25 комментариев для “Путхофф вчера подтвердил, что мы были внутри корабля. Как вы думаете, как на самом деле выглядит НЛО внутри?”
Different reports claim that the wreckage of crafts didn’t contain visible electronics or wires, that it was all built or embedded into the hull of the craft; and there are claims that they are somehow able to pilot them with their minds. It would be interesting if they were completely bare on the inside except for spots that support the pilots while onboard — and one of the reasons we haven’t made much progress on reverse-engineering them or knowing who/what they’re used for is because they’re baffled of the lack of anything to actually reverse engineer.
Anybody see the Area 51, S-4 “walkthrough”? A 3D company and Bob Lazar working on it. Even the inside of the Sports Model UFO. All gray metal, molded seats, pole in the middle.
While the craft may occupy the terminal domain (spacetime), I believe the beings that operate them are consciously aware of the craft as if it were part of them. Sorta like another appendage if you will.
We’re talking about potential hive mind type consciousness that we don’t understand yet.
Quite a few scientists show evidence that this plane of existence could fundamentally be constructed from a consciousness manifold, and not physical matter. Each of us are required to observe and create shared reality in real time.
Given this hypothesis, I think it’d be a fair bet to say the aliens in question have figured more of this out, and can manipulate their surroundings, and blink themselves out of spacetime. You hear too many stories of them «materializing» in someone’s bedroom, and «overlaying» objects (ships go through walls, objects occupying the same «space») that we believe to be physical structure.
To us? It doesn’t appear to contain anything. It will appear to be perfectly smooth and without form.
With the correct capabilities and technology it will display what the user wants and reflect their thinking and intent.
Don’t think of it like an aircraft cockpit where the controls and interface are set and they define how you interact with them. Instead, think of it as something that responds and reflects what you want it to do, there is more of a direct relationship between you and the craft.
My guess is it looks nothing like these pictures. I think they use their minds to pilot their crafts and all the parameters of the ship are all sent telepathically, so the ship is probably very smooth and bare of any mechanical devices or screens other than ones needed for whatever mission they’re doing.
none of these things have bathrooms. this leads me to believe they are piloted by robots. this would explain why the greys don’t have holes in which to piss or shit out of. they are just advanced biologic robots.
First off, I am no scientist. But I will throw my 2 cents in anyway. The craft themselves are semi alive. They respond to thought. Possibly programmed on a microscopic level. There is no instrumentation. The craft is controlled via symbiosis? (Driver, operator becomes «one with the ship»). Hopefully that was worth 2 cents. And no. No refunds!
What if we all exist in a “craft” now. there has already been discussions and speculation, as well as witness testimony of spacial anomalies when it comes to the inside of the craft. I’m not a “ghost” or “higher dimensional beings cast a 3D shadow” guy. I love the idea that if they can fold space, they can unfold space. I also think perhaps dimensions at all, is a human thing. Imagine we can touch something and describe its texture and existence: rough, smooth, slippery, grippy, hard, soft, elastic, etc. (dildo lol) thats not the same as describing its existence in the space time continuum.
The CARET report said that the material the craft is made of acts as the hardware and the symbols that are carved into it act as the software. The language of the symbols is incredibly complex. The way it was described made the think of the movie Arrival.
If you’ve not read this, it’s extremely fascinating. Fantastic LARP if it’s fiction, but I’ve read similar things elsewhere.
My preferred interior imagery is that depicted in the movie *Flight of the Navigator.* In fact, that’s my favorite depiction of every aspect of such a craft, including capabilities.
Some wild shit in this thread and I like it. Nano subatomic particles that would not have to obey a lot of physics. That could explain an object blinking in and out of what looks like existence instead of bringing in the inter dimension theory. An object reconstituting itself and deconstructing itself.
If we are thinking on the quantum scale. Quantum entanglement and quantum superposition. We could break most of the common physics of this world. Send my craft of particles to earth and send it back.
Then some focker in this thread. Said the craft was cold. Very cold. Like the most intense cold ever to even begin to fathom to control a particle and nano engineer it. My mind is blown. Thank you thread.
The beings would also be nano engineered particles. Explaining away controls because they are one in themselves just particles. They are the craft. Nano engineered beings. That’s like a type 3 society isn’t it.
Different reports claim that the wreckage of crafts didn’t contain visible electronics or wires, that it was all built or embedded into the hull of the craft; and there are claims that they are somehow able to pilot them with their minds. It would be interesting if they were completely bare on the inside except for spots that support the pilots while onboard — and one of the reasons we haven’t made much progress on reverse-engineering them or knowing who/what they’re used for is because they’re baffled of the lack of anything to actually reverse engineer.
Putoff? Where is the link please.
Soft lighting, full of cushions, probably some burning incense, obscure free-form neo dinner-jazz playing in the background.
