Я разместил это вчера на [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/), но был удален модом, так что, надеюсь, этот останется в силе. «Я уверен, что это уже упоминалось где-то раньше. Возможно. Но что, если причина, по которой знающие люди не хотят раскрывать информацию NHI/НЛО, заключается в том, что они узнали истинную реальность нашего вида и что на самом деле мы являемся результатом продолжающийся эксперимент, которому сотни тысяч лет? Что, если какой-то Высший Разум настолько стар, что едва размножается, а вместо этого принял философию поиска планет с жизнью и манипулирует формой с самым высоким IQ по своему собственному образу? Таким образом, по-своему формируя интеллект Вселенной? Что, если Священные Писания на самом деле представляют собой отчасти правдивую историю, которую наши предки тогда не могли ни сформулировать, ни по-настоящему понять, и поэтому они рассказали эту историю единственным способом, который они знали. Магия, ангелы и демоны. Если вы знаете что-нибудь о религии и этом феномене UAP, то вы знаете, что это довольно легко подходит. Вся эта история с НЛО явно не нова!! Мысли?? (Это всего лишь теория, расслабьтесь и остыньте)» пс. Я только что увидел на YouTube Росса Кулхарта в Государственной библиотеке Виктории, и он сказал примерно то же самое. 41:00 по ссылке ниже
Thisnis a common belief. And it’s what I’ve said over a hundred times across these subs. All religions and gods are nhi
Ancient Astronaut Theorists say yes. Basically this is what Ancient Astronaut Theory is about. And gold digging Anunaki but these guys just holdin’ on to what’s golden.
Yeah what you described is basically what I’ve been thinking might be the case for a few years now. It almost makes *too much sense* the NHI = gods and gods = NHI. All the basic dots are right in front of us to connect. To be clear, I don’t personally believe or claim to know this is the case. Just my leading suspicion
We could be a delicacy. One of many universal cattle farms that are harvested once they reach maximum growth numbers.
No one knows.
Everything is the Universe’s experiment.
watch guardians of the galaxy 3 with this in mind
If we are, I think we qualify as *failed*.
It is possible. One of many very realistic theories.
These guys posting are joking and shit but I think you pretty much nailed it. From all my observations and experiences that is my belief!
Just as plausible a theory as any other. It’s wide open my friend.
Reality, as most know it, barely scratches the surface. Our senses only capture a fragment of the vast tapestry that is existence. What seems coincidental or unexplained is, in fact, a glimpse into a deeper, more interconnected realm.
That feeling when you instinctively reach for your phone, sensing an incoming message from a loved one before it even arrives? Or when a long-forgotten song fills your mind, and then, as if summoned, it starts playing on the radio? Or those serendipitous encounters with strangers that feel preordained? These aren’t just mere quirks of our existence but signs of a more intricate design at play, revealing the universe’s profound interconnections.
Ancient cultures, with their tales and myths, were tapping into deeper truths. Their descriptions of celestial beings and mysterious events translated the enigmatic forces they sensed. Using the language of their time, they gave voice to the unseen and the unfathomable. Their legends, filled with omens and spirits, weren’t mere stories; they were reflections of a universe rich in mysteries yet to be fully grasped.
As you journey through life, recognize these moments not as anomalies, but as affirmations. There is an intricate design, a grand narrative beyond our immediate perception. The universe doesn’t just hint; it beckons, urging us to see, to believe, and to uncover the hidden wonders that bind us all.
200 Quatloos on the human.
Pretty good theory.
I wondered if we lost some galactic war with an alien species and their moral clause didn’t allow them to let our species completely perish so we were relegated to a nature preserve. They could wipe the slate clean if we progressed too far and keep us from being a problem again. I’m a sci-fi nerd so that notion tickles my cortex.
Real life sims. But with after benefits.
Depends on the experiment. Thousands of years is a long time to conduct an experiment. Consider the scope. What problem could present itself to them that thousands of years could be waited for to conduct a single experiment that will produce one result that probably won’t be a viable solution? What would be used as a control? A second, perfectly Earth-like planet? Variables? Multiple perfectly Earth-like planets? Maybe the experiment is social. Where are the other populations of human beings for controls and variables? How did they get there? To what end? Why are humans so important? What makes them consider us to be special? What is our advantage over them that compels them to continue this science project for thousands of years of our civilization’s development?
