Нам нужно поддержать Берчетта. (Не обязательно соглашаться со всеми его политическими взглядами, не обязательно за него голосовать, но, если хотите, чтобы он продолжал, поддержите его в этом вопросе.)

От admin #Внеземные существа, #Внекосмические существа, #Внешний вид пришельцев, #Загадки инопланетного воздействия, #Загадки инопланетных цивилизаций, #Инопланетная жизнь, #Инопланетные существа в кино, #Инопланетные технологии, #ИнопланетныеВоздействия, #Инопланетяне, #ИнтеракцияСИнопланетянами, #Интракосмические существа, #Исследование инопланетной жизни, #Контакт с инопланетянами, #Космические пришельцы, #Межзвездные путешествия, #Научная фантастика, #Популярные о пришельцах, #Пришельцы в алфавите, #ПришельцыВНауке, #ПришельцыИлюди, #связанные с пришельцами, #Способы общения с пришельцами, #Телешоу на инопланетянах, #Теории заговоров о пришельцах, #Уроки инопланетной истории. 窗体顶端 窗体底端 ЭкспериментыПришельцев, #Фантастические инопланетяне, #Фильмы о пришельцах, #Фэндом пришельцев, #Экзобиология, #ЭкспериментыНадЛюдьми, #Явления

Нам нужно поддержать Берчетта. (Не обязательно соглашаться со всеми его политическими взглядами, не обязательно за него голосовать, но, если хотите, чтобы он продолжал, поддержите его в этом вопросе.)

We need to support Burchett. (You don’t have to agree with all of his political views, you don’t have to vote for him, but, if you want him to continue, support him on this issue.)
byu/Ecliptic_clipper inUFOs

От admin

46 комментарий для “Нам нужно поддержать Берчетта. (Не обязательно соглашаться со всеми его политическими взглядами, не обязательно за него голосовать, но, если хотите, чтобы он продолжал, поддержите его в этом вопросе.)”
  1. Well, we just have to hope that Grusch and the other whistleblowers can make a compelling enough testimony that it doesn’t matter about one’s personal politics etc and the matter stands on its own merit

  2. I agree, 100%. Secrecy breeds corruption and crime! We don’t know how deep the rabbit holes go and we have the rights to know.

    Only a few big corporations allowed to research and probably profit off this, probably to the detriment of mankind.

    Time is one thing we cannot get back!

  3. Agreed. And to all of the people who complain about his side whenever this comes up, I say direct that energy to the representatives you _want_ to have as the face of this issue. Making snarky comments on Reddit (that just get deleted anyway for breaking the rules) doesn’t help anything, but pressuring more politicians to get serious about this just might do some good.

  4. He’s right.

    Depending on the direction these hearings take, these Congress people that have most bravely advocated for this topic will get attacked by their opponents for it.

    Imagine the liars get their way, they come out with some bullshit report: «The Real Truth: Sensor and Human Error: Case Closed!!» That false conclusion would get used against these Congress people in EVERY election campaign, debate, commercial, etc.

    Imagine an attack ad on any of these Congress people that are on our side: spooky alien theme playing, and showing little green men, people storming area 51, narrator: while the good people of [election district] were suffering from high prices, [representative] was chasing aliens!! What a crazy person! Vote for me! I care about the middle class not aliens!!!»

    Combine that with the fact defense corporations will be spending 💰💰💰💰💰 on lobbying if they feel threatened by this. This especially exposes Congress people that have these defense facilities in their congressional districts. This has been talked about in other threads here.

    Imagine these defense lobbyists go to the Congress person’s office: «look Mr/ms Congress person we’ve loved having your support on important issues, but any further talk on this topic is bad for national security and would make us support the other side in the upcoming elections, we’re sure you’ll make the right choice 😚»

    That’s why it’s so important to communicate the importance of this issue to more elected officials. Even if they haven’t yet spoken publicly on it. Mr Burchett has emphasized multiple times how many Democrat Congress people are also taking this issue seriously but have not yet spoken publicly on it, because the stigma is still so effective.

