Корбелл задал Лакацкому следующий вопрос: «Вы рассказали нам, потому что вам разрешили сообщить нам, что наше правительство владеет НЛО и может получить доступ к его внутренней части, верно?» Лакацкий ответил: «Да, мне разрешили вам сказать».
Corbell put the following question to Lacatski:
“You told us because you were allowed to tell us that our government has a UFO in its possession and has been able to access the inside of it, right?”
Lacatski responded:
“Yes, I was allowed to tell you.” https://t.co/r59L4y7KuE
— Christopher Sharp (@ChrisUKSharp) October 17, 2023
If true let the dominoes fall. A big government scandal on cover-up and black funds on the one hand. On the other, let the scientific community see these things and contribute their understanding.
This guy is getting a lot of flak over his non-answers and secrecy, from myself included. However, this is pretty much the confirmation we have been begging for.
A firsthand witness confirming that there is at least one craft we have possession of. A 4Chan guy validation, every craft is different. Similar general properties but they are all different.
This should be headline news not hidden away and we should be focusing more on the actual revelations here.
Lacataki gave off serious breakaway civilization and / or time traveler vibes in this interview. I believe he stated something to the effect of «if people knew the full capabilites of the human race they would be shocked».
Corbel and Knapp asked some awesome questions and pursued them throughout. Excellent interview by both of these guys.
Seems like some groups or agencies, inside the US government support disclosure , while others are adamantly opposed.
Let the infighting began .
I would normally be hell fired up, but frankly I can barely afford groceries and it’s a wonder how I still have a roof over my head, let me know when they taking prisoners or a free flight out of here,
Show me the monnnnn eeee ….
Yeah, sure, bro trust me. What else?
Ufo does not denote origin. It could have been a foreign spy ballon for all we know.
Something something. «Dr» Steven Greer. Lost me already
My money is that these guys are being paid by some contracting agency that stands to earn big bucks off of convincing congress imaginary aliens pose a national security threat.
Human greed seems far more likely to me than an incompetent gov, keeping something that important that secret for so long.
Just watched the YouTube video Jeremy Corbell versus Stanton Friedman. If anyone hasn’t seen it, it’s worth a watch. https://youtu.be/6ZVtTLkftmg?si=mOUSy6uoeVj9AGan