MH370 — Официальный отчет — Необъяснимый маневр — Сигналы радара — Падение высоты необъяснимо

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Это официальный отчет о расследовании безопасности MH 370, который можно посмотреть здесь. ОТЧЕТ ОБ ИССЛЕДОВАНИИ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ получил название «Воздушный поворот». Однако стало совершенно очевидным, что зарегистрированное изменение высоты и скорости от «всплеска» к «вспышке» было далеко за пределами возможностей самолета.// Это показывает, что ВОЕННЫЙ РАДАР действительно замечал метки, которые не маневрировали, как ожидалось, и превышали допустимые значения. способность самолета маневрировать. Прочтите полный снимок экрана, чтобы увидеть, как ведут себя блио с наблюдаемой огромной разницей в высоте. На втором фото видно, как самолет поднимается почти на 60 000 футов, а затем падает до 4800 футов, и все это в течение минуты или двух! Это невозможно, даже если самолет пикирует. Конструкция самолета не выдержала бы перегрузок, самолет развалился бы на части. Теперь еще более важное открытие! MH370 отслеживался не одним радаром, нет, а несколькими радарами из разных стран. ЧРЕЗВЫЧАЙНО СТРАННО то, что все они ПОТЕРЯЛИ КОНТАКТ РАДАРА примерно в одно и то же время! Как добиться одновременного сбоя нескольких разных радаров? Конечно, нет. Это безумно важное подтверждающее доказательство. РАДАРЫ KL ACC, ВОЕННЫЕ РАДАРЫ МАЛАЙЗИИ, ВЬЕТНАМА И ТАИЛАНДА ВИДЕЛИ, ЧТО САМОЛЕТ ИСЧЕЗАЛ! Это не самолет-невидимка, поэтому объяснять это еще более странно. Теперь прочтите следующее //По данным малайзийских военных, реконструкция профиля была проведена на тренажере Boeing 777. Рисунок 1.1B (ниже) в виде диаграммы показывает диаграмму профиля данных с малайзийского военного радара. Некоторые изменения скорости и высоты были недостижимы даже после повторных сеансов симулятора.// Вы готовы к раскрытию информации? Самолет был отслежен и исчез с многочисленных радаров, демонстрируя невероятную маневренность. Затем у нас есть кадры телепортации предполагаемого самолета! Вы готовы к раскрытию?

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23 комментарий для “MH370 — Официальный отчет — Необъяснимый маневр — Сигналы радара — Падение высоты необъяснимо”
  1. So are we saying these blips were the radars tracking the orbs? Did these radars see the orbs at all?

    When the radars lost contact, can they tell at altitude did that happen? Like it couldn’t have just crashed into the ocean at that time?

    Sorry, that document is long and I will read through it this weekend. But if you happen to be able to give some quick insight to my questions.

  2. Did you know the maximum service ceiling for the 777 200er is 43kfeet yet this aircraft reached almost 60 k feet before nosediving and stabilizing at 4.8k feet. The speeds and rates of ascent descent make it like a fighter jet doing evasive maneuvers, which would break the airframe of the 777 200 er

  3. Can someone explain how this matches up with the footage as far as the timeline goes in simple terms, I will later but can’t at the moment look into it.

    Also if a plane is somehow magnetized by those objects it could become «pulled» by gravitational or magnetic gravity and do all sorts of shit it shouldn’t, *Theoretically….right?*
    imagine something along these lines:

    []( (50 seconds in) and mix in some «Element 115» + Alien technology and I could see something crazy like this being how if this all is real being the way,

    The 3 Objects are also doing a triple helix which is how the solar system travels and looks like DNA structure which is wild in itself…

  4. > What is EXTREMELY BIZZARE is that they all LOST RADAR CONTACT around the same time! How do we get multiple different radars glitch at the same time? Of course they didn’t. This is insanely important Corroborative evidence.

    No, this is not. This is when they lost the transponder, which can be turned off from the cockpit. The IGARI waypoit is located at the dot where it’s written «01:25 am»:

    That’s when the plane deviated from the designed flight path.

    Also, keep in mind that the military radar data showing high altitude oscillation is not trustworthy. That’s why we have the transponder, which was turned off at that point.

  5. How is this connected to the Airliner footage?

    The footage shows nothing like this going on. It showed the plane disappearing.
    Not making eratic altitude moves during insane velocities.

  6. Your first image says: **»It was highlighted to the team that the speed and altitude extracted from the data are subject to inherent error. The only useful information obtained from the Military Radar was the latitude and longitude position of the aircraft as this data is reasonably accurate.»**

    And it disappeared from all *secondary* radars simultaneously because that’s when its transponder was switched off. That’s all those radars do — listen for transponders and paint their positions on screen. The military radar is a *primary* radar, which means it emits radio beams and times their reflections back from solid objects, which is why it was able to keep tracking MH370 after its transponder was switched off.

    You should really get the guys at the EBO lab to help you with this stuff.

  7. I see everyone questioning if the video is real, which is important of course, but let’s say if it is, what was the purpose/goal to make the airplane go poof?

    It’s been on my mind lately, like why this particular plane? Was it just random? I guess we will never know.

  8. Good lord.. my adrenaline is dumping right now. Trying to reel it in! WHAT!?

    This just keeps getting more and more intense, Is this it? Is it really the holy grail of UFO videos? Im afraid to allow myself to believe it because we have *all* been severely disappointed before, but this is hittin a bit different..

  9. Question: if the plane cannot do the maneuvers seen in the videos without breaking apart, and also could not be replicated in the sim, doesnt that mean the video is clearly fake? What am i missing here??

  10. I really believe in my soul that these videos where obtained and released per nhi
    Look how fast it hit the web, only to gain traction now
    To far calculated in advance to push the disclosure narrative RIGHT NOW

  11. >KL ACC RADAR, MALAYSIAN MILITARY, VIETNAM AND THAILAND RADARS SAW THE PLANE DISAPPEAR! This is not a stealth plane so this is even more bizzare to explain.

    That’s the transponder shutting off, not that plane’s last known contact. The Satellite handshakes show it was still communicating past that point.

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