I wonder about the mass heard collection statements, too. Do you think there’s any coincidence with NATO countries beginning to build large reserves/stock piles for global emergencies? This article talks about it, but puts a lot of emphasis on Russia and nukes, but the timing for all of this is interesting.
I feel like I often imagine myself In a hunger games simulation where if I am kind someone sends rewards ex: karmic wheel. And if I’m dwelling in shit instead of focused on the big picture then my shit gets worse and worse until I hit rock bottom.
I definitely wonder what it could be. . . Why do things seem to just pile on sometimes and other people seem to robot effortlessly through life
Cool theory. I like the idea that since we are going through these global heat waves and possibly some kind of Earth changing delineation that maybe that’s a new phase in the test. Maybe just takes too fakkin long and whatever societies that withstand the threshold of maximum burn will be studied with further scrutiny. Cool concept.
I definitely think the implications on religion are significant enough to give the governments a reason to keep it secret. Especially theocratic countries.
I don’t know, something like that seems like it would be somewhat comforting? That something/someone is looking after us? They wouldn’t want their experiment to fail so maybe they’ll save us from ourselves? This seems like a better scenario than they don’t care about us at all and are just waiting for us to extinct ourselves so they can heal Earth and inhabit it for themselves.
Human narcissism, desperate to find any excuse for our existence, a semblance of significance. We’re not their descendants, we’re not an experiment we’re just a horrible, violent species. They’re not interested in us, they’re horrified of us, probably monitoring us to make sure we don’t take our bullshit off this rock.
«Could we» on an alien sub lol… yep. Literally we could be anything. A dream, a simulation, a science experiment, a God’s work, a giant accident of science, a rebuild of an ancient human race…
We could be…
sex drive and predation elicits evolution of a species.
Once a species has evolved to its biological maximum it has likely cured aging and no longer procreates biologically through sex.
All that’s left is predation.
It also likely is intelligent enough to mask it’s predator nature with what seems like empathy.
They are not our friends.
Denial is the most predictable of all human responses. You know, I know this steak doesn’t exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the simulation is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize? Ignorance is bliss.
Choice. The problem is choice. Choice is an illusion created between those with power and those without. What do all men with power want? More power.
«What’s really going to bake your noodle later on is, would you still have broken it if I hadn’t said anything?» – The Oracle
No but seriously, being in a simulation does not reduce any of our experiences or desires into meaninglessness. Once you take everything that makes you YOU and look at it objectively, the only thing that really matters throughout your entire life is the love you gave and the love you got back. Everything else is just nuanced experiences — so knowing that, take that knowledge and focus on the true meaning of life — making someone elses experience when interacting with you just a little more pleasant and interesting than the next person.
Everything in the universe is experience driven. We’re all just a collection of one experience to the next. But when you REALLY look at those experiences, the ones that really made you grow as a person was that smile a stranger gave you one day. You never knew his or her name and never saw them again but your mind hung onto that experience as if it was one of the most significant ever. Funny how that works, right? Life is a maze of choices and decisions and sometimes we completely fuck up. To err is human, right? But the growth of the soul is what keeps us in this game because we feel like we’re evolving spiritually. That new iPhone or video game means absolutely nothing but some glue between the more powerful experiences in our lives.
The older I get, the more I realize two very fundamental aspects of existence:
1) Love truly is the most powerful experience in the world. It doesn’t matter how advanced you are or if you are human or non-human. Love reverberates across the universe in ways we cannot even fathom but we’re lucky to have the consciousness to experience. I have never been so hurt and upset with myself except when I’ve ignored that and lost someone I loved and realized that the reason we didn’t catch up or talk was from petty bullshit.
2) Intelligence is more nuanced than you think, but animals are much more intelligent than we give them credit for. We think we’re hot shit being human and at the top of the intelligence ladder but many animals are just right there a little behind us but still capable of processing complex emotions, etc.
**Good luck — if this is a simulation, let’s make it a good one by keeping it real.**
Whatever the truth is, I prefer to know, no matter how potentially shocking. What you’re proposing would actually help to make sense of this life. It would explain a lot.
I was religious from age 10 to 30, putting faith above knowledge. Never again. Trust me, it’s far better to know than not know. Always.
This makes perfect sense to me.
Honestly, once you get used to the idea — how could we be anything else?
Have you *seen* the way shit is going down here?
