Бывший руководитель израильской космической безопасности вызвал удивление, объявив о контакте землян с инопланетянами, представляющими «галактическую федерацию». Хаим Эшед, который когда-то руководил космическим подразделением Министерства обороны Израиля, поделился своими мыслями в интервью для израильской газеты «Едиот Ахронот». В публикации, опубликованной в пятницу на иврите и затем переведенной на английский газетой «Джерузалем пост», Эшед утверждает, что неопознанные летающие объекты (НЛО) просили о неразглашении своего присутствия на Земле, так как человечество, по его мнению, еще не готово для такой информации.
Уважаемый профессор и высокопоставленный в прошлом генерал Эшед утверждает, что инопланетяне проявляют большой интерес к человечеству и стремятся разгадать «тайны вселенной». По его словам, между ними и нами были заключены соглашения о сотрудничестве, включая наличие «подземной базы внутри Марса», где находились как американские астронавты, так и представители инопланетной цивилизации. Эшед утверждает, что между правительством США и инопланетными гостями действительно существует договоренность, которая даже предполагает проведение совместных экспериментов на Земле.
Кроме того, Эшед подчеркивает, что бывший президент США Дональд Трамп был осведомлен о присутствии инопланетян и даже находился «на пороге раскрытия» этой информации. Однако, по его словам, Трампу было запрошено не делать это публично, чтобы предотвратить возможное «массовое паническое состояние»✔.
I dont think grusch said this.
He didn’t say there were agreements and he didn’t say there weren’t.
The treaty involves in exchange of peace, we let them doing graffitis on our wheat crops and a few cows’ tongue and genitals from time to time.
Had me all the way up until they said Trump knew and didn’t say anything
I guess this means the US government can take the aliens to court if they violate the terms of the agreement.
Haim Eshed never said any of that stuff reported by western media. Jeremy Corbell interviewed the Israeli journalist who broke the story, and he says it was all taken out of context and translated poorly.
Also, here is u/alice_df helping out with translation stuff.
The treaty thing bothers me immensely it sounds so bogus. What government anywhere on earth would have treaties with beings they don’t know fuck all about? who speaks for the aliens? they might just be space pirates with no authority from their own people, did they sign a document and shake hands too? More importantly who speaks for us..THE ENTIRE WORLD? The American Government? MI6? Mossad? I so want to believe it’s all true but I can’t see the wheat for all the corn.
He said there were agreements
He did not say WITH NHI
The only agreement referenced was one possibly ABOUT NHI but with Russia.
He didn’t say that. He said he’d like to know the answer to that question also.
We signed a treaty with extraterrestrials. We cannot communicate with any other animal on earth, but we can communicate with some extraterrestrial stuff. It’s just so ridiculous.
I’m sorry but I just don’t trust any of this. I don’t see disclosure at the end of this ride, I see a Joe Rogan appearance, a book and maybe a Netflix documentary.
No he didn’t though.
Had me up till underground base on Mars.
It’s hard to believe the story, especially when the story says Donald Trump changed his mind about exposing the information because it might cause Mass Hysteria. WOW! What bull****. What we have here… is a man who’s caused massive divisiveness, a mass riot on the capitol, and who attempted and continues to attempt to bring down our democracy through among other things …lies, conspiracy theories and attempts to overturn a valid election These things sure don’t seem to be something that would lead me to believe that a man of his characteristics would be worried about starting Mass Hysteria
Did they give us some shiny beads in exchange for all of Earth’s mineral resources or maybe unfettered access to unwitting test subjects?
This Grusch story is curdling fast.
I find this ridiculous. It’s funny you know… here we are talking about aliens and other dimensions and co-existant realities… and the one thing that stands out to me as «too far fetched» is the notion that aliens would need to «sign» something or negotiate with us relative neanderthals.
They’ve got to be SO FAR AHEAD of us that it would be like us traveling back in time, communicating with ugs and grunts with cavemen or primates, then coming to some agreement we each paint on a cave wall and pinky swear. Other dimensions? Check. Material science so advanced that, even with the actual physical craft which is essentially the teacher’s answer book, we STILL can’t figure it out after 90 years? Check.
It’s all far fetched, and I’m willing to suspend disbelief for a lot of things. Example: for us, a car crash is a travesty because we value human life and property. So maybe they crash because they either don’t value life (or it’s simply 3D printed biological AI), and the property can be replicated at will. Ok, I’ll suspend my disbelief that they can get here (whether it’s dropping down/over a dimension, or traveling across the stars) and then crash. But they get all the way here, meet some smelly, war mongering, in-fighting semi-intelligent monkeys… see something they want, and they have to revert to negotiations with the United States? Oh hell no. This just smacks of the same corny, braggy, ra ra USA baloney that putrified so many cheesy 80’s action movies.
I remember that I read Eshed’s interview and thought that it was way out there at the time. I still am unconvinced by his theories of an intergalactic empire (though I know some here would agree with him), but it was just so fascinating to see such an important man say so much. Naturally, in Israel people don’t take stuff like this seriously. I don’t know the situation there right now as I don’t live there, but if the little coverage and the tone that are being displayed are any indication, it’s the same as 29 years ago when I got the nickname «Abam» (UFO) for talking about my interests in this field…..
He insinuated something related to contact which can be interpreted as ‘agreement’. I don’t think we can realistically expect bilateral and fair agreements with beings vastly superior to us.
I mean, who can guarantee they will keep their word?
Due to Haim Esheds impressive credentials nobody should have doubted him back then… David just confirms what previous high ranking whistleblowers have said for many years but no media picked up and ran their story.
People in the sub seem to have serious comprehension skills. I watched the Clío and he most certainly does not say this lol. Wtf are you guys smoking ?
Building on existing lore is a smart move.
> Trump is aware of them, and that he was «on the verge» of disclosing their existence. However, the Galactic Federation reportedly stopped him from doing so
Anyone really believe that if Trump knew this kind of stuff that he would keep it to himself? He would have been hinting at it and attempting to profit off of it like he does with everything else.
>Eshed added that President Donald Trump was aware of the
extraterrestrials’ existence and had been «on the verge of revealing»
information but was asked not to in order to prevent «mass hysteria.»
I call bull. There is NO WAY that Trump would have been able to keep his mouth shut.
> Trump is aware of them, and that he was «on the verge» of disclosing their existence. However, the Galactic Federation reportedly stopped him from doing so
Anyone really believe that if Trump knew this kind of stuff that he would keep it to himself? He would have been hinting at it and attempting to profit off of it like he does with everything else.