В ответ на UAP: Пентагон устранит бюрократизм в разработке прорывных технологий, SAP — Подведение итогов
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Well it’s polite they bothered to tell us I guess.
>The Department of Defense (DoD) is requesting new authorities that would allow the Pentagon to initiate the development of new breakthrough technologies without explicit pre-approval from Congress.
Hard no until they start coming clean with Congress first on a raft of issues.
For example: «where do we stand on Project No. D2021-DEV0SN-0116.000 after two years of effort?»
This question needs addressing by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, or his Deputy, Kathleen Hicks.
Smart move, now to just quickly transfer all existing ufo related SAP’s to this new format, end AARO and all the ufo craziness has been put to bed. And it’s back to business as usual..continuing the DOD’s circlejerk of wasting taxpayer dollars.
These fuckers are trying to do whatever they can to keep this shit under the wraps.
Most of us on this sub aren’t surprised by this move, I think. But it’s such a huge big fucking fuck you to the folks in The Congress and Senate who are working on more transparancy and all citizens.
And of course, isn’t it just a coincidence, right at this time with everything that’s coming out, they feel a need for new rules?
> The Department of Defense (DoD) is requesting new authorities that **would allow the Pentagon to initiate the development of new breakthrough technologies without explicit pre-approval from Congress.**
> **According to DoD leadership, the proposal** ensures the military can respond to emerging threats and **is not an attempt to circumvent legislative oversight** to initiate new defense programs.
> The Pentagon’s proposal **would allow the DoD to spend up to $300 million on new programs without getting Congressional pre-approval. Lawmakers would only be notified after a decision has been made.**
> With the proposed legislation, the Secretary of Defense **would retain the authority to waive certain oversight and reporting requirements for new programs. This type of statutory waiver is used to protect the Pentagon’s most sensitive classified projects, known as “Waived-Unacknowledged Special Access Programs.”**
Interpretation of this, Get those SAP Applications in quick… we’ve got a blank check for 300 million to spend.
Welcome to the real reason the DoD was willing to comment on the UAP issue.
This isn’t at all a good idea. They already don’t have aggressive oversight on money they give the DoD.. The Pentagon has been revealed to have billions of dollars in missing or incorrectly handled taxpayer money. Doesn’t anyone remember the $1200 hammer scandal from the early 1980s? This is insane
Enough is enough, the Pentagon has been playing fast and loose with all these waived SAP programs with little to no oversight. Congress should put a hard stop to these shenanigans
$100 says they already have breakthrough technologies
They want to develop AI based weapons systems while bypassing any safety protocols. It doesn’t mean just missiles, it means surveillance and a whole bunch of nifty bullshit we could never hope to beat should that become necessary.
> The Secretary of Defense would retain the authority to waive certain oversight and reporting requirements for new programs.
There is no way this wouldn’t be considered positional overreach. The Director of National Intelligence is supposed to oversee the direction of collection efforts and program requirements. How this would be allowed is beyond me
There goes disclosure…. The truth will never be revealed
The pandemic was confirmation enough for me to never trust what the gov says. You can actually assume that whatever they say they are doing, the exact opposite is what they’re actually doing. Our government is incapable of telling the truth
It’s crazy the bureaucratic nightmare our government has become. We’ll finally have a committee formed to discus the emerging threat of artificial intelligence by the time Skynet has driven us to extinction.
They really believe we don’t think they do this now? Really?
Just reading the title alone this is a loop hole to close the already existing loop hole.
I’ve wondered if there would be a «civil war» over this topic between Congress and DoD/IC. Who really is in charge and have we found the limits to the checks and balances?
We have a civilian in charge of the DoD for this reason.
The guise of masking non-terrestrial technology as an aggressor to bolster the military industrial complex isn’t even necessary when you can pretend it’s “probably”terrestrial technology.
Can someone explain this like I’m 12
>> the proposed authority could only be used for a new program’s initial preliminary design review stages. Beyond this, a program would require Congressional approval to continue.
