Джон Гленн окружен НЛО

By admin Июн8,2023
Джон Гленн окружен НЛО,

Джон Гленн окружен НЛО

John Glenn Swarmed By UFOs
byu/littlespacemochi inaliens

By admin

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34 комментарий для “Джон Гленн окружен НЛО”
  1. I wasn’t there and I’m not an astrophysicist, but I have some questions about the ice particle theory. Wouldn’t ice flakes «breaking off» of something give them some sort of spin, or at least a variety of direction in which they were traveling? Stuff tumbles in space… Wouldn’t reflecting light on tumbling, misshapen ice chunks appear to glimmer, or shimmer? Glenn was giving every detail he could, and he didn’t say they were randomly floating off and flickering — he said they were illuminated, and «swirling» completely around the capsule and then traveling away from him. I just can’t believe a trained astronaut would be completely befuddled by ice.

  2. The UFOs I see, whatever they are, do look like stars and do mouse-cursor level zooting n’ maneuvering.

    I’m leaning on a believer side on this one due to personal experience.

    Edit: spelling

  3. I find things like this to be the most interesting “evidence” we have, it could have been anything, but the fact that he was reporting what he’s seeing to ground control as something he’s never seen before…and he probably has seen most things you will see up there, is telling.

  4. I always had a problem with this. Newtonian mechanics are quite clear on this. An object with no means of propulsion in space once set on a trajectory will remain on said trajectory, with whatever parent attitude of movement (spinning, tumbling or whatever) it originated with, for all time.

    For them to have claimed that a partial of ice could break free of the capsule and then swarm around the capsule is, quite frankly, insulting.

  5. [93] During the first U.S. orbital flight of Mercury 6, astronaut John Glenn observed particles outside the spacecraft which he called «fireflies.» They were later identified as condensed ice crystals from the small hydrogen peroxide rockets used for altitude control.

  6. When he says «particles» I think it’s too small to consider them UFOs in the conventional sense (yes, I get that they are flying and unidentified in the technical sense). This makes me think it was ice particles or something else and they may not necessarily be «swarming» the shuttle since the shuttle was in orbit at the time.

    If it’s orbiting the earth and it’s the earth’s gravity that’s dictating that orbit, then the earth’s gravity would also be dictating the movement of other nearby objects. It then makes sense that small nearby particles would all pool together and end up where the space shuttle is if they’re all being influenced by the same gravitational force and ending up in the same type of orbital pattern around the earth.

    It reminds me of that other case, forget which launch it was, but one of the first aircraft to reach heights approaching space and the pilot reported seeing something similar outside the window, which they thought might have been ice crystals.

    I’m a UFO believer and open to the possibility that this could be another form of life he’s encountering, as we simply don’t know, but also pointing out that there are other possibilities here.

  7. The most telling part of Glenn’s transmission is the following:

    *»I’m in a mass of some very small particles…»*

    C’mon, does that *really* sound like he’s describing controlled objects that defy his understanding? Or are we hearing an intelligent professional performing precisely as trained by observing and reporting every facet of a very new experience?

  8. «»I am in a big mass of some very small particles, they’re brilliantly lit up like they’re luminescent. I never saw anything like it. They round a little: they’re coming by the capsule and they look like little stars. A whole shower of them coming by. They swirl around the capsule and go in front of the window and they’re all brilliantly lighted.» Glenn started banging the capsule wall and watched the «fireflies» come off, just as Alan Shepard did.»

  9. Yes the dead air from the radio was real creepy . I wish we could have heard NASA’s reply, however, listening to the audio a second time it appears that John Glenn was taking a shot in the dark hopping NASA heard him.

    Maybe they did and maybe not. I think John Glenn briefed NASA officials about the swarm of little stars. They came up with the ice particles theory to cover what really happened.

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