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Raegan was a believer and the topic was something they both certainly thought about.
And the answer was…?
Dude talked about it in a huge speech, saying maybe we need a common enemy to unite us
Yes but, it’s important to understand Reagan was a huge science fiction fan.
Pretty sure.
It could have just been an opening statement as part of a negotiation tactic. It’s fairly common, starting with something outlandish and walking it back to something real and reasonable…like yes to this, ok what about this, what about this, etc until you get to something that’s actually tangible.
That’s most likely all that it is.
Aliens are already here according to abduction accounts. If they were gonna do it, they’d have done it already.
I knew it. Disclosure is just one big attempt at world peace. Pff. Not falling for it.
What if the answer was no? That might explain some hostility.
And finally, something got accomplished at a Geneva Summit.
I’m confused why so many people think an alien invasion is really possible.
1. There’s different types of aliens with different agendas and species. Their motivations are thus different and most likely their takes on war and control/conflict are too.
2. It’s more likely in my opinion, that they watch us from afar in the same way we watch monkeys or domesticated animals. Curiously and sometimes with anal probing (kidding but not kidding?)
3. If they are using us for whatever reason, invading and killing us would do little good and why invade when you could just destroy with biological warfare from afar and keep your hands physically clean? Meaning if an alien invasions may not even *look like an alien invasion* we most likely wouldn’t even know it if we were being invaded.
And 4. If Israel and Palestine can indiscriminately kill their loved ones among the thousands of other times countries have disputed for the sake of their opposing views, without giving a fuck about the people in the crossfire, then there’s no damn way any president or any human race on this planet would ever in a lifetime come together for a common cause. We complain about men and women’s bathrooms in the US while other countries are suffering from severe droughts, famine and disease. The odds of surviving an alien invasion, being AWARE that an invasion is even happening given their advanced technologies, and/or humans uniting to form an alliance against or with them — so damn slim that the point of debating it IMHO is moot.
👽 ✌️
They also shared some ideas on the tits or ass subject.
Funny how the egomaniacs think that if aliens decided to attack us that we’d have even the slightest chance of winning or surviving. They could release a plague upon us before even landing their first troop carrier.
And that’s not even mentioning their weapons tech.
Humans are hilarious creatures!
Sounds like a ploy tactic. Raegan fucked just about everything else up, maybe he was just fucking with Gorbachev too.
too late for that i suppose
Seeing how this MF wouldn’t shut up about NWO and Alien threats uniting us, I’d say a safe bet yeah
Everyone always leaves out the rest of his speech after he says that
Source: a picture of a tweet, with a picture of the two people.
If the Delian League happened so can the entire world unite against a bigger threat
Reagan gave a speech on potential global teamup and coming together, if an Alien threat were to materialise.
They definitely smoked. Thai is what your cousins do at Thanksgiving they go on a mysterious walk that is sworn to secrecy. Then they ask if aliens invaded would you put away our differences?
Probably true