Абориген Ванджина, Создатели

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Создатели, в том числе Ванджина, спустились с неба и создали жизнь на земле, обучая людей, как жить. Было обнаружено, что истории аборигенов Dreamtime коррелируют с историческими событиями. Возможно, это один из них?

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28 комментарий для “Абориген Ванджина, Создатели”
  1. These could be accurate drawings of «alien creators». Kind of fits the classic «grey alien» facial structure.

    Or, Steve sucks at drawing his family so bad that we are considering that these drawings are of aliens lol

  2. saw these irl last year. Amazing, along with other more typical rock art like jellyfish and local animals. A descendant of the tribe who painted these explained them to us, and yeah.. knowledge was passed on how to care for the land etc. It was extremely hard to not be thinking of the alien hypothesis when he was explaining it. Also, nothing he said suggests otherwise.

    I had seen the OPs pic before, but gotta say the other ‘context’ images with ‘different’ figures just begs even more questions

    here are some pics.. a few very intriguing elements. Larger ‘different’ figures talking to smaller dark figures for example. also, in light of the Mexican mummies, I note one of the figures has a similar oblong object on the chest hmmmmm. And why would the 2 larger figures be of different colour to each other and the smaller black figures? Red ocher is quite common, but white pigment takes a LOT of effort. They did described how they made the colours to us

    AMAZING trip




    (hi res)

  3. So. Who where the Wandjina?

    “Wandjina is the most significant Creation Spirit, associated with rain and therefore the seasonal regeneration of the land and all natural resources. The body of Wandjina is often shown covered with dots that represent the rainfall. The cyclonic wet season brings rain to the Kimberley, and elements of the torrential rains, lightning and thunder are often included in the imagery around the head of the Wandjina. Ceremonial dances that pay homage to the Wandjina Rain Spirit can include headdresses that symbolically refer to lightning and thunder.

    The facial characteristics of Wandjina can be seen to represent climatic features. The eyes of the Wandjina can represent thunderstorms and even the line between the eyes resembles a nose, but is actually a power line which is used to transfer energy. Small brush marks on the Wandjinas body usually represent rain drops. When depicted with only head and shoulders the Wandjina is said to be moving across the sky in a cloud or storm. A full-bodied Wandjina is said to be present walking the Earth.

    For people of Mowanjum community, near the town of Derby in the Kimberley, the Wandjina brought the law, the culture and the language of their people. Their Dreaming stories tell of the first Wandjina, called Idjair, who lives in the Milky Way and is the father of all Wandjinas. The Wandjina Wallungunder was Idjair’s first son and he created the Earth and all life upon it. After that he created the first human beings, the Gyorn Gyorn people. Wallungunder travelled back to Idjair to bring back more Wandjinas to give the Gyorn Gyorn people laws to live by. There are three Wandjinas which represent the three language groups of Mowanjum. They are Namarali for the Worrorra people, Wodjin or Wanalirri for the Ngarinyin people, and Rimijmarra for the Wunambul people.”
    — David Wroth.

  4. One TV series that really made clear to me the profound wisdom of these tribal societies was «Millennium: Tribal Wisdom for the Modern World.» It aired back in the early 1990s and changed my world view. It taught me these societies are far more intelligent than what we’re taught. I’ve heard that the aboriginal concept of «Dreamtime,» mirrors much of what other more advanced societies have discovered about the nature of reality. Anyhow, here’s a link to that old TV series.


  5. Those are rain and cloud spirits, not creators. The creator in their mythology is the Rainbow Serpent. At least get the mythology right… Moreover, creation and gods in Aboriginal myths are very stylized and conceptual… it revolve around the transition from formless to form. The heroes of those myths, travel around a formless land and on the way create sacred places, or they become part of the land and nature, becoming mountains, rivers, rocks, trees, constellations, etc. Is a vast and complex set of stories, that can in no way be simplified to ‘the Gods came from the sky, created humans and gave them knowledge… tehe… ancient aliens!’ The reason why this is done is because none of you actually do any research on this subject, and just have very superficial knowledge, taken from bullshit books written by fraudsters like Stitchin or Erich von Däniken, who appropriated those people’s cultures and used portions of their myths to build a narrative.

  6. You guys are delusional. This is part of their very well established and documented lore «dream time» and you all just look like ignorant fucks when you keep posting this.

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