Чикагское видео TikTok, полнокадровая стабилизация и анализ

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Чикагское видео TikTok, полнокадровая стабилизация и анализ

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13 комментарий для “Чикагское видео TikTok, полнокадровая стабилизация и анализ”
  1. Amazing work and analysis. This video is just odd. It definitely looks to me like CGI at first glance without knowing anything about how CGI is made, just because of how smoothly the objects move and how intelligently the objects appear to be controlled.

    I’ve always thought though — if someone gets a real video in decent quality of these things in motion, it would probably look like CGI (especially the closer it is). I bet this is partly what freaks people out so much when they see them in person.

  2. One of the stranger moments in this is right at the end, where one of the objects seemingly appears out of nowhere from behind the tree.

    We see the largest (from perspective) object on the left. And at about 13 seconds we see one other object falling behind the big tree on the right. As the largest object then turns to the right behind the tree, we see four objects on the right, seem to turn in formation. Then at 18 seconds, we can see 3 objects emerge from behind the tree, even though we only see 2 objects go behind that tree in the video.

    At the beginning of the video, we only see 6 object (more could be off-screen), then at the end we see 7. That one additional object that emerges from behind the tree at the last second doesn’t seem to line up with the trajectory of the falling objects in the beginning of the video.

    I realize uap have been observed to make strange unpredictable maneuvers, «blinking» from here to there, so that’s one possibility.

    It’s very hard to be sure, but I believe this might be vfx.

  3. Analysis with annotation:

    In total there are 7 spinning uaps. 6 are visible in the first second with one additional coming in at the end.
    Once they go into motion 1,2 and 3 seem to follow a different path than 5,6 and 7, but somewhat converge to a common point in space. 4 is quite odd since at first it seems to be the headrunner for 5,6 and 7, but then does a J-turn to join 1,2 and 3.
    I think cgi can be most likely ruled out here, since several of the uaps are barely visible through the trees. This is very hard to archieve unless you have the trees as a static front layer. Since the trees are moving and are correctly following camera parallax, the only other option is for manual editing which is quite hard and doesnt seem to be the case here (maybe someone with forensic background can help).
    Still those could be connected kites since there are some spinning kites that come close to that motion. But the paths they follow are quite unintuitive and strange. The only theory i have is that 1,2 and 3 are on a string tugged by a person on the right, and 4, 5,6 and 7 are tugged by a person on the left. 4 could have gotten entagled in the right end string and therefore changes course midair.
    But generally the pulling paths are not always following the right angles to an endpoint on the ground and 5,6, and 7 *emerge* from the ground and do a U turn in the air.
    Also the speeds in which they are pulled would require the strings to be at least on a fishing rod with a homing spule or something like that.
    This all doesnt make a lot of sense.

  4. At the beginning they all move exactly in line with eachother. watch frame by frame they move the exact same amount of pixel inline. First one gets some artifacts when its the only one present and has way too much detail for the distance. Definitely fake.

  5. Honestly I just don’t even know what to believe in anymore. We have reached a point in time where faking a video can look so real that it’s next to impossible to know if something is genuine or not. I’m not saying this video is fake. I’m just saying I don’t know.

  6. My skeptical side would be more inclined to believe these were drones than CGI. Some local business practicing some coordinated stunts or mapping the area for some reason. And at the end of the video they’re just heading back to wherever their launch site was. They look small and a few hundred feet off the ground; small enough and fast enough away to not be entirely distinguishable.

    There’s someone that lives in my neighborhood, no idea who, that’s always flying a drone around. Once it gets up a few hundred feet you have to pay attention to hear it, and it moves super gracefully, and it just kinda looks like a small mass, can’t really make out features. It can look completely still and then just take off, and because it’s so small I’m pretty sure it looks to go faster than it really is. And I’m pretty confident it’s just a hobbyist’s drone, so nothing like a business might have.

    A quick Google search shows a number of UAV-centered businesses in Chicago offering drone based solutions like inspections and mapping. I’m just not buying the CGI thing. But I wouldn’t rule it out just like I wouldn’t rule out them being NHI UAPs.

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