжет или «был скомпрометирован»? Если да, то что? Кого вы обоснованно настаиваете на раскрытии информации в этот момент? 3) Или вы просто полностью отойдете от темы? Для меня это момент сейчас или никогда в истории и будущем уфологии. ^ (Мелким шрифтом — я просто хочу знать правду — какой бы обыденной, скучной, удивительной, увлекательной или даже пугающей она ни была.)
Что вы будете делать, если Конгресс выйдет и скажет, что они ничего не нашли?
By admin Июн15,2023 #Внеземные существа #Внекосмические существа #Внешний вид пришельцев #Загадки инопланетного воздействия #Загадки инопланетных цивилизаций #ЗагадкиИнопланетныхЦивилизаций #ЗагадочныеЯвления. #Заговоры #ЗаговорыВИстории #ЗаговорыВМедиа #ЗаговорыГосударств #ЗаговорыМировыхЛидеров #Иллюминаты #Инопланетная жизнь #Инопланетные существа в кино #Инопланетные технологии #ИнопланетныеВоздействия #ИнопланетныеИсследования #ИнопланетныеТехнологии #Инопланетяне #ИнтеракцияСИнопланетянами #Интракосмические существа #Исследование инопланетной жизни #ИсследованиеИнопланетнойЖизни #Конспирология #Контакт с инопланетянами #Контактные СИнопланетянами #Космические пришельцы #МанипуляцияМассами #Межзвездные путешествия #Научная фантастика #НаучнаяОбщаяФантастика #Популярные о пришельцах #Пришельцы в алфавите #ПришельцыВМедиа. ТеорияЗаговора #ПришельцыВНауке #ПришельцыИлюди #связанные с пришельцами #СекретныеОрганизации #СекретыГосударственнойВласти #СекретыТехнологий #СкрытыеСилы #СовременныеТайны #Способы достиженияСПришельцами #Способы общения с пришельцами #СпрятанныеПравды #ТайныеЗаговоры #Телешоу на инопланетянах #Теории заговоров о пришельцах #ТеорииГосударстваОпришельцах #ТеорииЗаговораОБиологии #ТеорииЗаговораОмедицин е #ТеорииЗаговораОпришельцами #Уроки инопланетной истории. 窗体顶端 窗体底端 ЭкспериментыПришельцев #Фантастические инопланетяне #Фильмы о пришельцах #Фэндом пришельцев #Экзобиология #ЭкспериментальнаяНаука #ЭкспериментыНадЛюдьми #Явления
AARO is a Title 10 program. This crash retrieval thing would likely be Title 50. If Congress is counting on AARO to produce anything, I feel everyone is in for a rude awakening.
edit: I linked what I’m about to below but want to add it here. Yes, I’m a skeptic and I’ve also been interested in the topic a *long* time and have seen my share of «investigations», supposed insiders and a boatload of people wanting to sell the truth.
I am not impressed with *ANY* of these personalities. Not Elizondo, not Nolan, Mellon or even Leslie Kean. Im impressed with Grusch for his credentials but…no proof. I know, I know «classified». I’ve actually defended him with that. Im just making all that clear before this:
That is not nothing. I don’t know wtf required 5 Eyes getting briefed but you don’t ask them to help gather intel with all that expensive tech unless you gave them a reason to be interested or concerned. There is a chance, *a fucking chance* so don’t go placing bets on it, that its being set up to go «Ermageeerd! We actually found NHI !!!» in order to not have to go back and hold people accountible and for the face of the government to have culpable deniability about the past.
I dunno but I know Five Eyes meeting about UAP is an even bigger story than Grusch.
I feel as if a dead giveaway will be whether or not one of Congress’ first moves is to change the clearance of AARO from Title 10 to Title 50. If they don’t do this, then nothing changes. They’ve been made painfully aware of the lack of clearance, so to ignore it at this point would be willful ignorance and therefore, in my humble opinion, makes anything they do or say afterward incredibly suspect.
So… we all need to be looking at this like a murder mystery on a train. The kind where there are 10 other people on the train, any and/or all of whom may have reason to lie to you.
How do you solve the murder? There are no photos or video of the act; all you have is testimony from 10 strangers. Do you just give up?
Of course not. You start talking to the witnesses, correlating data points, evaluating credibility, etc.
But, importantly, you operate in a framework of PROBABILITIES, not absolutes.
