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Корбелл вчетверо уменьшил количество вспышек и теперь отказывается прямо отвечать на какие-либо важные вопросы, кроме как «Я просто задаю вопросы». Он ушел в этот момент

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34 комментарий для “Корбелл вчетверо уменьшил количество вспышек и теперь отказывается прямо отвечать на какие-либо важные вопросы, кроме как «Я просто задаю вопросы». Он ушел в этот момент”
  1. John Greenewald in the replies:

    “Corbell has simply provided two unnamed sources (which respectfully, can just simply be wrong and not «lying») and video evidence no more than 36 seconds in length, while claiming an incident lasted 10-25 minutes.

    He further claims he’s got «dozens» of videos but won’t show you. He further claims more witnesses have come forward but hasn’t named them.

    This is tiresome and damaging to a conversation that deserves better.”

    🤣 go John.

  2. I understand the bitterness some have with Corbell. It’s less the arrogance and more of the manic attitude that isn’t welcoming to me.

    I feel if he was more measured in his emotions and less focused on being a personality he would thrive.

    I’m sure he has his reasons and is aware of the criticism. It’s just sometimes he looks like he had a bump or two, or four.

  3. I’ve been learning about ego lately and identifying with a position or idea is a sign of ego. If you suggest an idea and become upset after someone disagrees or suggests a different idea, then your ego is in the way. «It’s MY idea. I don’t like that MY idea was not agreed upon.» It’s also a completely unscientific way to study the phenomenon.

  4. I usually roll my eyes at the explanations Mick West comes up with. However, the overlay he did with the flares is fairly indisputable. The fact that Corbell will not admit that he fucked up further shows why no one should listen to him.

  5. At the end of the day, Jeremy just isn’t smart enough to be a true investigative journalist and is falling prey to his own biases. He’s stuck in a wet paper bag and isn’t strong enough to tear out of it. And he never will be.

  6. This reveals a big problem with UFOlogy. Some people just can’t let go of a story. I’m not saying this to be “mean” or anything — it’s just a fact.

    Some stories have been thoroughly debunked but they just keep coming back up.

    Scientists will get an idea, invest time, blood, sweat and tears into their hypothesis, creating tests and experiments and then examining results. More often than not their tests reveal a flaw and they are forced back to try again — or even abandon a certain line of research. It happens. It’s part of the process.

    We keep looking for proof of alien life. Sometimes we think we found a sign. But when that clue doesn’t pan out — you’ve got to let it go! Move on! Seek the next clue! Hanging onto something that’s not really there … well… that really doesn’t help anyone, and it’s a bad look, frankly.

    Corbells story relies on two things: photo and stories by witnesses. He’s relying on the witness stories because the photo reveals the incident to be prosaic. And time and time again we know those stories are the most unreliable. Yet people just cling to them. It’s the only reason many popular ufo stories persist.

    We need to be focused on physical evidence — hard evidence — not stories. Just my .02

  7. I’m pretty agnostic on Corbell, he’s a mixed bag for me. But why does everyone seem so incredibly eager to believe the government’s explanation of this incident? Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t these the same assholes who have been lying to us for decades, about literally everything? I don’t get it.

  8. He did the same with the night vision «pyramid» video. Everyone knew it was bokeh but he doubled down on unnamed unverifiable sources and claimed he had irrefutable evidence and «we’d all see eventually.» I don’t hate the guy but he has zero credibility as far as I’m concerned. I remember listening to a «Stuff they Don’t want you to know» podcast where they had him as a guest. He went on about how he’s actually a skeptic. I spit my coffee so far out of my mouth it went into orbit.

  9. Jeremy Corbell is now refusing to admit that he either didn’t research this case enough or that he purposefully left out key information as to the nature of the lights

    He is now stating he is «asking questions» that others need to back up and will not entertain the idea that this is flare activity during military training because of the marines he is falsely claiming are trained observers

  10. The funny thing is, Corbell’s trying to salvage a little corner where he keeps repeating over and over about how the people he talked to saw a craft. It’s the only thing he’s got left.

  11. Weird, A few months ago when he released that «impossible flight path» of some object in a war zone which was literally just going in a straight line. I condemned his critical judgment and his ability to seriously think about what he is looking at. And told everyone he is NOT in this to prove alien craft exist or anything like that. He was a flashy showman who spoke just like Barnum in his over the top exaggeration of things all to sell himself and whatever he was producing as a means to make money of people who want to believe.

    I got downvoted to hell because at that time everyone thought he was the patron saint of UFO proof.