Tons of piss jugs.
Anybody see the Area 51, S-4 “walkthrough”? A 3D company and Bob Lazar working on it. Even the inside of the Sports Model UFO. All gray metal, molded seats, pole in the middle.
Ok look, just roll to about 33 minutes. https://youtu.be/YQ_MuPcv3BM?si=Vgpl2YB926QfKidF. RD show.
Gun metal grey, rounded edges everywhere. Built-in touch controls. Would love to see one irl
While the craft may occupy the terminal domain (spacetime), I believe the beings that operate them are consciously aware of the craft as if it were part of them. Sorta like another appendage if you will.
We’re talking about potential hive mind type consciousness that we don’t understand yet.
Quite a few scientists show evidence that this plane of existence could fundamentally be constructed from a consciousness manifold, and not physical matter. Each of us are required to observe and create shared reality in real time.
Given this hypothesis, I think it’d be a fair bet to say the aliens in question have figured more of this out, and can manipulate their surroundings, and blink themselves out of spacetime. You hear too many stories of them «materializing» in someone’s bedroom, and «overlaying» objects (ships go through walls, objects occupying the same «space») that we believe to be physical structure.
Man, I wish they would show us.
To us? It doesn’t appear to contain anything. It will appear to be perfectly smooth and without form.
With the correct capabilities and technology it will display what the user wants and reflect their thinking and intent.
Don’t think of it like an aircraft cockpit where the controls and interface are set and they define how you interact with them. Instead, think of it as something that responds and reflects what you want it to do, there is more of a direct relationship between you and the craft.
https://youtu.be/YQ_MuPcv3BM Richard Dolan and his guest show 3D renders from the memory of Bob Lazar at Area 51. This is literally the answer to your question. Project Gravitaur. https://www.projectgravitaur.com
It would be pretty great if you opened up a UFO and it’s just a bunch of hippies in beanbag chairs smoking some really dank weed.
The Nordics probably have IKEA furniture in theirs.
Claimed. Not confirmed. Theres a difference. Do we have even a shred of evidence this is true?
This is a pic from Dj Tiesto set in Barcelona
My guess is it looks nothing like these pictures. I think they use their minds to pilot their crafts and all the parameters of the ship are all sent telepathically, so the ship is probably very smooth and bare of any mechanical devices or screens other than ones needed for whatever mission they’re doing.
none of these things have bathrooms. this leads me to believe they are piloted by robots. this would explain why the greys don’t have holes in which to piss or shit out of. they are just advanced biologic robots.
First off, I am no scientist. But I will throw my 2 cents in anyway. The craft themselves are semi alive. They respond to thought. Possibly programmed on a microscopic level. There is no instrumentation. The craft is controlled via symbiosis? (Driver, operator becomes «one with the ship»).
Hopefully that was worth 2 cents. And no. No refunds!
What if we all exist in a “craft” now. there has already been discussions and speculation, as well as witness testimony of spacial anomalies when it comes to the inside of the craft. I’m not a “ghost” or “higher dimensional beings cast a 3D shadow” guy. I love the idea that if they can fold space, they can unfold space. I also think perhaps dimensions at all, is a human thing. Imagine we can touch something and describe its texture and existence: rough, smooth, slippery, grippy, hard, soft, elastic, etc. (dildo lol) thats not the same as describing its existence in the space time continuum.
The CARET report said that the material the craft is made of acts as the hardware and the symbols that are carved into it act as the software. The language of the symbols is incredibly complex. The way it was described made the think of the movie Arrival.
If you’ve not read this, it’s extremely fascinating. Fantastic LARP if it’s fiction, but I’ve read similar things elsewhere.
You should watch Taken by Steven Spielberg. It shows the inside of an alleged craft.
Like a Bucee’s probably
Now we know what they’ve done with the cattle. Those are leather seats in that ship!
My preferred interior imagery is that depicted in the movie *Flight of the Navigator.* In fact, that’s my favorite depiction of every aspect of such a craft, including capabilities.
Some wild shit in this thread and I like it. Nano subatomic particles that would not have to obey a lot of physics. That could explain an object blinking in and out of what looks like existence instead of bringing in the inter dimension theory. An object reconstituting itself and deconstructing itself.
If we are thinking on the quantum scale. Quantum entanglement and quantum superposition. We could break most of the common physics of this world. Send my craft of particles to earth and send it back.
Here is an article
Then some focker in this thread. Said the craft was cold. Very cold. Like the most intense cold ever to even begin to fathom to control a particle and nano engineer it. My mind is blown. Thank you thread.
The beings would also be nano engineered particles. Explaining away controls because they are one in themselves just particles. They are the craft. Nano engineered beings. That’s like a type 3 society isn’t it.
bob lazar talks about the craft he worked on….no edges all rounded….all out of one peice of material….