НЛО USS Omaha снято ВМС США, июль 2019 г.

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НЛО USS Omaha снято ВМС США, июль 2019 г.,

НЛО USS Omaha снято ВМС США, июль 2019 г.,

В июле 2019 года у побережья Сан-Диего военно-морской флот США заснял на камеру FLIR сферический объект, летящий над водой, прежде чем ненадолго войти в воду. Беговой корабль ВМС США «Омаха» заявил, что видел объекты, похожие на дроны, летающие вокруг в течение нескольких дней. Из того, что я читал, это реакция одного из участников на корабле на кадры: Дайте мне знать, что вы, ребята, думаете.

USS Omaha UFO filmed by US Navy, July 2019
byu/Express_Rhubarb5051 inUFOs

By admin

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35 комментарий для “НЛО USS Omaha снято ВМС США, июль 2019 г.”
  1. I worked with a guy decades ago who served in the Navy on an aicraft carrier, and while they were in the middle of the Med, one morning, around 3AM, as he was on the bridge, (I don’t remember what his job was,) he said they saw a huge glowing craft rise up from underwater and position itself in front of the ship.

    The ship at that point lost all power for around 10 minutes.

    He swore it was true, it scared the shit out of him, and he would get upset and angry if you said it wasn’t true.

  2. To be honest, I didn’t pay much attention to UFOs until I saw the footage released by the US military. Since then I’ve been fascinated by the subject and my opinion has changed from “no way” to “huh, maybe there’s something to this”. The challenge for me at this point is to filter out all the nonsense (and there is a lot) and decide what evidence falls above the fuzzy line of legitimacy. This video, like the others from the military, is compelling.

  3. One thing I haven’t seen anyone talk about on here is that when the object supposedly went into the water and you hear someone say «mark, bearing and range» the sailors on the ship were marking the co-ordinates or location where it went in. A submarine that was nearby then went to that location under water and searched the area looking for the object and nothing was found.

  4. Now this is the type of footage I come here for. Since it was filmed on a FLIR camera has anyone heard of this or any other UAPs invisible in the visible light spectrum? I’m sure this helps with tracking but do I need to be out there with my own infrared gear if I want to catch the vast majority of UAPs I may be missing?

  5. https://youtu.be/5iG5lingCGc

    Here is Fox doing a story shortly after the video was declassified. Im honestly not sure if it was moving with the wind or how fast it was going, But I do know that they also picked it up on radar as well. Also this isn’t a fake video, it is verified footage released by the US Navy in 2021. Let me know realistically what you guys think this could be, and once again i’m not claiming this to be something unexplainable, I cant stretch that enough, I just thought it was interesting and wanted to share.

  6. My Parents saw a flying saucer that was only about 40 ft away in broad daylight. It was hovering over some trees by the side of a road when they drove up next to it. They observed it for about 10 minutes before it glided behind the tree line and they lost sight of it.

    My Brother and I are the only peopl ethey ever told about it because they «didn’t want people tp think they were crazy.»

    They said it was about 30 ft in diameter and the bottom looked like the bottom of a dinner plate.

  7. Sounds like the UFO was listening to comms, and that as soon it heard it was going to be targeted, it maneuvered at exactly the speed it needed to subtly submerge and escape.

  8. I’m more impressed by the back-and-forth movement than the “splash.”

    Whereas the splash could be a perspective issue, that type of movement is not easily explained.

    Might not seem like much, but I don’t think a drone could reverse momentum like that so smoothly.

  9. It makes you wonder how it is that our military budget is over 2 times larger than the next biggest country’s military budget, and yet for some reason all we have to film these advanced UAPs is an original pinhole camera from 1816.

    Where the fuck is all that money going?

  10. This is the video that sent me spiraling. The end of the video, with the object blinking in and out of existence, looks like someone is turning something on and off. The Navy has admitted to investing in technology and research that creates fake signatures across multiple sensors. If they are actually successful, and likely are well ahead of what they are admitting to have, then they can very well have the ability to fabricate sonar, radar, infrared and possible even physical objects(projections). That would really answer all the questions in my opinion. It also answers my question as to “why is the government all of a sudden very invested in being semi-open wih the UAP phenomenon. We are telling our adversaries that these are real objects, they don’t belong to us. So if a swarm of orbs heads towards Moscow, they won’t believe it’s us creating decoys, they focus their intention on the swarm, we sneak in a reconnaissance mission without being detected. I think the phenomenon is real, I also think the US military is piggy backing on the phenomenon to create new defensive/offensive weapons systems. “It cant be ours, we don’t have the tech to do the things these objects are doing”. Maybe there’s nothing really there.

  11. The crazy thing is recently they had a similar object, but claimed it must have been a plane I’ve looked at planes with the naked eye that were thousands of feet in the air (going through clouds) and could still see the wings, etc. and it didnt look like a weird oval object…..

  12. This is the one that got me thinking that maybe they can go through solid rock like they do water ala Buckaroo Banzai. Perhaps there are vast underground bases we could never get to.

  13. You guys should do some research into the new high powered unmanned military drones the government has been showing the public recently. After seeing them I’m positive none of these “UAP”s are alien.

  14. It didn’t look like it splashed. It looks like it dematerialized for a moment blinked back then blinked out completely. Maybe it cloaked to something the FLIR couldn’t detect.

  15. I know everyone wants this to be some physics defying transmedium sphere, and it may very well be. Just out of curiosity, what would a deflating weather balloon look like on this camera?
    There’s no visible means of propulsion, so using logic to conclude what earthly objects are sphere-like and can take to the air, one would think weather balloon. I know saying such things in this sub is grounds for down votes and ridicule. But I feel it has to be asked.
    I would truly like for it to be other worldly, but it seems logical to examine known objects before jumping to conclusions. I’m not an intelligent person so if there’s some information that makes it abundantly clear that it is in fact not a balloon, I’ll accept the down votes as my pendant for ignorance.

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