    Funny how things change. Ever since I saw him on Rogan I KNEW just from what he said and how he said it he was full of shit and nothing but someone who was using this kind of phenomenon as a platform to make money. Just like Zack Baggins does for the «proof of ghosts» world.

    The thing people don’t do is pay particular interest in WHAT he is saying at a fundamentally logical level. He is the kind of speaker to use exaggerated phrasing and over the top patter and presentation to try and make something very straight forward and simple look outstanding. He will even blatantly lie about facts and even try to lie to you about what you can see in a video right to your face.

    Seriously the guy would make a great politician with the level of scumbaggery he does. Remember… he says he spent TWO YEARS researching this video. TWO YEARS… ask yourself what he did in that two years. Or even… did he ACTUALLY spend two years researching? Or is it another over exaggerated «I caught a fish thiiiiiiis big» statement from him?

  12. I believe his point, as he specifically stated on his podcast, was to show us what it was like “the first 36 hours after this mass siting.” And tbh I appreciated that, especially because there was nothing after the “balloons” incident which is fucking still crazy.

    On another note, all we fatasses sitting at home need to fucking take it easy on this dude. I’m in an oddly relatable situation to him and my wife said we’re similar…so lettme tell you, when you’re doing some shit that NOBODY had the ghaddamn guts to do…and you’re passionate about it…and you’re putting your creativity, opinion, productions in view of the public…and you’re constantly getting torn down….and you feel alone af all the time…a ghaddamn “Hey, thanks for what you do.” or maybe a “Let’s chalk it up to a communication error, thanks for putting your dick on the line.

    If you’re not doing what he does…and you want disclosure faster by sheer mass media development just…stfu or be nice.

  13. I always says this here and generally get down voted but your credibility in this community is so important. As soon as someone blows that then there’s no reason to trust them on anything. I brought this up with Corbell back when he pushed real hard on the UAPs pestering Navy ships in 2019. I had knowledge that informed me they were drones and nothing off world but he and this community went way into it. Since then anything he’s been associated with I haven’t taken serious.

  14. I want to believe, so I’m biased. But to me it really didn’t look like the lights were sinking or moving. They weren’t long videos and perhaps manipulated, but the 2 flares put up later did drop, that was visible and you could see them coming down. If he’s pushing crap, then yea he deserves everything he’s getting. Perhaps he’s overstepped in the past and there is a campaign to feed him bs. It’s hard to believe at Military Camp there isn’t spotlights and other instruments to scan the sky, not a single nightvision shot they could share. That said, it didn’t look like the lights were dropping, please correct me if I’m wrong.

  15. These are NOT flares! 50 people were there (military) and they all confirmed it was not flares. Keyboard warriors have to stop trying to debunk what’s authentic, it’s getting ridiculous…

  16. Man you really over exaggerated what’s happening in the video, you made him sound insane, but when I watched the video I see a man who gave good reasoning on why he thinks what he thinks

    Did we watch the same video?

  17. I spent 8 years as an artillery marine and am now a mortar platoon leader in an infantry battalion. I can tell you for a fact, illumination rounds do not look like that. They fall with the wind and stay lit for 1 minutes giving off a yellow light. Furthermore, aircraft flares don’t look like that either and also fall at about the same rate.

  18. When it’s pretty obvious that one of the renown figures in this space is full of sh— it’s pretty disheartening for the whole effort. I was big on UFOs likely being real but things like this make me believe that all the main sources claiming UFOs to be real are doing it for attention. Makes me think that the governments very slow drip disclosure with no substantive reports are likely solely an ace in the hole for more defense spend if needed.

  19. What I can’t understand is why the military witnesses in the videos shown in the Weaponized podcast couldn’t identify the lights as flares. I believe they even discuss that it’s not. And weren’t flares used to illuminate the unknown lights? Not taking sides here, but nothing seems to add up to a coherent explanation.

  20. Let’s say he is wrong and this is explainable using the military flares hypothesis. It’s looking like it is more than likely flares yes. Not 100% but yeah…. But I do have a problem with how a lot of people are calling Jeremy a grifter or a fraud etc.. Because excluding this current video and pics he has not released anything that was a fake, a misinterpretation or a hoax. In fact most if not all of the materials he has released have been verified by the Pentagon as UAP or something anomalous and official military products. So regardless of all of those calling out or ridiculing Jeremy he has a pretty flawless record/resume when it comes to releasing videos and bringing attention to this phenomenon.

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