Райан Грейвс написал в Твиттере, что коммерческие пилоты записывают свои наблюдения.

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ffANoTHEC27bEZ6gzAy2u7Tz2i Tz0BQLnrEovwGYa0

ffANoTHEC27bEZ6gzAy2u7Tz2i Tz0BQLnrEovwGYa0

Райан Грейвс X написал (твитнул), что коммерческие пилоты записывают свои наблюдения, и с их разрешения он начнет делиться ими. https://x.com/uncertainvector/status/1692310916153356755?s=46

От admin

31 комментарий для “Райан Грейвс написал в Твиттере, что коммерческие пилоты записывают свои наблюдения.”
  1. My wife’s cousin whom I’ve been close with for the last 12 years is a commercial pilot in the UK. He used to be a pharmacist but 8 years ago decided to do a complete career change. Anyways, a few weeks ago I saw him at a wedding in Calgary. We’ve always been open in our conversations about anything and everything. I brought up the obvious of what’s been going on lately with UFO’s in the news etc..

    He looked me dead straight in my eyes and said, “at 36,000 feet while we were cruising once I saw something small, shiny in the distance, almost disc like in shape. Whatever it was it kept up with my plane for a few minutes. For no reason what so ever it changed direction and then poof, it was gone, out of sight.”

    I asked him if he’s f^%k’ing with me and he said he’s not, talked to multiple multiple pilots and co workers about it and others have seen different variations of flying objects over the years. I honestly believe him, he’s not someone who would go about making up non sense.

  2. Ryan Graves (@uncertainvector) shared on X:

    “Commercial pilots have been recording sightings. With their permission, I’ll begin to share.”

    Edit: Ryan Graves has answered some questions on X.

    From Ryan Graves in response to another comment:

    You are correct. Most videos are of lights at indeterminate distances away from a phone camera. Context around the events will be important so it’ll be important to consider the pilots accounting of the experience.


  3. Some debunkers are starting to have a much more aggressive attitude towards pilots i think they are done letting it go.


    For two weeks they have been after Grusch.

    In the last days — it was after Ross Coulthart.

    Now it’s about David Fravor and Ryan Graves.

    It’s time to put on your combat helmet as Jeremy Corbell says. I think we just moved on to another level of response. Fuck yeah

  4. YES!

    We must keep talking about this. This is marketing, we have to make this acceptable to discuss. Think about all of the societal norms that have changed over the decades. You are part of that right now just by being on this sub. You don’t need to believe, just be open to discuss. The stigma has to be removed so we can tackle this scientifically and get answers.

    There have been thousands upon thousands of sightings/experiences by family members, friends, neighbors, politicians, celebrities, the military, the intelligence community, across the globe throughout human history. Because of technology and the speed of information in today’s world, they CANNOT stop the flow. We must take this opportunity to speak loudly and demand accountability.


  5. Whenever I see one of these people, professional debunking clowns, talk about how these people are just trying to make money, all I can do is laugh.

    I watched this guy West talk about Travis Taylor the other day, he was saying he is an entertainer and if there is no aliens to talk about, they don’t make money. So they fabricate and twist facts to fit their narrative to make money.

    I just had to laugh, I mean what are you doing? You are trying to make money trashing these people. I mean, are these guys just trying to prove everybody wrong because they care about the truth so much?

    Are they spending thousands of hours a year doing their work for free??

    So what if Ryan Graves is making a living helping people report incidents. I’d rather have him doing this than not doing anything about the increasing incidents of these objects.

  6. This statement makes me nervous. Graves has been to date one of the more credible people in the current era to come forth. Saying that there’s stuff coming and that maybe you’ll be able to share it if somebody else lets you is a huge red flag in the parlance of UAP discussion.

    This makes me very concerned that he is getting sucked into the grifter side of this inquiry. Teasing content is never smart, unless you’re trying to sell someone something.

    I hope something comes of this very soon otherwise, I’m gonna be very disappointed in how they chose to involve themselves in the speculative morass of all of this, rather than sticking to the hard facts that they themselves initially brought to the table.

  7. Ok Experts, Share excellent footage first then we shall think about trusting and believing. Till then let all the conspiracy theories and experts keep babbling about it. Did these revelations make the whole world jump…NO ..only those interested in UFO…UAO..NHI got interested. The working man the lay man just gives a ton of ffks about all these…Dey busy living working.

  8. I know this is a controversial take, and downvotes will ensue … but as much as I hate Mick West, he is correct on this one: these are starlink satellites at a very specific angle, that flare up in the same location. What convinced me was this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15q5tec/i_dont_believe_in_aliens_visiting_us_ive_been/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15q5tec/i_dont_believe_in_aliens_visiting_us_ive_been/) . This is not truly UAP behavior but statelittes visible for a moment before going dark again due to going into Earth shadow.

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