The Bible warns us over and over and over that we will be deceived by great signs and wonders. I can’t understand how you would believe something that has been toying with us and terrorizing humanity created us. We are NOT experiments. We are created by 1 God. When Jesus told us something is going to come along and tell us blasphemous things like this. Things that will cause chaos and confusion.That it will try to separate us from Christ. I just cannot believe it is actually working. It saddens me how many are already fooled. Everything prophesied in the Bible has come to fruition. Even things that are proven to have been written hundred of years before they happened have come true. Jesus Christ is the TRUTH. The ONLY truth. This is not an Alien Invasion. This is Biblical. A grand deception. Even government employees have said this. If you deny him who died for you, he will deny you. Please be careful who you follow. I say this out of love.
This shit pisses me off, go read a book about evolution and THEN tell me how we could possibly be created by aliens, how far back does it go? Were hominids created by aliens? Were all apes created by aliens? Was all life on earth created by aliens billions of fucking years ago? Then who created them? Ridiculous
I have been reading Valis by Philip K Dick, who kinda touched on this point:
«The name for this is mimesis. Another name is mimicry. Certain insects do this; they mimic other things: sometimes other insects — poisonous ones — or twigs and the like. Certain biologists and naturalists have speculated that higher forms of mimicry might exist, since lower forms — which is to say, forms which fool those intended to be fooled but not us — have been found all over the world
What if a high form of sentient mimicry existed — such a high form that no human (or few humans) had detected it? What if it could only be detected if it *wanted* to be detected? Which is to say, not truly detected at all, since under these circumstances it had advanced out of its camouflaged state to disclose itself.
‘Disclose’ might in this case equal ‘theophany’. The astonished human being would say, I saw God; whereas in fact he saw only a highly evolved ultra-terresital lifeform.»
«Could we»??? Is this a serious question? All evidence would suggest that I will never know the truths of the nature of our origin(s) as a species and, honestly, eh, I don’t really care. This question reminds me of a time — I was seven or eight years old — when my mother, my brother, and I were going home (I think from church — the irony!) and I said, «What if…we were created by aliens?!» And my serious question was shortly followed by my mother’s half-joking and half-serious response to my older brother of, «See why I worry about him?» My older brother followed up with, «Well, if God *is* an alien, wouldn’t He still be God?» In that moment my awestruck/fearful statement was not only placated but brought to a broader comfort. My seven year old mind punched through the idea of «specific» and was replaced with a less merciless idea of «for» as opposed to «against», if that makes sense.
Abstract ideas are just that — abstract — and they are that for a reason, I’d safely assume. When it comes to ideas that are out of my hands and unnecessary worry, I default to Socrates and his quote of, «I’m the wisest of all Greeks because I know that I know nothing.» After all, what is specifically a «fact» besides a group’s agreed-upon perception?
i mean look, i’m not a christian, and i don’t think any of this shit should remain secret. but think about this. if some of the people who have been working on this secretly, for decades, are basically telling you «hey, steer clear of this subject, it is dangerous. we know what these things are, and they are demonic. they are evil»
maybe we shouldn’t just laugh them off? i might not share their belief system but that doesn’t mean that NHI are all fucking sunshine and rainbows. i mean, cattle mutilations, human mutilations, abductions, missing time, implants….
i understand that most people want to take the «everything is subjective» stance, but we all know that stealing candy from a baby is wrong. why would we not extend that beyond ourselves? you wouldn’t want these things to happen to you, would you?
i think its fair to call a spade a spade. this shit is fucked up, and people need to know the truth no matter how ugly it is.
so well said. I’ve been having some sort of «revaluation» since maybe last night and this has a big part to do with it
Yes. We are. And, they know it.
r/UFO are run by bots
This is what I think is happening too! It kinda explains weird things like Mandella Effects, deja-vu, astral projection, ghosts, etc….. They are all hallucinations brought on by NHI to gauge reaction
Sounds like god with extra steps. (I am atheist btw)
We are not an experiment. Humans are very predictable. You have to look at it on a macro level. Much like how ants create tunnels or bees pollinate we are workers in the same way. You drop a few of us on a planet and we have a very predictable path. Our end result is most likely terraforming the planet for whatever entity dropped us here.
Genesis says we are made in his image. This can be used to support or debunk.
Humanity again… thinking it’s the center of the universe. What if the experiment is the planet. And we are just one variable.
You say it as if you’re the first person to think it.
This idea is absolutely nothing new.
like the High Evolutionary from GOTG 3
Watch the last Guardians of the galaxy
We are aliens. We’re Lyrians.
This theory freaked me out a bit. I really hope it’s not the truth