Say one witness tells you, «I was in the room next to the victim at 10pm, by myself. I heard a scream, a thud, then the door opening and footsteps heading to the front of the train. I didn’t leave my room because I was scared.»
Many in this sub would say, «This witnesses didn’t even see the murder, and they don’t have quality photos or video of it. Another nothing-burger.»
But there’s a lot of information in that witness statement. You may have a time of murder; it sounds like a single attacker; they went towards the front of the train after the crime. Further, maybe without thinking about it, the witness gave you information about themselves: they were near the scene of the crime, and alone.
Keeping in mind that this person might be lying to you, and might even be the killer themselves, you have a lot of information points to start corroborating.
As you progress through the witnesses, you’ll uncover some inconsistencies and outright lies, some of which may have nothing to do with the crime at all.
But you’ll also find that a common narrative will start to emerge, and you’ll have a BETTER IDEA of the truth. Not proof, necessarily, but a reasonable and probable sequence of events corroborated by testimony and other evidence.
That’s where we are right now, but one of those 10 people on the train is Congress.
I hate to say it as well, but if I had to bet, this would be the most likely outcome. Too explosive, too paradigm-shattering. I could be wrong, and this is just pessimism justified by decades of stonewalling, denial, and worse. Can one loose thread unravel this blanket of lies?
This is what I fear if they started raiding aerospace contractors and those cunning folks decided to relocate early before the police came out. resulting to the continuity of the stigma. There should be a counter moves to prevent this from happening.
This is exactly what would happen if any of this is real.
#1 most people complicit in these covert programs would presumably like things to remain secretive because the alternative could come with legal penalties given all the lying.
#2 i’m guessing congress would remain silent given how destabilizing any revelation of decades-long lying would be for government. Such a revelation would disable people from trusting the government in any capacity ever again. Disclosing aliens could even be an existential threat to governments as we know them.
That’s tough. I could see it happening and agree with you that it is kind of a pivotal moment with regard to acknowledging extraterrestrial life.
Personally, the evidence presented recently has proven to me beyond a reasonable doubt that they do exist. I don’t know what that means for me as an individual. If they refuse to go public with it I will at this point think that they are lying. I don’t know that I will flip my life upside down over it but I am at this point convinced that these people are telling the truth.
İf Congress says they found nothing, then they need to tell why they can’t found nothing.
Nothing i guess. I know they are real and anyone who does some research will come to the same conclusion.
>A conspiracy theorist dies and goes to Heaven. He meets God, who tells him he’ll answer any one question he has.
>The man asks «is the world flat?»
>God says «no, it’s round. Of course it is.»
>The man shakes his head in disgust. «This thing goes up even higher than I thought.»
Do you really think that the government is allowing some realtor whistleblower to go on tv and reveal the existence and content of life changing documents, but specifically forbids only revealing the details that could be used to verify any of it?
The amount of mental hurdles that must be somersaulted over just to still remain a believer are so great that adding this one to them will change nothing. The same tune of «trust the process big things are happening soon all will be revealed» will continue as long as there are enough rubes to sit through all the ads and buy the books and the documentaries. And reading this sub you will find that they are endless.
Then we must make it clear that this is a voting issue
I would give up
They need to have really strong evidence and reason to ask special access. I dont think this is it, you need a bigger bombshell. Unless Grush delivered them something so big there is a reason for congress to push this. Honestly i think the last three years made it so this subject is taken seriously by more people. Our goverment will keep doing what it does. But if people feel like they can talk about it safely and not been seen like crazy and more important be believed it will happen one of these days somebody really leaks something like a video or pictures and documents.
Then I predict it will be the visitors themselves that will inform humanity, on the global stage, much to the chagrin of the MIC. They will put an end to their circus routine of trotting out buffoons with grandiose lies.
Perhaps in a scenario like the books, Childhood’s End, by Arthur C. Clarke, or Chains of the Sea, a short story recommended by Lou Elizondo.
When Ross Coulthart said that multiple congresspeople have confirmed to him privately that they know the truth, and when Grusch said members of the Gang of Eight know, it was concerning to me, but it makes sense.
Now we know why Congress tends to just ignore this shit. I hope the hearings bear fruit.
I will do my work the next day, read, spend time with family and friends and pursuing leisure activities.
There is nothing I can do about whether or not the most powerful legislative body in the history of mankind lies to the American people or not. It’s not worth getting upset over.
