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45 комментарий для “СВЯТАЯ МОЛИ”
  1. Is this a hoax or a misidentification? Probably… but it honestly does not look like any owl I have ever seen. I spent the last 45 minutes looking up owl photos to try and identify it’s species and I’ve gone frame by frame on this from 28:16 to 28:22 and this is what a see:

    * This creatures eye basically extend to the sides of it’s head, with very little of it’s auricularis anterior or superior showing
    * It’s eyes sit disproportionately larger on it’s face than any owl photo (baby or not) I have seen
    * The camera man is shining a light right into it’s eyes which would have caused pupil restriction, not dilation. Dilated or not, Eurasian Eagle Owl eyes typically reveal a yellow iris which is not present in this video.
    * I see no evidence of a feather/fur pattern anywhere on or around it’s face
    * I do not see a clearly visible beak and it has fairly wide set nostrils, closer to the lacrimal caruncle (inner tear duct) than most owls
    * The last second of movement reveals a mouth slit well below the nostrils, this slit looks to be about the same width as the distance between it’s eyes. Again, something I haven’t found represented in any owl photo I have seen.
    * It’s growl is around 3 seconds long. I’m having trouble finding a video of an owl growl that sounds anything like this one, let alone one that lasts 3 seconds

    I’m not saying it’s an alien, and tbh this footage is too blurry to see any true detail. But I do think people saying that’s «obviously an owl» have really done very little analysis to determine what type of owl. If you can name a specific species I’m more than willing to listen… but using my own methods of deduction I’m not so sure we are looking at an owl here.

  2. I’m a turk, as he was walking towards the rock he was mentioning the floor, path he was on, walking on , was wet, he also mentions quite afew times that he saw a light coming out through the rocks.. reason he was switching his torch on/off..to see if he can see the light, for himself and the viewers, seemed to me he was on live stream..

    Those noises I’ve never heard.. the creature seemed to be making them noises as his mouth is screeching, like moving fast..
    And big black eyes.. don’t look like know owl to me..

    Definitely interesting video..

    Could be an alien, crashed, or dropped off to investigate the land, and to be picked up later.. or just stranded.. who knows..

    They had a gun ready..with that, I definitely would have gone back..

  3. I don’t know why but his reaction always cracks me up (his scream is even more hilarious at 0.25 playback speed, it’s almost Homer-like). You can also see the creature raise it’s head when it tries to do the hissing thing before it slants its head away. Not sure what it is but I don’t think it’s an owl either. I saw this a while back but never looked up what the consensus of what everyone thought the thing was.

  4. I have just watched it in 0.25x speed and people are saying its an owl but I really don’t think it is an owl, because while watching it you can clearly see a nose and a mouth open clear as day

  5. if this post gets attention i will post the translations. because hes been talking about seeing a light on a rock (he is livestreaming) and describing some other stuff too (such as ground being muddy and wet). he actually goes there because of the light he saw.

    also i dont think this is an alien but i am also sure that its not an owl too, since it doesnt have a beak. instead it has nostrils

  6. I turned on the auto translate to English which looks like it is doing a poor job. From what I gathered with the poor translation these are two Muslim men who were warned of something and left where ever they were to travel a half hour away to a neighboring village. The one filming saw a light coming from the rocks so he went to investigate the source. He discovered they were standing on top of a cave. They heard strange unidentified noises. The man filming thought an animal was trapped in the stone. He saw the alien watching him, ran, prayed to Allah and said it can’t be, such a thing and said it has a head of 50 cm. What owl has a head 19.68 inches in circumference? I just measured my head with a retractable tape measure and it is 23.5″ in circumference. That was either an alien or a hoax. It wasn’t a giant owl.

  7. In North America they were called “little people” by the Cherokee and others. They live underground. Look up “Cherokee Little People were real” by Mary Joyce. She has evidence and eyewitnesses from their last holdout in Culowhee, North Carolina. Guys, they aren’t just “aliens”. They’ve been here since before we were. She gives maps and specific locations where tunnels were found. They are real

  8. It’s pretty interesting, at first I thought it was the back of some kind of animal and we were seeing its camouflage pattern but I’ve changed my mind after looking at it more closely. I’m not sure if it’s cgi, ai or an animal. Certainly looks like a typical alien face. I don’t think it’s a mask as the left eye seems to squint pretty realistically at 28:18:18[https://streamable.com/tkon64](https://streamable.com/tkon64)

  9. The first thing you should be asking yourself is, why would an upstanding alien hide itself inside a random cave/boulder for no good reason.

    This is like they literally went out look for animal dens and found an alien hiding with the meerkats.

  10. Definitely an owl. Sounds like an owl, looks like an owl. It’s also super close to the camera so even though it looks large it’s only like 1-2 feet tall with that head being a few inches.

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