Видео Агуадилья УАП

https://youtu.be/ObveydkSXgU Я немного покопался и нашел это любительское видео, которое, как мне кажется, скорее всего, является тем же самым UAP, снятым на видео FLIR, это был тот же год и то же место. Что вы думаете, ребята?

4 комментария для “Видео Агуадилья УАП

  1. My family is from PR and I lived there for a few years. The amount of sightings is iinsane. Also the chupacabra phenomenon swept the island in 90s. I wonder why they like that part of Caribbean. My God mother may she rest peace claims to have seen NHI and the next day when she went to examine the area they were in she claims she the are was covered in Ashes. Many witnesses reported seeing raise out of the water.

  2. Chinese Puerto Ricans are at it again .

    They remind me of weather balloons , you never seen one in everyday life, but if there’s been a UAP report , no matter the circumstances or location ,then a CL or WB has made an appearance there .

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