Я знаю, что многие не могут увидеть инопланетянина. Поэтому я использовал фильтр, чтобы лучше выделить детали. Я загрузил то, как это выглядит в оригинальном видео, а затем загрузил второе с фильтром для улучшения детализации.
Я знаю, что многие не могут увидеть инопланетянина. Поэтому я использовал фильтр, чтобы лучше выделить детали. Я загрузил то, как это выглядит в оригинальном видео, а затем загрузил второе с фильтром для улучшения детализации.
I love the thought of an alien just standing there in front of a bunch of people with lights… Don’t run away man.
You think that’s an alien? With big bulging eyes that protrude inches from its head? Rather than just being parts of the truck?? You serious with this garbage?
lol what. Cmon man…
Poor little guy has a roll bar going through his head.
I’ve seen like 5 different versions of where people think the aliens are, at first I was intrigued now it’s just a waste of time. Pareidolia city
I’m a firm believer that aliens are here but this is fucking stupid
Pareidolia so strong people don’t even know what you are pointing at despite you circling and «enhancing» it, lol. It’s a dark blob. No idea what you are thinking you are seeing there.

It’s an alien fucking mantis. How can you not see it?
Lmfao. I STILL don’t see a damn thing and trust me, I WANT to.
Still hardly conclusive of anything other then “vehicle components “.
Shits always blurry or a struggle to see
I still don’t see shit
Hmm, pretty sure it’s the freaking glowing eye in the truck. If you play the video it freaking blinks. One of the details explained was that an“alien” climbed in the truck or whatever. Again, look at the video and focus on the glowing light to the right (inside the cab). Creepy.
First time I’ve seen anything from this video that looked like anything, but I’m still unsure this is a legit ET. I’m going to have to re-watch the video now just to make sure, but I think this frame is probably taken out of context, and when viewed in the full video, we will see its just a part of the truck and some weird reflections.

What in the blue fuck is this shite?! “Ah yes see this crap quality photo here? Yeah you see the black indistinguishable smudge that’s been circled? Friggin alien bro..trust me..alien.” Be so serious. This actually made me sort of mad I kinda hope your power goes out or something.
I’ve seen a thousand attempts at this and every one circles a different part of the picture lmao. Yours is the worst attempt so far by the way.
I hope such posts are removed immediately.
My guess? That’s a short ladder with a hat and sunglasses hanging on it. I do that at work.
how much for the toyota?
Hey, it’s better than the thing behind the wood fence video or the vertical ship with hatches next to the forklift picture.
The closest thing I have seen to an alien 👽 in this case.
I, for one, believe they saw something real, and it wasn’t a hoax…..my opinion.
And to be far, it’s probably part of the truck. 🛻
Is he waving in the alien parade?
I can’t see nothing 😕
I thought the aliens were 9ft tall?
What type of car is built for an 8 or 9ft tall alien?
I found a good frame from that area in the video that looks like a body hiding behind the red truck ( it looks like it’s a bit further back actually ), with two big black round circular shapes that resemble what they describe the eyes to look like. I’m not sure how to share it in the comments here though ( Reddit noob here )
If you go frame by frame at the last 25 second, there seems to be slight movement there also,
I’ve cropped the image and played with the brightness+ contrast, and it definitely helps to outline the figure in question, it even sort of looks like you can see a torso and arms.
I am still sceptical though, it could just be Pareidolia and video artifacts, But I am intrigued after starting to go through each frame of the video.
I’m just commenting because I don’t think this case deserves the ridicule it is getting.
That grilled cheese sandwich that looks like the Virgin Mary was more convincing than this.
Huh? I thought they were further back. Your arrow is covering him he’s a huge bald head between the two yellow dozers behind the glass of the first one its brow and eye sockets totally move and everything in the video he’s all green-lit under that palm
Dude the alien dipped our as soon as it quickly fixes it shit an poof gone there nothing to be seen leave it alone you can go out side right now take a picture of that truck or any truck an zoom in an find the same crap get for Cereal
So sicker you guys not being so Cereal
Clearly.. «not a mirror» at least. Omg lolol.
Look, I don’t know what it is, but what I do know is that THEY know where you live. Get you a solid camera system with night vision, for all points around your home, stock up on guns and ammo.
That’s absolutely nothing
That’s a concrete mixer. The alien head is the cylinder it goes inside and spins, the T shape steel is what it sits on. The two things in front if that is an upside down wheelbarrow. Fairly standard concrete dudes truck bed. It’s also on wheels and the concrete mixer that’s the aliens head could be lose so it’s sort of bounce but it moves independently regardless
Looks like gym equipment. My wife bought a DB method thing and it looked exactly like this when I put it out for bulk pickup
F*n Roger again… it’s always Roger. Someone call Stan Smith and get his pal back to the house.