Кадры Второй мировой войны, возможно, озвученные Грушем — Audio Repair

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Ремонт аудио не является моим основным направлением исследований, хотя я занимаюсь им регулярно. Я видел [this post showing WW2 archive footage of a flying saucer](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15nslal/ww2_archive_footage_of_flying_saucer/) и теперь считают, что рассказчиком является Дэвид Груш. Завтра у меня будет доступ в мою лабораторную студию, но я не мог не взять [a quick first pass](https://soundcloud.com/rcalt/dg-wwii-footage?si=eed287058b9b488db13e94375c6cdb7f&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing), используя комбинацию моего программного обеспечения и Izotope RX9. Я использовал Груша [opening statement as reference audio](https://soundcloud.com/rcalt/dg-reference-audio?si=9a4c5d85d8114b4098813d741894256e&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing). Кольцевую модуляцию трудно обратить вспять, хотя я обнаружил, что ручное управление частотным сдвигом дает многообещающие результаты. Скоро, но я надеюсь и поощряю, чтобы кто-то еще сделал больше, чем я. ОБНОВЛЯТЬ: [First complete render.](https://soundcloud.com/rcalt/dg-repair-attempt-01?si=2c10f95c6d104ef2a88d462a053c01c2&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing) ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ 2: существует небольшая, но заметная задержка между исходным сигналом и модулированным звуком. Модуляция голоса, по-видимому, создается посредством гранулярного синтеза, а не просто аналоговой или цифровой кольцевой модуляции/сдвига частоты. Существует рандомизация во временной области модуляции. Я не верю, что любой анализ во временной области, примененный к оригиналу, может быть восстановлен без свертки нейронной сети, к сожалению. (Я настоятельно рекомендую не следовать этой методологии — в этом случае человек создает, а не разрушает.) Мне действительно любопытно, что сухой голос все еще слышен сквозь искажения в исходном файле: тот, кто сделал исходный звук, не является A /V по профессии или был очень небрежным с модуляцией, хотя я приветствую их способность сделать практически невозможным поиск пригодных для использования сэмплов эмбиента в оригинале. (Вероятно, это мое последнее обновление — я упомянул в комментарии, что это больше для самостоятельной практики, чем для чего-либо еще, но я намерен продолжать возиться с этим в течение следующих нескольких дней. Если кто-то еще добьется успеха, пожалуйста, поделитесь !) ​

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24 комментарий для “Кадры Второй мировой войны, возможно, озвученные Грушем — Audio Repair”
  1. When you say you used Grusch’s opening statement as reference, does that mean you’re essentially trying to adjust the audio specifically to try to make it sound like his opening statement? Or in repairing it, would it make the audio sound like the original version regardless of what you’re referencing?

  2. well shit ya know it does kinda sound like how he would speak if in a more casual tone. We’ve only really heard him use his voice while projecting and trying to be clear as possible which definitely affects the tone and pitch of your voice… I naturally speak higher when being louder and my voice is much lower if I’m trying to be more quiet and casual. I’d make this it’s own post.

  3. i dont usually give this kind of stuff credence, but i actually do think it sounds like him. not the tone so much because its distorted, but the way the narrator is speaking and the pauses between words do sound like him.

  4. Nice job! I have also done similar but with a different approach method. I think it is comparable to yours although I must say your technical understanding is much better than mine. I’m not going to spend any more time on it I don’t think. I agree with you there is something like ring modulation or something that sounds like a vocoder in there? I don’t know how you can undo these things. Here’s my post [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15sy84l/ww2_potential_grusch_voice_over_attempted_clean_up/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15sy84l/ww2_potential_grusch_voice_over_attempted_clean_up/)

  5. Decided to give this a shot myself as the cadence and affectation is uncannily similar to Mr. Grusch.

    Not sure how this fits into the bigger picture. I hope it helps his case if it’s true if anything.

    Have a listen. I’ve tried to isolate the voice as best I can. It wouldn’t hold up in court but use your own ears and decide if it’s him.

    If names structured like «name-name1234» start replying and downvoting, we’re on the right track.


  6. I’ll definitely be awaiting your post with more findings tomorrow! I only have audacity and a very limited skill set with audio editing so I’m glad people with professional equipment are getting interested in this too!

  7. [here’s my first pass at it](https://jmp.sh/s/eDOXrIlxGZcMCKmztG7u)

    I think it sounds like Garry Nolan (edit: *especially* starting at around 0:20 in my linked audio above). Would love to hear what you think.

    I just used several Parametric EQs in a chain for finer and finer frequency isolation to try to pick out the «genuine» pitches from the voice (and cut out thin frequencies where «noise» occurs)

    Also, as another comment said, using a sample of Grusch speaking as «inverse targets» (so, trying to make it sound like Grusch) isn’t exactly a good way to go about it, probably. Could put bias in the resulting audio.

  8. For anyone claiming it is Grusch I have the following questions:

    Do you have 10+ years of working as a professional audio engineer?

    Do you have any experience with DSP?

    Do you have 10+ years of working in pre or post production?

    If you can’t answer yes to all three go back to the drawing board. If you can I have two questions for you. Very simple ones.

  9. i dont know if anyone remembers a few months ago there was a huge hype in AI generated music

    you were able to feed snippets of someones voice into the software and train it to speak this persons voice, it was the same stuff used to make fake tiktoks of biden+trump arguing etc

    can someone in the know train one from snippets of gruschs interviews and make it read out the exact word for word ww2 video audio

  10. If this might be him, the render you’re providing actually sounds like it might be pitch-shifted up slightly. Realizing now that one thing that is sticking out to me about his interview and testimony is that he seems to be a full-diaphram speaker, not trying to hide anything at all. I think this might be where his autism is important, as it’s difficult for this with autism to not be incredibly straightforward. I’ve had a few friends who were diagnosed later in life, and everything kind of clicked into place about the way in which they spoke.

  11. Could this potentially deter Grusch from following through with his proposal to release more videos? It seems like a situation that fits the idea of ‘being cautious about what you wish for’!

  12. People always focusing on UAPs through an Abrahamic worldview, I wanna know what a Buddhist or Jain has to say on the UAP phenomenon. Buddhism does not accept the belief in an eternal or metaphysical self (soul), Jainism holds that karma itself is a physical particulate, and even liberated souls remain within the Universe.

    How would these mesh with the whole Loosh/Demiurge/Monad/pleroma shit people keep dragging in?

    I need a schizo to answer.

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