НЛО Twenty Nine Palms — идентифицированы вспышки — видео Мика Уэста

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НЛО Twenty Nine Palms — идентифицированы вспышки — видео Мика Уэста

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40 комментарий для “НЛО Twenty Nine Palms — идентифицированы вспышки — видео Мика Уэста”
  1. Corbell list all credible with the «pyramid video» within seconds I knew it was a camera effect. This was before bokeh was common in the UFO lexicon. It was the same with this one. The fact that the UFO community is only coming around now after West and Greenwald confirm what any reasonable person knew to be true is telling of the state of the community. The only way you’ll ever get to the truth with this topic is through serious academic investigation. If you have a community pushing obvious fakes like this it will never happen. Thankfully in this case the UFO community is coming around but it shouldn’t have even gone that far.

  2. My message to Jeremy,


    >Blew it with this one. I have friends that are almost completely turned off to UFOs now, when they were just opening up to it.

    >Please stop overhyping. Please refrain from videos that require extensive context and background knowledge to present value.

    >Pretend you’re Mick West before you post anything, think like him. Does he shit all over it? If yes, shelf the video.

    No offense to the Marines in the video, but them not knowing what this is is understandable. I just hope people don’t use this mistaken ID as an argument that Commander Fravor, Dietrich, Graves and Letto are also wrong.

  3. I used to live in Joshua tree which is right next door. And yep those look exactly like flares from the Marine base. Happens a couple times a year. Flares go up and hang there for a large portion of the night. Helicopters fly around all kinds of good old crazy shit. Perfectly normal.

    That being said, I have also witnessed extraordinary non-terrestrial phenomena right in that area. It is a hotspot.

  4. I’m normally not a Mick West fan given his determination to disprove things at all costs, even when his explanations are debatable, but in this case I think he is 100% correct. And I’m disappointed that this community gave so many upvotes on multiple threads to an obvious set of flares sold as a UFO. I’m disappointed that Corbel aired it on his podcast. Its definitely detracted from his credibility.

  5. Ok, hear me out. Maybe, most of the shakey, blurry, hard to make out images posted here daily with fanciful descriptions are actually more likely to be attributed to earthly phenomena than aliens?

  6. And this is why people laugh at Ufologists. If the community had an ounce of skepticism it wouldn’t be as fun but they won’t look half as irrational. Even so Cornell’s next book will likely be a bestseller.

  7. Submission Statement

    Mick West and John Greenwald offer up some proof that the 29 Palms sighting was most likely flares, dropped during a military exercise. The analysis includes flipping the image Corbell has supplied verse more clear DOD image from that night. The images are a near perfect match.

  8. 2 years of research
    Literally 2 days and a google search or military excercises in the area. How did Corbell not think hey maybe I should google excercises in the area on that date lol

  9. If a topic or sighting can be proven as being Earth-bound and not of extraterrestrial origin, that person is doing everyone a favor.

    Exposing the truth has more value than the opposite.

    Call them debunkers if you wish, but calling them honest truth revealers would have the exact same meaning.

    Knowing the veracity and validity of something because someone has enlightened us will typically be considered to be a positive.

    Expressing negative feelings about someone who has revealed a truth based on facts and related available information is not productive for those seeking accuracy.

    If this Reddit sub for UFOs is weighted towards those who are overly credulous (believe everything they are told) and only promote dialogs that favor all unknowns as being genuine alien visitors, how does that help anyone?

    Personally I have seen two very convincing UFO sightings, the first one very close up, around 75 to 100 yards away, it was dramatic and left me standing in my driveway, stunned and completely speechless.

    I know some of these things people see are literally out of this world, but that in no way makes me indifferent towards facts and truth, all of us should feel the same when it comes to the truth.

  10. As usual, we’re all wondering if this is malicious or incompetence: «Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.» I suspect a little bit of both here to be fair, as this seems to be a reoccurring theme with these two clowns.

  11. thank you Nick this one was so laughable. I posted earlier that Mr Corbell should stick to science fiction but after going back and watching some of his older videos I would like to redact this advice and suggest he try his hand a flipping burgers

  12. 1,000,000 eye witnesses and we still have no hard data… That starts getting weird, don’t you think?

    And to be clear, I’m not saying that there isn’t something to the phenomenon. I’m just saying that we don’t have anywhere near enough information yet to jump to any one conclusion.

  13. If you guys look at my post history way down I posted my experience. Jeremy talks about the incident I was in and it was not flares. They stayed for around 25 mins or so at max. Flares drop fast

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