You have to be extremely specific when filing these requests. They will let you know if they don’t have what you’re asking for (or at least that’s what they’ll tell you). The fact that this was returned at all proves that whatever inquiry was sent…they do have data on it. They just won’t tell us what it is. This is still good.
Sometimes you wonder… so many mysteries of the universe could be resolved if you could just look through black holes and black lines of classified CIA docs.
Vent: So, this was also posted to r/ufos but some mod deleted it because he tought this was a meme.
Sometimes, I wonder….
How could you think this is a meme when it’s an authentic document that Stanton Friedman received after his FOIA request. Also I shared the site where I found this in the post. It seems a good site with a lot of infos regarding Ufos, aliens etc.
My favorite part is the black spots.
We’re all mushrooms. Kept in the dark and fed shit.
You have to be extremely specific when filing these requests. They will let you know if they don’t have what you’re asking for (or at least that’s what they’ll tell you). The fact that this was returned at all proves that whatever inquiry was sent…they do have data on it. They just won’t tell us what it is. This is still good.
I giggled… than Remembered this is quite acute and accurate; now I am depressed :***[***
«Alien creature approached and spoke the following:
«Bring me to Joe»
I replied: «Who is Joe?»
Alien replied: «Joe mama.» Alien then reboarded craft, which immediately flew off at remarkable speed.»
Found this on [this site, which you should check out. ]( many interesting cases, pictures, witnesses reports and also some debunking. Came across his [page]( while looking for a case in europe.
Looks like the typical foia from my local police dept

This is what my apologies to my wife look like
«What? We gave you the stupid documents!» -the gov’t, later
Wow, I can’t believe that they left as much unredacted as they did! Lol
Yo, I heard you like redacted, so I redacted inside the redacted parts with more redacted!
Maybe if you ask for : Unredacted — Style, next time…..
I knew we could coax the government into admitting disclosure. We won! Let’s celebrate!
Wait. What? This doc states that I’m being investigated for what? Get outta here!
This is HUGE
Sometimes you wonder… so many mysteries of the universe could be resolved if you could just look through black holes and black lines of classified CIA docs.
Guys… it’s dark matter!!
That’s all the evidence I need to know whatever’s being said isn’t true is the truth
Fucking trolls, defund that department I say
Sometimes, I wish someone would just leak all this shit.
Vent: So, this was also posted to r/ufos but some mod deleted it because he tought this was a meme.
Sometimes, I wonder….
How could you think this is a meme when it’s an authentic document that Stanton Friedman received after his FOIA request. Also I shared the site where I found this in the post. It seems a good site with a lot of infos regarding Ufos, aliens etc.
Anyway, just wanted to vent a little.
So true lol
So true lol
Can’t AI or some computer genus write an algorithm , to remove the black and determine what’s under there ?
D███ █. J███ ██ █ h█ ███
we maybe have something here. if someone can use his vfx talent to uncover whats under the black clouds, we maybe will know!
The last time I saw this shit was during the Covid-19 redacted mails.