I’m OK with this.
AARO cheering for less oversight and more money. I see a pattern.
I wonder if another Bill from Congress would help accelerate the process of disclosure. This one would provide immunity to all past and present government and private sector employees that have lied, impeded , obstructed the release of information , pictures , videos and data relative to the phenomenon. Would that help.
This is why it’s up to us. I’m using ce5 and it works. Waiting on better equipment and I plan on making a channel focused on first contact
We are expected to believe that with the disproportionate amount of defense spending and immense technological lead the DOD has had over China that within the past 20 years China is now on pace to surpass DOD technologically?
It’s not that I don’t believe it it’s that it begs some important follow up questions such as exactly how inept and/or wasteful has DOD been in the past 20 years?
Also, there is a popular conception China doesn’t innovate anything and only steals IP. Is this an admission that this is a popular misconception?
China is less risk averse and willing to try new things? What happened to “the US markets are the envy of the world” and full of risk taking innovative entrepreneurs?
UAP are already advanced military and they just use it to make all the tech public. for later use.
I don’ really have a problem with this. It’s $300 million, that’s really nothing.
/u/loquebantur, where are you getting that this is in response to UAPs? I’m just seeing China etc in the article.
I’m tired of this grandpa
Really hope this puts an end to the theories that US has had zero-point energy since the 40s and a Breakaway civilization since the 20s.
Yeah thats not going to fly with congress
How many more cockmeat sandwiches are the MIC/Cabal gonna keep throwing at us, congress and is say media and so on but they own that shit and I’m really staring to get feel that they own congress as well and that perhaps this whole charade is literally a pre-engineered cyclopean mind fuck that Dr. Greer keeps saying he wants to stop but it’s even fooled him and everyone else and it’s literally happening in-front of us as I write this.
I also wonder how many more times I have to play the lottery before I hit the jackpot .. shit is real
The greatest threat we need to address is the debt bomb that our elected officials have put over our heads via reckless spending. Spending like what is being proposed here.
Can uh someone explain this like I’m a 5 year old? Tbh cant really understand half of what there saying. Big words is what I’m tryna say.
Likely another pentagon coverup . Like seriously why are the secrets with UAPs? Either they are USA tech or something else ? My guess it’s USA tech since they are being so anal about this stuff . Also if it’s aliens , why are they so shy not all humans are bad .
Can someone **ELI5** this for me? All these words are just giberish for me… im kinda dumb
This is what I told my girlfriend about my various trips to Vegas… that my excessive gambling and whoring are actually «Waived-Unacknowledged Special Access Programs.»
Went over like a Chinese weather balloon.
If we have to tell you the truth then you have to pay us a lot of money
So I’m reading this as a way for the Pentagon to legitimize the sap’s they are already/planning to start working on. Yet another step towards soft disclosure,or am I reading this wrong?
Ahahahahaha this is getting deliciously interesting, you can feel the fear of the east winds
I’m not sure which lawyers ordered up a ChatGPT brief on «The Power of the Purse», but I’m betting Sidney Powell was involved. Outside chance that Rudy Giuliani signed off on this…
Lol..hand got caught in the cookie jarrrrr..now save face and reveal the shit you’ve had for years and act like you just discovered it..you bad boys
Time to catch up to _____.
Fancy words for fraud.
Fixed the headline:
«Military Industrial Complex Uses UAP’s to Further Suck Taxpayers Dry»
WHAT. Yeah I don’t think so — no fucking blank check shit — you should always be getting the approval of congressional oversight.
so … DOD and the pentagon want an official excuse for their black programs with no oversight of the congress… so obfuscation, lies, waste of funds, black money and eventually corruption can be officially legalized. wonderful.
The mere fact that this «submission» exists now is amazing. It is proof. The fact that it is being done NOW. TODAY, is damning.
A government agency cutting red tape? lofl.
Like the CIA did in not getting full congressional approval in murdering JFK?