Капитан Роберт Салас, который утверждает, что НЛО отключили ядерные ракеты на военных базах США.

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Капитан Роберт Салас, который утверждает, что НЛО отключили ядерные ракеты на военных базах США.

От admin

17 комментарий для “Капитан Роберт Салас, который утверждает, что НЛО отключили ядерные ракеты на военных базах США.”
  1. truth.

    Also it’s worth looking at the public response to the Gimbal vids and WP articles… the world didn’t come to a halt, people didn’t freak.. hell, people hardly believed, and I am still trying to convince the same old people, even after that. They could drop the whole truth at this point and it would still be along time for it to filter into the public consciousness… let alone believe it

    I reckon you could have the entire senate make an official statement.. escort a grey into the chamber and the arguments of hoax etc will still dominate.

  2. Captain Robert Salas, who claims that UFOs have turned off Nuclear Missiles at US military bases..


    >This pathetic excuse for an assessment of UAP is simply a 70 year-old reverberating echo of USG statements that have been repeated over and over. This is no longer acceptable. The public is no longer willing to accept such flippant disregard for the truth on this matter os such importance world-wide.


    ETs Shut Down Nuclear Missile Sites — (Captain Robert Salas Reveals)

    Capt. Salas graduated from the Air Force Academy and spent seven years in active duty from 1964 to 1971. He testifies about a UFO incident on the morning of March 16, 1967 where 16 nuclear missiles simultaneously became non-operational at two different launch facilities immediately after guards saw UFOs hovering above. The guards could not identify these objects even though they were only 30 feet away.


    Captain Robert Salas: «UFOs shut down nuclear missiles at US military bases and I have official documents to prove it.»


  3. It’s important to remember that ultimately disclosure is not controlled by the powers that be but rather the phenomenon itself. They won’t be able to hang on to their secrets forever. We’ve come a long way in just the last 5 years.

  4. Well, with respect to him, there are no mayor protests demanding Closure. It is not in major public interest to have Aliens here…even if we, in this sub, want to believe, half of the world doesn’t give a shit.
    Blessed be sellect few who interact with Aliens. I could only be jelaous on all the knowledge shared. So many questions only a highly developed ET can answer. Such a shame we all still can’t interact with them.

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