5-минутное видео, которое будет преследовать скептиков и правительство, пока его не удалят

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В 1952 году генерал-майор Джон А. Сэмфорд провел пресс-конференцию и сделал телевизионное заявление о «летающих тарелках» из Пентагона в Вашингтоне, округ Колумбия. Это видео является частью Национального архива США. Чего не могут объяснить скептики, ученые, правительство и другие, так это то, что сказал генерал-майор Джон А. Сэмфорд и то, что он сказал, — это то же самое, что было сказано в 2023 году. 71 год назад американскому народу сказали, что существует зарегистрировано большое количество НЛО. Многие сообщения поступили от пилотов и людей из нашей армии. Люди, заслуживающие доверия. Многие НЛО можно объяснить, но есть и такие, которые объяснить невозможно. Те немногие, которые не могут быть объяснены, имеют ТЕ же ТОЧНЫЕ характеристики, что и небольшое количество НЛО / UAP, которые не могут быть объяснены в 2023 году. Эта пресс-конференция 71-летней давности является чертовым зеркалом пресс-конференций, проводимых сегодня. В 1952 году у нас не было такой технологии, а если бы она была, она уже была бы обнародована. Если вы никогда не смотрели это произведение, настоятельно рекомендую посмотреть его целиком. Вы увидите, что это все очень знакомо!

От admin

31 комментарий для “5-минутное видео, которое будет преследовать скептиков и правительство, пока его не удалят”
  1. If it’s the exact same story and process underway after 70 years, with no real progress, doesn’t it feel a bit like it could be scripted, right out of an operations handbook or something?

    Like the same thing could happen in another 70 years of no progress.

  2. Skeptics aren’t ‘haunted’.

    We’re not over here clinging desperately to our need to roll our eyes at videos that get posted.

    I believe alien life exists. I think it would be cool as hell if benevolent and technologically advanced aliens had made or will make contact.

    I want proof I can believe. It would be the greatest thing I’d ever get to experience in my life. I just haven’t seen it yet. The best we have is some stuff that is _close_ to proof but I’m not going to watch some of those military videos and just assume the answer to what we’re seeing is aliens. Hell, the only reason I stopped believing sometime in the 90s was I was tired of getting my hopes up by hoax artists and grifters.

    This idea that skepticism is a religion is really just projection.

  3. Watched whole thing. TLDW:

    1) we analyzed thousands of reports, almost all of them can be easily explained

    2) the ones we can’t explain have no pattern and are seemingly random

    >and what he said are the same things being said in 2023… This press conference from 71 years ago is a fucking mirror of the press conferences being held today

    It is?

    The press conferences of today, assuming we’re talking about the same press conferences, are people claiming the US has alien spaceships and/or bodies — and that there are alien bodies in Mexico.

    I don’t see anything similar at all. Perhaps you are referring to some other press conferences?

  4. «Many of the reports came from pilots and people within our military. People with credibility.»

    I was in the Air Force for 24 years. I have worked with every service. You know who serves in the military? Regular people. With varying levels of credibility. I’ve known officers I wouldn’t trust to mow my lawn and enlisted folks who I would die for.

    Don’t assume that because they’re in the military they have any more credibility than the cable guy.

  5. Hi, skeptic here: this video doesn’t «haunt» me at all.

    What moves my views is evidence. This isn’t evidence of anything. As an enthusiast I want to believe, but as a skeptic I don’t want to believe so badly that I’ll believe in something for which there is no evidence. I’m not willing to get tricked by someone telling me what I want them to tell me. If a phenomenon is real the evidence of it will convince me: that is the very low bar something needs to cross for me to believe it.

  6. Until it’s removed?

    You sound like a conspiracy theorist. It’s not going to be removed, that video has been up for a fucking decade. **10 years**. A very quick search has found it’s posted all over the damned place.

    Feel free to watch the video, but OP you’re not helping make this community seem any more reasonable than someone who just walks around talking about anal probing with a smirk on their face.

  7. Hi I am a sceptic. What I saw in this video is a miliary dude for four minutes explaining that a certain peracetate of flying things have not been identified. Then 10 seconds of a UFO author saying: they are aliens! It is shocking to me that this is what believers think is good evidence and that it would «haunt» anyone.

  8. When you look at the advances in aerospace and defense technology made by the USMIC since the 1950s , and the trillions of dollars spent on national defense in that timeframe . ( over 3 trillion in the last 4 years alone ) ,

    Yet they still claim they have no idea what this clear threat to nuclear weapons facilities and civilian / military air traffic is .

    It’s fucking outrageous. And insulting to the average hard working tax paying American citizen.

    The mainstream media and elected politicians should be raising hell over this .

  9. This sub is so hypocritical sometimes.

    You can trust these people and they’re credible because they work/worked for the government but also that exact same government is implementing a massive disinformation lying scheme and you can’t trust the government

  10. You would get better reception in the future by not using click bait tabloid headlines for your post. If anything this turns people away. «1952 Press Conference» would be much more bennefical to your cause and getting actual clicks instead of these types of comments.

  11. >We can say that the recent sightings are in no way connected with any secret development by any agency of the United States

    Well, I’m convinced. Everybody knows that if you ask a government employee a straight question they have to give you an honest answer.

    It should go without saying, but I’m gonna say it anyway; what was unexplainable between 1947 and 1952 is not the same as what’s unexplainable today. There are a number of very compelling UFO sightings with actual evidence; sightings during the post Kenneth Arnold flying saucer craze are rarely compelling and are never backed up by evidence.

  12. This post struck a nerve. Interesting. Why? They (skeptics and debunkers) all came out to post nasty shit.

    Is it that this video is a mirror into the same bullshit the government has been spewing recently because they have been spewing it for for 70+ years and there’s no denying it because it’s in the national archives? (No denying that this has been going on for a very long time?)

    Watch it all…listen to it all….hear exactly what he’s saying because this is SO FAMILIAR!

    **Here’s some fun quotes from this video…..**

    «The Air Force interest in this problem has been due to our feeling of an obligation to identify and analyze to the best of our ability anything in the air that may have the possibility of threat or menace to the United States. In pursuit of this obligation since 1947, we have received and analyzed between 1 and 2000 reports that have come to us from all kinds of sources.»

    «a certain percentage of credible observations but there is not pattern or measurement for analysis»

    «they represent no threat to us»

    «We can say that the recent sightings are in no way connected with any secret development by any department of the United States.

    **Well God Damn son! This is so fucking interesting! Isn’t it? FEE-MILL-YEEEER!**

    These mother fuckers can’t or won’t give answers to something that is very real. They have been acknowledging UFO’s («aircrafts witnessed by credible observers doing relatively incredible things») for 70+ years and that they are very real.

    Crazy shit huh?

  13. The way these men talk in the video, it’s so matter of fact and no BS. Direct and honest. They initially did the right thing.

    Today, officials like Kirkpatrick are so shifty and smug.

  14. I don’t know why it’s so difficult for people that believe in a sky daddy to not also believe in aliens. To be honest, aliens are far easier to believe in. At the very least, we have multiple resources of evidence on them.

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