18.05.23 в 19:41. Я вернулся домой с работы и сидел на крыльце, наблюдая за погодой, чтобы узнать, не скоро ли пойдет дождь/буря, потому что мне казалось, что это так. Вместо этого я увидел металлический объект в форме трубы/таблетки меньшего размера, движущийся с той же скоростью, что и самолет, летящий за ним, но без шума/парового следа. Я посмотрел, был ли это метеозонд, и убедился, что в моем отдаленном районе его нет. Мне удалось снять НЛО на видео с помощью объектива Snapchat на моем iPhone XR. Наслаждайтесь видео и дайте мне знать, что вы все думаете! Я постараюсь ответить на все ваши вопросы! Спасибо 🙂
Possible UFO sighting in West Nashville
byu/Heyman_dan inUFOs
It looks similar to the plane at the other altitude.
Airplane. No alien species wants to come to Nashville trust me lol
At a certain distance airliners look just like a cylinder. The wings and tail are hard to see. The object to the upper left is leaving a contrail so I would say both are commercial airliners
Well, that’s a plane.
FlightRadar24 shows [these two airliners](https://i.imgur.com/WhqGs1I.jpg) flying northeast in close formation over Nashville at exactly the time of your sighting. The one behind had a white body and [blue tailplane. ](https://i.imgur.com/59o0yQn.jpg)
You can see the real planes wing kinda stick out and it’s further away. The object in question leaves no trail or sign or a propulsion system. It’s just moving, highly irregular and meets some of the requirements for a uap
Thanks for posting this. You’ve got some debunking going on in the comments, I see. Debunking means ignoring your information. You saw the object, and assessed it to be unusual. However, the case of the debunker rests on assuming that you misinterpreted.
They are starting from the assumption that the object is not a ufo, and working backwards from there. Part of that process involves ignoring what you are telling them you saw.
In a sense, it’s a dishonest discussion, a trap they mire you in. They refuse to listen to you, and then act like you’re unreasonable for not accepting their explanation.
You know what you saw, you were there. You’ve seen airplanes before. They must assume you’re deluded and ignorant in order to force the debunk to stick.
er… fast moving dirigible maybe? Otherwise I’m gonna plead I’m not sayin it was the aliens but it was the aliens.