Моя коллекция старинных книг об НЛО


Вот некоторые из выдающихся произведений: «Они слишком много знали о летающих тарелках» Грея Баркера, первая книга, в которой упоминаются «Люди в черном», и «Опыт НЛО» Дж. Аллена Хайнека, который послужил источником вдохновения для «Встреч с Клоей третьего вида». Собираете ли вы старинные книги об НЛО, и если да, то какая у вас священная книга об НЛО?

20 комментариев для “Моя коллекция старинных книг об НЛО

  1. Nice collection. I just picked up a secondhand version of Abduction by John E. Mack and it had Budd Hopkins phone number hand written on one of the front page. Really made me feel like I was hot on the trail or maybe that the person who had the book before me was an experiencer

  2. After reading Communion, I couldn’t sleep well for like three months. I’m a little more skeptical about ol’ Whit’s claims these days, but that book sure did a number on 20 year old me back in the day.

  3. Nice collection. I’d recommend adding Above Top Secret by Timothy Goode and Alien Agenda by Jim Marrs. Strieber peaked with Communion but I’m very sceptical of him these days. It feels like he saw what Communion did to his bank balance and has grifted ever since.

  4. Nice! That Gray Barker book sounds really cool.

    I recently bought (but haven’t yet read) a 1951 paperback called Behind the Flying Saucers, by Frank Scully. The author’s name stood out to me, as you might imagine. If Frank isn’t the namesake of Agent Dana Scully, it’s one hell of a coincidence.

    The copy I bought really is from 1951, so I’m worried it’ll fall apart in my hands if I try to read it. Amazon sells a digital copy for like 5 bucks, so I might go that route for reading and preserve the paperback for display.

    Time-Life Books put out a series in the 80s called Mysteries of the Unknown, which I checked out all the time from my local library as a kid, but the library eventually culled its collection (as public libraries unfortunately do) and the books were just gone one day. A few years ago I found and bought my two favorite volumes, Mysterious Creatures (about cryptids) and The UFO Phenomenon, at a used book sale.

    The UFO Phenomenon is a really broad overview of the subject, but it features crude sketches of UFOs and aliens drawn by the people who claimed to have encountered them. Those drawings mean a lot to a weirdo like me.

  5. Submission Statement: I’ve been collecting vintage UFO books for quite a while now and I’d like to share a few with the community. Do you collect UFO books ? What’s your holy grail UFO book find? Which authors do you like to collect?

  6. Your book collection is giving me “Eyes on Cinema” vibes. Even if i didnt care one iota about Ufology, you gotta say, those documentaries back in the 60s-90s, they had some jams! Same for the book covers back then: they really stand out!

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