People suddenly «believing» Congress is a weird idea.
People currently are in denial. They can’t imagine these claims to be true and they don’t want them to be true, because it’s too much mental effort even to start contemplating the implications.
This whole topic has been for the entire time of its existence about the struggle for truth with government/authority.
The discrepancy leading to its existence is obviously a discrepancy in reality vs narrative of the government, not some absurd conspiracy hoax going on for decades.
The proverbial metamaterial is hot right now, and it is time to strike.
If our *democratically* elected officials fail to reveal the grand scheme that betrays the taxpayer, and potentially uplift the human race then it will be time to take to the streets. There have been copious amount of reasons to take to the streets already, but this will be the final nail in the coffin. If the book is shut after this, I highly doubt it will open again any time soon. With the state of global climate change, economic and geopolitical factors at play, we may not get another chance. This is *do or die* time. The future is looking like an extremely **bleak** place for the common every day person. We won’t have the means to fight at all in this future. Those with money, capital, and superior technology however stand a better chance at survival. Things they hoard from us.
Take to the streets. **Protest**. And no, the time for following the *proper channels* would have long since waned. The *proper channels* are compromised, and the establishment prefers you use them because they are controlled. They invite you to play their game, **their way**. The victory we all want can only be achieved by means outside of the system, by our own rules. The notion of changing a corrupt system from within said corrupt system is insanity. Radical change requires radical methods. The alternative is a repeat of the last century until the wheels come off and there is no place for people like you and me in the future.
In my opinion that’s a huge test to Grusch. He claims to have the proof but won’t show it. If the congress flops the investigation and he has the meanings to do the disclosure but keeps quiet, in my opinion it means he is full of bullshit. He basically would have ended his career to become another UFO celebrity that goes to Joe Rogan yearly to talk about crazy theories, while he could easily become the most important person to mankind after Jesus. It doesn’t make sense at all.
Demand Grusch bite the bullet and risk life imprisonment or death by leaking the evidence
Well I think if congress finds nothing there really are two immediate possibilities right. Either theres nothing and all the hoaxters get put into jail and are fined or perhaps if it actually is true, then I think the pro disclosure officials would probably be pushed to leak classified documents if theyre really serious about it.
I know what I saw. I’ve listened to friends, family, and acquaintances tell me what they’ve seen. None of our sightings are unique and many people over the decades have come forward publicly with similar experiences. I don’t need Congress to tell me there are anomalous objects in our skies. If their official stance ends up being that they found nothing, I’ll continue to live my life.
I hope they continue to push for the DoD to be more transparent. I hope they’re able to get some currently classified information into the public realm. But I also understand that they don’t have the security clearances to be read into everything, which is a shame because our military should not be able to withhold information from our representatives
Shrug and go about my day. If there are aliens out there, they will make themselves known whenever they are ready and there will be nothing the world governments can do about it.
I do feel badly for people who were convinced Grusch was some type of civilization shifting event.
Congress should have access to everything. That’s kinda the point of congressional oversight
This is what I fear if they started raiding aerospace contractors and those cunning folks decided to relocate early before the police came out. resulting to the continuity of the stigma. There should be a counter moves to prevent this from happening.
What I’ve been doing all my life. Live my life. I know what I saw. What congress says or doesn’t say will have an effect on me.
What I’ve been doing all my life. Live my life. I know what I saw. What congress says or doesn’t say will have an effect on me.
We need dr Kirkpatrick to turn into a believer and have a press conference
It’s going to be pretty hard to ignore with more whistleblowers giving testimony. 6 more testified last month and potentially up to 2 dozen are going through the process to get clearance to speak out. We are just at the beginning of this.
What I’ve been doing all my life. Live my life. I know what I saw. What congress says or doesn’t say will have little effect on me.
I hate to tell you this but …
If in fact there is a shadow government with advanced technology, it’s own funding, and its own facilities and armed forces, I highly doubt Congress can do anything about it, since Congress would be effectively under their control.
I just don’t think that the govt coming out and saying “no such thing” will stop the grifting or the people who want to believe.
Conspiracy theories will always surround this topic. It’s just so exciting to fantasize about and everyone loved a good mystery.
As much as I want things to be true, I can’t see the govt coming out and saying a secret programme within itself has been running and the public has been lied too. I just can’t see it.
I’d be a lot more willing to get my hopes up if this guy who worked with top level sensitive stuff could pronounce the word «nuclear».