Наше самое большое обновление Spherule -Avi

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«Фундаментальный вопрос заключается в том, был ли метеор естественным или технологическим происхождением, учитывая его аномально высокую скорость, необычную прочность материала и аномальный элементный состав — возможно, напоминающий электронные схемы для инопланетных эмодзи-подобных шариков. Мы надеемся ответить на этот вопрос. изысканным анализом изотопного состава и радиоактивным датированием». Наука — это *так* круто

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24 комментарий для “Наше самое большое обновление Spherule -Avi”
  1. >We use spherules to lead us to our interstellar partner, as if they were a romantic trail of rose petals.

    Avi Loeb raising millions of dollars and conducting high level science just to find his intergalactic waifu … respect

  2. I’m probably out of the loop, and I posted a similar question on /r/space but how does Avi know that these spherules are from the meteorite he’s looking for? Its basically dust off the bottom of the Pacific ocean. I’m assuming a LOT of meteorites / micrometeorites hit the Pacific Ocean every year… even if he did find remains of the meteorite he’s looking for, how can he prove with any certainty that it came from the same object?

    I don’t mind him being open and enthusiastic about his pursuit to prove life exists beyond Earth, but saying that a spec of sand 0.6mm in size is potentially a piece of an alien circuit board seems like a stretch at best. What am I missing?

  3. The fact that the spherules don’t contain nickel is really telling here. Per [Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_meteorite), all known iron meteorites have contained at least 5% nickel and we know it is super abundant everywhere in the universe. Either the object contained manufactured alloys or it was produced in a very strange way and is extremely unlike what we would expect from a random space rock.

  4. «The XRF reading implied mostly iron plus trace elements used in semiconductors. Was this alien-emoji-looking spherule part of electronic circuitry? Follow-up analysis is needed.»

    Cutesy talk of alien emojis aside, this is getting interesting. I can’t wait to hear more from Loeb even though a lot is riding on the «follow-up analysis is needed» part.

  5. New blog post

    «»The fundamental question is whether the meteor was natural or technological in origin, given its anomalously high speed, unusual material strength and anomalous elemental composition — possibly resembling that of electronic circuitry for the alien-emoji-like spherule. We hope to answer this question by an exquisite analysis of isotopic composition and radioactive dating.»

    Science is so cool

    Hope this covers the little warning thingy

  6. God I want to see the full data sheets for these spherules sooo bad.

    This could be history in the making, or it could just turn out to be fancy ocean trash.

    note: I’m not trying to be overly skeptical, just containing my own excitement by pointing out that these objects have not been conclusively linked to IM1 yet, it remains to be seen if they are in fact from the fireball. Determining whether or not they spent time in space and how much is no doubt the first thing Loeb will do when they get back to the lab, the isotope analysis should be unambiguous.

    There’s been a long history of studying weird little “spherules” found variously in soil, in rock samples, or on the ocean floor, and in the past it was difficult to differentiate terrestrial from meteoric ones, but modern techniques should prevail in this case.

    It does look like they’ve really got something exciting here; casual investigation into geochemistry, metallurgic history, and biology doesn’t seem to immediately turn up anything quite like this.

    That’s why I wanna see at least the field XRF output! I doubt he’ll show it though, even trying to be as transparent as he says, because it’s such a huge potential discovery they’ll want to make sure everything’s been gone over as carefully as possible before showing the data.

  7. > alien-emoji-like spherule

    I read stuff like this and just have to throw back my head and laugh at the sky, delighted that this is what reality is like at the moment. I just love it

  8. guys, you need to calm down on Avi… really.

    he’s got a lot going for him as far as credibility, but the guy is not a good scientist! the guy LOVES headlines and thinks he’s god’s gift to science and all other scientists are inferior. he’s like the definition of «arrogant self absorbed university professor that sux at his own craft.»

    as far as these spheres go it’s really up in the air what their composition means. jumping straight to «alien light sails» is really dumb at this point.

    jumping to semiconductors is fucking godamn assinine as all hell! like, i could go in my back yard, dig up a pile of sand and say «it contains semiconductor material.» i could take a shit and say «it contains metals that are commonly used in high strength structures.

    like, the thing contains a lot of metals… metal compositions he is claiming are «unusual.» ok, yea… but IF this thing is an extra-solar object then it is the first we’ve recovered mundane origin or not. like what basis are you making the «unusual» claim from? the object IS THE BASELINE!

    the thing is likely a metal asteroid from part of the universe we are unfamiliar with. how do we know what said objects are like anyways when we have such a tiny sample size… saying the thing contains superconductor and structural hallmarks is fucking bonkers headline grabbing bullshit at this point. like christ avi, how would we even know what aliens would use for superconductors… the godamn leaps and jumps the guys making are hilarious and obvious at this point. it’s bad.

    there’s nothing here that even remotely closely proves aliens; yet avi is too happy to go on tv, blog about it’s possibilities and bloviate about how the thing «could» be some alien McGuffin.

    and… to top it all of the godamn messiah complex flexing nerd is claiming that what drives him forward is he gives dying people hope. «I will do my best to make life worth living.» good grief man!

  9. Avi may be an astrophysicist, but what he is doing here is archaeology. If he believes these materials to be created by a civilization with culture, he needs to have involvement of underwater archaeologists who understand aquatic site formation processes and can begin to analyze these materials as material culture. Removing objects from their context just to obliterate them and study their raw composition potentially destroys SO much information, even by removing them from the sea floor without using the methodology which has proven dependable and reliable time and time again for archaeologists.

  10. Mick West is already debunked these . Apparently they’re quite common. I’ve done bottom sampling as part of hydrographic surveying in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and never seen them before but guess he’s right! We only were looking for rough classification of the sea bottom.


    «The spherules we discovered at the IM1 crash site are made mostly of iron and are definitely not biological in origin. Their non-existence in control regions away from IM1’s site, suggests that they are likely associated with IM1.» — https://avi-loeb.medium.com/what-a-wonderful-world-8769dd88ab5c

  11. Curious to know if these were similar to what George Knapp says was given to him by a Russian scientist during his time over there. He says he was given tiny little spheres that were recovered while examining ufo landing sites The Russian called them sperm of the aliens or something like that.

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