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Охотники за НЛО создали систему искусственного интеллекта с открытым исходным кодом для сканирования неба

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27 комментарий для “Охотники за НЛО создали систему искусственного интеллекта с открытым исходным кодом для сканирования неба”
  1. Last year, the Pentagon began releasing regular reports on UFO sightings after the U.S. government established an office dedicated to tracking the aerial anomalies—which it calls unidentified aerial phenomena, or UAPs—for the first time. But ever since the Roswell “flying saucer” crash of 1947, officials have frustrated veteran UFO hunters, often dismissing the mysterious objects as “swamp gas,” “weather balloons,” or, more recently, “sky trash.”

    Now, frustrated with a lack of transparency and trust around official accounts of UFO phenomena, a team of developers has decided to take matters into their own hands with an open source citizen science project called Sky360, which aims to blanket the earth in affordable monitoring stations to watch the skies 24/7, and even plans to use AI and machine learning to spot anomalous behavior.

  2. Sky360 is a great project! I briefly worked with them but didn’t have time to continue and didn’t contribute a lot. But I’d wholeheartedly recommend anyone here with an interest and a knack for tech to look at contributing to the development of this project!

  3. There are two additional efforts underway that are similar to Sky360:
    1.) UFODAP (UFO Data Acquisition Project) by UFODATA (UFO Detection And TrAcking) — 54 sites
    2.) MADAR (Multiple Detection and Automated Recording) by NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena) — 126 active nodes
    UFODATA was started in 2015 and MADAR actually dates back to 1970.

  4. I was an original member of the SkyHub project, alongside Richard G Hopf, Dan Zetterstrom, Sean Cahill, Science Bob and others. The article nails the main issue on the head, that being the sudden and frankly unnervingingly unceremonious way the project shut down. The main programmer and founder, Steve (can’t remember his last name) was a bit shifty… and if the part about him and a few others being intel operatives is true, makes perfect albeit disturbing sense. Steve (or Stephen, I forget which) was on Twitter a lot, but rarely engaged the UAP community, and when the topic of UAPs/UFOs came up in the SkyHub RocketChat channel, he’d quickly put such talk to an end and state that the project was NOT in fact for hunting UFOs… even though that’s precisely what it was for. Everyone knew it. And then one day… he was gone. So was his codebase. And not long after, the RocketChat was gone as well.

    I’m glad to see our brothers across the pond have carried on since, without Steve and his shady antics. Good luck to you, Richard. My Twitter DMs are always open to you, should you ever need my services again.

    (and in case anyone is wondering, yes my SkyHub is still up and running!)

  5. Sky360 has been around for ages… it was originally called SkyHub, but the team collapsed.

    Anyway, while I applaud the effort, some open source project is not going to deliver scientific, validated data to the table, which is exactly what is needed if we want this subject to be taken seriously.

  6. Can they integrate with a semi-finished app to use mobile devices and crowdsourcing to «ping» objects seen by multiple people from various locations so as to attempt to identify them?

  7. Sky360 does indeed look like a great project. But at $3000 a unit I think there needs to be some crowdsourcing/home brewing/dyi spirit injected into the project to bring the price down and democratize it. A sensor in every backyard if you will.

    I’ve been wanting to get into electronics hobby this summer. Maybe I can contribute to this in some small way

  8. Here’s what you should be asking.

    Where are they putting the stations, and have they acquired the necessary land permits?

    What are the technical specifics of this AI? AI is not magical, and is far from perfect. Oh yeah, and what is the AI running on? AI doesn’t just run on nothing, you need a giant supercomputer that’s likely very expensive to run.

    Where are they going to get the money to keep this operation going? Something this large is likely going to need a lot more than fan donations to keep going.

    That said, if all of those questions have been properly answered, I’m excited about this project. Maybe all we’ll get out of it is some more anomalous radar data, but that’s way more than nothing.

    Edit: I’m trying to help you, you know that, right? Like, we’re talking about thousand dollar investments here. This has nothing to do with me being some kind of non-believer or skeptic or whatever the buzz word is this week. I can’t believe «Be careful about investing large amounts of money» is controversial advice around here. I’m not even saying not to invest if you’ve already satisfactorily answered those questions.

  9. Oh wow, this is where we’re gonna get legitimate proof of some unexplainable shit. With enough AI constantly scanning the skies (and waters) we’ll surely start getting pictures or videos of anomalies and might even be able to develop patterns over “hot spots”. Or, we won’t get shit and have to put this whole thing to rest.

  10. Thanks for the post! Sky360 is different from Chris Cogswell’s (from the Mad Scientist podcast) project, correct? I haven’t heard about his endeavor recently (haven’t had my ear to the ground) but the two endeavors sound quite similar in their intent.

  11. I know we have to keep fighting the «good fight» to get the truth out but I’m so tired of it. I’ve been knowing this stuff exists since like 1998 so I’m tired of the back and forths about is this real or not. At this point the only enjoyment I get off this sub is filtering by «top posts of all time» and watching the good stuff.

  12. Why is it that a limited mentality think the sky is the only way to travel? Think strings vibration,frequencies sheeesh! You probably think there is this thing called ancient Egypt too,get in the game,time is not linear.

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