  5. I just called his office and spoke to a staffer. I said that I fully support Congressman Burchett’s pursuit of the UAP truth and am willing to donate to his reelection campaign despite living in California, being a Democrat, and disagreeing with him on many other issues—that is how important I think this issue is.

  6. Submission statement: if you have ever tried to engage in a UFO topic with family and friends, you know how much bias and backlash there is in the non-UFO community. Imagine what these politicians are facing from both their parties and the public for pushing this topic forward. We need to send our supporting emails and letters to all politicians engaged in the subject and their parties. Once again, the politicians that have been the most vocal on this issue are: Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, Sen. Josh Hawley, Rep. Tim Burchett, Sen. Marco Rubio, Rep. Mike Gallagher, Rep. Anna Paulina Luna… Help me name anyone else who deserves credit.

  7. I am very, very slow to support politicians in this camp, you never know motive, but he is inarguably being vocal about things that none of the rest of them are. I do salute that. Anyone with a mind that says people must know is in the right mind. Even if it’s tough, even if it’s historic. It’s every single one of our situation, equally.

  8. Easy. Help fund all the politicians taking this seriously. Regardless of party affiliation. If David Grusch allegations are true it’s the most important story of our lifetime, impacting the future of all humanity. If it’s false, then he should be held accountable and whatever source of this disinformation needs to be stopped..

  9. I don’t really agree with anything this guy has to say about politics but I couldn’t be more behind the congressman when he talks about UAP/UFOS and the phenomenon in general. Wish more elected officials would have the courage to think a little differently.

  10. All he does is think about potential military conflict. His fear-mongering is not what is needed. This isn’t Hollywood. But the control of this issue must be wrested from the military. We should be developing positive relations with these beings, and it must be done by intelligent, level-headed people from around the world — not the military.

  11. The video is literally him walking away after not disclosing anything? What has he actually done to help, I don’t consider dark intimations with no concrete claims, let alone evidence, to be doing anything

  12. Burchett puts himself out there as a Christian Republican…. That’s honestly why even though I’m taking all of this with a grain of salt, I find him to be believable and compelling. At the very least he believes that what he’s been shown is something otherworldly. The implications of it could mean an end to conventional religion as it’s been for the last 2000 years. You would think that a man of faith upon seeing this data and possibly understanding what the reality of it could mean might balk at the idea, or outright denounce it as fake and not bother with wanting to take it public. Him being one of the more outspoken politicians about what the whistleblowers are showing them, for me, gives it another layer of credibility that it is real. Or at least it’s compelling enough that they think what they’re being shown is real.

  13. I think this is a great issue under which to unify the country. I have always believed there are good people on both sides, and this video brings that to light. We may disagree with this guy on most things, but he’s shown that he is trying to do what he believes is right and that’s what motivates him, at least on this issue.

    Hopefully after this is all over, we can disagree on fundamental issues but still see the humanity of the other side.

  14. I don’t like the ol’ dickhead, but I agree with him here. Of course they exist. Does anyone really think we’re that special that we’re the only living, questionably intelligent beings in this universe so big that it is beyond comprehension?

  15. I disagree with every political issue he has a stance on really but this one. If I where in his state I would definitely vote for him though because this issue may be the most important thing in human history.

  16. Despite his disarmingly… ahem… «rustic» demeanor, Burchett seems to be remarkably canny about what he might be up against here in terms of fighting The Conspiracy. He’s made references to:

    1. Other congresspeople getting silenced by honeypot + blackmail operations
    2. The prospect of his political opponents getting «mysterious» cash infusions
    3. Threats and reprisals against pilots who report sightings

    This guy’s thinking ahead to what it’s going to look like when the fight gets dirty.

  17. I actually worry about his safety. I mean he’s the most outspoken rep. on the subject, what’s to say something happens to him? We all know it’s happened before, even to a Secretary of defence like James Forrestal.

  18. This fucking sub: Keep politics out away from my UFOs!

    Also this fucking sub: We should support this Republican getting reelected because he says things I like about UFOs! There is no way this politician is doing things for political reasons!

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