Получил ПМ с этим местоположением. Военный объект на горе к югу от Сеула, Южная Корея. 37D24’49» N 126D55’42» E Кто-нибудь может узнать больше об этом военном объекте? Свидетель CSETI утверждает, что прямо за пределами Сеула, Южная Корея, находится огромный корабль. Пришлось вырезать гору, потому что она была слишком большой, чтобы двигаться, и все еще там. Может кто-нибудь спросить Росса Култхарта, звонит ли Южная Корея в колокол. Странно, что эти лиды приводят к чему-то вроде этой картинки в нужном месте??? ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ: Вот фотография этого сайта. Строение кажется старым и массивным. Если там и есть ремесло, то оно могло произойти 50+ лет назад. Может, спрятался на виду? Я понятия не имею, что внутри. Выдавал себя за радиостанцию с вооруженной военной охраной. По крайней мере для меня это выглядит и звучит подозрительно.
[\_3.jpg]( ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ 2: я получил больше информации об этом из источника в ПМ.
The Korean creation story
The Koreans believe that their civilization was started by a powerful being that came down from space and settled on the mountain
Now I’m wondering how much is myth and how much is real.
The building is labeled as a sky observatory on the map. That might be a fortuitous coincidence. Korea has a long history with UFOs dating back to Joseon dynasty records — the 1609 event in Gangwondo is particularly noteworthy. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are hidden crafts as the mountainous terrain is well suited for secret bases. Moreover, the country remains a garrison state with over 28,000 US troops stationed in the last redoubt of the Cold War. Hell, I suspect the DPRK has its own secret UFO programs — their nuclear and rocket programs are fairly successful despite their otherwise dire and backward circumstances.
That’s a VOR (flight navigation aid) on what looks like a concrete foundation, with a service road accessing it.
The road leading up to this site looks to be a very popular walking trail where people can go right up to the gate and there appears to be no security. Google lists the site as an ‘army facility’ and ‘government office’, however it doesn’t look to be a real military facility, but may be operated in some form by the military.
You can see the building in better detail from the peak of a mountain nearby —
The round structure appears to be a construct using earth and basic materials to form a platform to house a tower on top, that tower appears to be some sort of radar/beacon for aircraft.
The two sites listed next to this building (army facility and government office) translated support this theory —
안양항공무선표지소 — Anyang Aviation Radio Beacon
한국공항공사 안양항공무선표지소 — Korea Airports Corporation Anyang Aviation Radio Beacon
The truth is, nothing is carved out here. It appears to be a very basic building, one of the hundreds around Seoul that could be hiding ‘something’.
Don’t assume that the structure hiding a ufo should look like a ufo. It would make way more sense for it to just look like rocks.
OP what is “cannibal jamboree” and why is bookmarked on your browser
Devils advocate there are probably hundreds of potential sites all over the world.
Like I get it’s fun to go on a hunt, but there’s literally no way you’d know for sure considering you don’t know the dimensions or depth and security can exist for all sorts of reasons.
Think about it could be in Iraq, Iceland, Australia how would you know it’s a boring 1 story storage facility vs a unique 10 story building?
My first thought is if the craft is this massive and it’s located just outside Seoul, Korea (pop. 9.8 million), then there are certainly people living in the surrounding area who recall an event where the thing crashed or landed or there is local folklore surrounding an event if it occurred a long time ago. There is no way something that big is kept secret if it was exposed for any length of time that near such a densely populated area.
I kinda feel they’d just do a less conspicuous square building around a craft.
Looks like a regular VOR navigation station. Other than the rather large pad it’s on.
Just looks like a building. Sure it can be a ufo under there but there isn’t even a shred of evidence to back this up. I believe in aliens but this is reaching.
Is it normal to have 3 Buddhist temples on a small road like that leading to the facility?
VOR for aircraft nav. These are all over the place. Design is distinctive.
Structure seem to be about 10-15 meters tall and maybe 150m across. With maps street view
That is a VORTAC used for aircraft navigation. They’re everywhere. Google VORTAC and you’ll see hundreds exactly like it. Can we please stop with the schizoposting?
Folks, that looks like an aviation navigation aid: a VOR, or a very high frequency. omnidirectional radio range.
Based on a report from the ICAO, this is a VORTAC facility, i.e. aircraft radio control station.
I hate to be a party pooper but the quality of this sub is going to take a significant hit if it is deluged by posts pointing out potential ufo hiding places found on Google Earth.
You’d think people would be able to make a link to Google maps by now.
You found a VOR. How is this post so active?
Sorry for the intrusion, I was linked here.
That is a VOR radio, it is not military, but rather a civilian band radio used for aircraft navigation; they are literally all over the world, and many are 50 years old.
Source: I’m a pilot.
There are probably 100 sites like this around Seoul. Any reason to believe this is special? Also, If I was trying to hide a UFO, I wouldn’t make the building saucer shaped.
Case in point of the problem with Coulthart mouthing off — this subreddit goes insane and thinks everything is a UFO.
I worked at a TS base inside a granite mountain not far from here in 1996, Command Post TANGO.
theres another one of those radio antena actually i think its north of seoul
37.7480278, 126.9911944
here it is [pic](
translation is
Korea Airports Corporation Airway Facility Headquarters Yangju Radio Beacon Station
actually now you mentioned it theres a story from 1951 afaik that some soldiers apparently spotted ufo above their position which then they shot with artillery and hit it and makes a metallic kind of sound but the thing about this is that it happened 60 miles(i think) north of seoul, below chorwon.
I don’t know if anyone has mentioned it bc I can’t read all the comments but another user made a thread discussion why he thought the craft might be in Poland. He messaged Ross and Ross said he couldn’t confirm or deny anything. He shared a screenshot of the reply. Could have been faked but I don’t really see the point.
According to the ICAO, this facility is a VORTAC station, i.e. radio control for aircraft.
FWIW Greer made the same claim last month and said that the whistleblower (not sure if this is the same as your CSETI reference) he’s talking with said they downed the craft in a mountain outside Seoul, South Korea and it was too big to move so they carved out the mountain.
You can listen to Greer talk about it here at the 9 minute mark:
Seems like we might be into something here friends!
Guys. Please. You’re embarrassing us.
This is a desperate reach at best. It’s an observatory. They tend to be circular. It’s an absolutely MASSIVE untethered leap to assume that this has any relevance to coulthards naked claims.
there certainly seems to be a lot of masonry work around the base of this platform
doesnt look like a ufo
to me… a construction guy…. it appears to be a lighthouse
made on a platform of mechanically stabilized earth
Everyone keep in mind Korea isn’t like western countries. Everything they do is steeped in ceremony and the spirit of their ancient dynasties. Many of their old beliefs still permeate every facet of their current “westernized” culture. Any craft for them could have also a religious significance. Which would make it all the more important to secure and hide it
I found the following PDF mentioning the coordinates on page 33 (PDF page 46) in a «frequency list»:
That is a VOR station for aircraft navigation
This is a ridiculously pathetic post. It’s a flight navigation VOR platform.
post the google earth link, come on! lol
Great post OP! And appreciate the research!
That looks like a giant radio telescope, we had a giant one like that near us for years.