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byu/aliensinbermuda inaliens

От admin

  1. If you needed to hear it from this guy you haven’t been paying attention. Gaslighting, subterfuge, and misdirection are all tools long since used. The most innocuous examples are what the intelligence community did to the credibility of the people reporting sightings of the b2 stealth bomber and later f117… now extrapolate that upward to something that could easily be a far more implicating secret

  2. Yes, it’s a real problem and a shame, but yeah you can kinda spot them immediately saying ‘fake’ like why are you here then? , Or immature jokes immediately to which leads onto some pointless conversations..🙄😕

  3. This just sounds like dudes I knew from high school.. they would argue anything for attention. But I also agree. Just means those assholes do it on a larger level. It’s still those dudes from high school.. just with more money and bigger egos.

  4. This doesn’t just apply to UFO communities.

    Bot farms were used to sabotage political adversaries during the Trump campaign. By Russian funded cyber crime groups…and that’s straight public knowledge.

    Bot farms can cause wars in this day and age if people don’t learn the most important thing…CONTEXT. Fact checking is something becoming less and less common as I see this generations population interacting with technology.

  5. ![gif](giphy|T2bDC7TBZfdJAqNCSh|downsized)

    Yeah…. MAGA types found that one out a long time ago followed by anyone else like Joe Rogan and Jimmy Dore who went against powerful groups of people with major resources behind them to quell any opposition. (**For clarification purposes. This comment is not intended to start a political debate. Just intended as an example addressing the OP**)

    *If they don’t want you to know something or if you go against their narrative, you will get gaslighted or destroyed.*

  6. Yes, they all follow the same formula, which you can see on many different subs on reddit. They don’t behave or respond like normal people that you interact irl, and having a conversation with them can be a nightmare and headache inducing.

    Be wary of people resorting to personal insults to discredit what you’re saying. Genuine interest and curiosity are often absent when engaging with those people. Often times leave pretty predictable responses.

    Again, this is not exclusive to the ufo community. That’s why you should just say what’s on your mind and not care about the upvotes/downvotes. If you say what they want to hear, you’re going to be upvoted, which is a type of reinforcement. So just share your initial thoughts on the subject and stay focused on the subject.

    Read all the comments, and the ones that are worth reading might be the most downvoted ones.

    Don’t get discouraged and continue to ask good questions.

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