Я думаю, что это реальная точка зрения кадра FLIR.

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Я заметил в предыдущем посте, что угол действительно не правильный. Крыльевая камера/датчик не может находиться на том же уровне, что и нос дрона, поскольку кончик носа дрона находится на том же уровне, что и крыло, на котором установлена ​​камера/датчик. Теперь, если FLIR смотрит назад под углом 125-135 градусов, задняя часть кулачка / датчика крыла находится на том же уровне, что и FLIR, а нижняя часть крыла также находится в кадре. Теперь направление траектории полета дрона уходит от самолета, поскольку он перехватывал его спереди справа от Jet. Дрон прошел бы по правой стороне самолета, если бы он не повернул налево до этого. Это также может указывать на то, почему Jet выполнил такой крутой левый поворот, чтобы уклониться от дрона, идущего спереди? Дрон напугал самолет? Было ли это причиной столь резкого поворота? И что более важно, если это было направление дрона, то шары также летели с того же направления, но дальше позади, и, таким образом, они могли повернуться и лететь к Джету сзади? Если это настоящие кадры, то это может указывать на то, что сферами управляли военные, как и дроном…

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29 комментарий для “Я думаю, что это реальная точка зрения кадра FLIR.”
  1. But the camera placement is in front of the wing, so the footage showing it behind the wing which is visible at the top doesn’t track. Also it’s not the lip above the camera, as the curvature wrapping around the camera unit would be visible.

    I think all the fervour around the video is making people do mental gymnastics and ignore what’s in front of them, and then the positive reinforcement from others doing the same make discoveries like this become fact.

  2. Those drones can’t fly as fast as a 777, nor as high. If they can’t fly as fast then it couldn’t have been following it the airline and if it dropped from cruising altitude then the drone would have to have been in exactly the right place at the right time for it to speed past the drone.

  3. I think this is the real POV of the FLIR footage

    I noticed in the [previous post](https://reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/jLsq1TUrEg) that the angle is indeed not right. A wing cam/sensor wouldn’t be able to be in the same level as the drone’s nose as the tip of the drone’s nose is in the same level as the wing the cam/sensor is mounted on.

    Now if the FLIR is looking backwards at 125-135 degrees, the back of the wing cam/sensor is at the same level as the FLIR and the bottom of the wing is also in the frame.

    Now the direction of the drone’s flight path is moving away from the plane as it was intercepting it from the Jet’s front right. The drone would have passed on the right side of the Jet if it wouldn’t have turned left prior.

    This may also indicate why the Jet performed such a steep left turn, to evade the drone coming from the front? Did the drone spook the Jet? Was it the reason for such a drastic turn?

    And more importantly, if that was the direction of the drone, then the orbs were also coming from the same direction but further behind, and thus they were able to turn and fly to the Jet from behind?

    If this is a real footage, then this may indicate the orbs were operated by the military, just like the drone…

    Edit: for those who ask why this is important (besides the conclusion of mine) please look at this try-hard debunkoor post: https://reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/R7vTVWs77V

  4. This makes no sense. The drone is moving forward in the video, as far as I know, they don’t fly backwards.

    This is what it looks like when a drone is filming from its centre pod.


    If the video is real, its from a wing mounted camera facing towards the front of the drone and the thing we’re seeing at the left side is the nose cone.

    Also the heat signature shows the Pitot tube which wouldn’t be on the mount.

  5. Not gonna say how, so take it for what it’s worth, but there are several types of payloads that can be mounted on wing pylons on this platform. The one in the Pic is not something I’ve seen personally but have i seen others that have similar capabilities.

  6. No, this is not the angle the pod is looking at. The pod is facing forward and that is the nose of the drone in view. Yes, it seems to high to be real and I believe that is proof the video is fake until we get a better and more accurate to life recreation that proves otherwise.

  7. It would be but it wouldnt have such a shitty looking camera and it wouldnt function like a guy holding a thermal in his hands fumbling with the zoom. The cameras on these drones would have easily tracked that plane and kept it in frame the whole time. They can track targets many many miles away with no problem. Thats why i cant take the video seriously. That and ive depended on drone feeds and footage and always saw way better quality flir. An MQ series drone in 2014 wouldnt have a $500 flir camera on it.

  8. So if its looking back, where are the 45 degree fins? What would be item to the left?

    If its looking forward, why is the nose not the right shape considering the angle and what is the top green line?

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