Джесси Марсель, один из свидетелей инцидента в Розуэлле, рассказывает об обнаруженных материалах и сокрытии

Джесси Марсель, один из свидетелей инцидента в Розуэлле, рассказывает об обнаруженных материалах и сокрытии

Jesse Marcel, one of the witnesses to the Roswell incident, speaks about the materials discovered and the cover up
byu/Wuhblam inaliens

41 комментарий для “Джесси Марсель, один из свидетелей инцидента в Розуэлле, рассказывает об обнаруженных материалах и сокрытии

  1. I love that no matter how far we’ve come as a species, our primitive instincts are still so prominent.

    “Hey we’ve got this wreckage from a crash belonging to a highly advanced off world intelligence and we can’t figure out what the material is”

    “Aight let me smash it a bit with a sledge hammer and see what’s up”


    “Yeah i dunno”

  2. Many people are wondering where the evidence is and how it could have been kept secret for so long. The answer: there were and are leaks. But they are not taken seriously. This is an advantage for the government. And then there are the sceptics who want to disprove everything and won’t accept it even if the government were to admit it.

    I am sure that the phenomenon is real. There is so much evidence that there is no doubt. The question is, how much do they know? I think research into the phenomenon is more secret than the development of the atomic bomb. They don’t want to share the knowledge with humanity, even if it could help alleviate the suffering on this planet.

    Personally, I am convinced that there is also a shadow government, with a state within a state. I also think that science split in the 1940s. Official science, which is making slow progress, and unofficial science, which is researching in secret and is perhaps centuries ahead of official science. It is quite possible that many scientific conclusions and theories will have to be rewritten after a disclosure.

  3. I don’t think any fair thinking, intelligent person, could ever doubt that Jesse Marcel was speaking anything than 100% truth as he saw/experienced it.

    His honesty, to me shines through as perhaps the most credible ufo witness….Along with Betty and Barney.

  4. The debris was supposedly spread over a size equivalent to ten football pitches. I’ve seen photos of weather balloons and a mogul balloon.

    I struggle to see how something of their size could cover such a large area and also how did a balloon break up to cover such a large area?

    It’s not like a balloon would have been traveling at a massive speed upon impact

  5. I don’t get it. The ship shattered like glass when it supposedly crashed, but the pieces were supposed to be incredibly strong. Why would something made out of such strong materials break apart like that? It doesn’t make a lot of sense….

  6. God bless this guy. Lowkey spent his life aware of a groundbreaking truth, trying to pass it down to a world that didn’t want to hear it. People like this are the modern day equivalent of saints

  7. If this incredibly durable unscathed metal is so strong tell me how it came to be in pieces? Seems like the metal he describes is pretty tough, like a craft made completely out of it would skip over land like a rock on water instead of crashing into pieces. But thats just my take on what I’m hearing

  8. Roswell does a lot of damage to legitimate ufology because so much rests on it, and yet nothing happened.

    The vast majority of the Roswell story is a misinterpretation of events nearly 40 years after the fact. The reports of ‘crashed disks’ etc. weren’t referring to aliens and in fact more terrestrial threats like Russians or the Japanese. Reports of flying saucers weren’t necessarily spaceships in those post WW2 days. Foo fighters were called Foo fighters for a reason.

    We have actual firsthand, historical descriptions of the wreckage by people who held it in their hands (Mac Brazel the rancher, his neighbours et al) and describe it as being made from foil, rubber and balsa wood.

    Couple this with the fact the story requires secret second crash sites — because there were no bodies or spacecraft hulls present on the ranch site — many, many of the witnesses have been confirmed to have never been there — ie hoaxes and even Jesse Marcel has been caught out lying about his past military achievements, means that we really should accept that nothing happened at Roswell.

  9. He’s not lying, he’s not hysterical, we know the Uap is here, we know of many recoveries. Frightening how surreal this all is. I am ready to accept this hardcore new reality.

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